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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Who is the original source for the myth that Lenin was a German agent? I was watching this mainstream youtube video from a channel I normally like called "Voices of the Past." He mostly reads out primary sources from history. It is ordinarily """unbiased"" and understood simply to be historical primary sources read out loud. But when it comes to soviet/communist stuff he becomes a turbolib and starts editorializing. Look at the ad read on the video, for example. 3:55 "Just like privacy and freedom of speech was constrained in the USSR…" It starts with those words. The ad read starts with those words. He has exited the first person of the primary source and has entered into his own editorializing. But of course which primary sources he chooses to read also constitutes a form of editorializing too. There is no escaping politics. Later on in the video, the primary source he has chosen to read, one Pitirim Sorokin, says that when Lenin returned to Petrograd, he was very rich, and so was Trotsky, and that they made a speech that "even embarrassed the extreme left." and that they were basically sent there by the Germans to destabilize Russian society. This is presented without comment by the uploader but you can tell that the comment section is eating it up and really like this idea. If you bring up OPERATION AJAX etc. in a Youtube comment section, you get called a conspiracy theorist, but if you bring up this shit about Lenin, people reinforce it.


>Who is the original source for the myth that Lenin was a German agent?
Probably Kerensky.


id rather look at lenins actions and words than this


yeah of course. another thing that is very sus about this video is that this "diary" keeps proclaiming that Lenin somehow "made inevitable" a German invasion even though Russia and Germany had already been at war for years, and Lenin actually made peace with Germany possible by signing Brest Litovsk.


If anyone was a German agent it was Stalin considering how much he helped the nazis at first.


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pls no derail


the irony is this is an actual conspirancy theory


Original source? It is unlikely to be identified, tsarist russia was obsessed with germanophobia and spy hysteria from the beginning of the war, especially when it started to lose it. The monarchists labeled any anti-war or revolutionary movement as bought by the german general staff. The same thing was true for provisional government after february revolution, but that time german spies were the bolsheviks and the left soc-revolutionaries, the main opposition. After october and during the civil war the supposed connection between the bolsheviks and the germans was one of the central propaganda pieces of the white army, with antisemitic flavour of course. The so-called evidences of the bolsheviks working for german intelligence were are fake documents created by polish writer Ferdynand Osendowski during the february revolution, then sold to the american journalist (and CPI operative) Edgar Sisson and transported to the USA. Those fakes later known as Sisson Documents became the centerpiece of the The German-Bolshevik Conspiracy, the pamphlet created by USA Committee on Public Information. So, basically it was the first infowar attack of glowies on soviet republic.


>and that they were basically sent there by the Germans to destabilize Russian society
That's basically true though. Not in the sense that Lenin was literally an employee of the German government, but they arranged for his return to Russia knowing that once there he would agitate and cause all sorts of problems for the Russian government. This was later exaggerated (iirc by the Mensheviks), and it was said he was literally a German glowie rather than a revolutionary the German government simply knew would disrupt the Russian war effort.


An author whose name I don't recall charmingly described Lenin's sealed train as history's most devastating cruise missile.


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I'm putting an end to this. The myth of the German agents was made up by the Provisional government, on Kerensky's orders, during the July Crisis to blame the military disaster of the Kerensky Offensive and the ongoing social unrest on the Bolsheviks and discredit/repress any revolutionary opposition. The original claim came from a fake testimony given by a Russian army intelligence officer called Dmitri Yermolenko, who alleged that the Bolshevik leaders were on the payroll of the German General Staff, and this was presented as evidence by the provisional government. Right wing media outlets regurgitated this claim, intending to discredit and shatter the Bolsheviks' popularity. It was spread by both allies and tsarists afterwards, and by 1918 similar stories were being published on American newspapers. As mentioned ITT these type of political accusations weren't a new thing in Russia and the Sisson papers later marked a new attempt to legitimize the claims.
<A popular right-wing newspaper published ‘documents’ alleging that Lenin had been in the pay of the German General Staff; and writs were issued for the arrest of Lenin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev. The documents could be recognized at a glance as a clumsy fabrication. The witness who produced them, a certain Yermolenko, turned out to be a former stool-pigeon, now in the service of military counter-intelligence. But at first the impression made by the accusation was devastating [1]
Trotsky also came under attack, by a Kadet-owned newspaper:
<Ryech, Miliukov’s paper, published a story that before his departure from New York Trotsky had received 10,000 dollars from German-Americans, which he was to use for defeatist agitation in Russia. In less respectable newspapers the German General Staff figured as the source of the money (…) [Trotsky] remarked ironically that the German-Americans or the German General Staff apparently considered the overthrow of a régime in an enemy country an extremely cheap affair, costing only 10,000 dollars. He attacked the sources from which the story emanated, saying that it had come from Sir George Buchanan, the British Ambassador. The Ambassador denied the charge, but this did not prevent Miliukov from claiming that he had the story from that source. [2]

>but Germany sent Lenin in a sealed train

Yes, but this always ignores the context. What they really fail to mention is that the German government organized the passage to Russia for many people from all political groups, not just Lenin and the Bolsheviks. They sent SocDems, SRs, Mensheviks, moderate socialists, labor zionists, Bundists and even anarchists [3]. And, as Isaac Deutscher wrote, "Lenin had resolved to travel through Germany only after all other routes, via France and England, had been denied to him". Finally, by the time Lenin got in power, even AFTER signing the peace treaty, German aggression against Russia continued as German forces occupied parts of the Don, Georgia and Crimea. So at this point claiming that Lenin and Germany were buddies is just ridiculous.

>but German wired money

Partly true. The German government indeed allocated funds for political propaganda in enemy countries, and I'll quote the historian Alexander Rabinowich to explain:
<It is now known that during World War I the Germans expended a substantial sum for the purpose of disrupting Russian internal affairs and that a portion of this money was funneled to the Bolsheviks. Relevant sources suggest, however, that most Bolshevik leaders, not to speak of the party’s rank and file, were unaware of these subventions. While Lenin seems to have known of the German money there is no evidence that his policies or those of the party were in any way influenced by it. Ultimately, this aid did not significantly affect the outcome of the revolution. As for the July events, the charge that the uprising was instigated by Lenin in cooperation with the Germans was obviously groundless; from mid-June on, as we have seen, Lenin had worked with energy to prevent an insurrection from breaking out. [4]

And lastly, what totally destroys this myth with great irony is the fact that Lenin and the Bolsheviks actually contributed to the downfall of the German Empire. The German divisions and prisoners returning from the Eastern Front were significantly affected and demoralized by all the revolutionary propaganda they encountered, which they had never seen before. German commander-in-chief Erich Ludendorff describes with regret [5]:
<A decided deterioration in the army’s moral resulted from the re-enrolment, after long leave, of soldiers returned from captivity in Russia. They introduced a spirit of general insubordination, showing itself particularly in definite refusal to return to the front, thinking that, like the prisoners of war exchanged from England and France, they were under no obligation to fight any longer.
<Divisions recently removed from East to West had not done well under their new conditions and I had had very unfavourable reports of them. In spite of the shortage of men, drafts from the East were received with the greatest reluctance. They brought a bad moral and had an unfavourable effect on their fellows.
Luddendorff blamed it on "Bolshevik propaganda" and "Jew traders in the East", and admitted that the Russian Revolution had a major effect on Germany's collapse:
<How often had I not hoped for a revolution in Russia in order that our military burden might be alleviated (…) At that time I never contemplated the possibility that it might undermine our own position later on
<Looking back I can see that our decline obviously began with the outbreak of the Revolution in Russia
<While Bolshevism showed itself officially obsequious towards Germany, was able to undermine the fighting power of the German people in a way that the Entente alone, despite blockade and propaganda, could never have done
General Max Hoffman, Luddendorff's chief of staff who signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, had similar thoughts on Vladimir Lenin:
<"Lenin was the Entente's best ally; without Bolshevism in Russia you could have not won the war" [6]

tl;dr not only lenin was no german agent but he helped put an end to the german empire. also disinformation is a hell of a drug

Sources and links:
1, 2. Trotsky: The Prophet Armed 1879-1921. Isaac Deutscher
3. http://wiki.istmat.org/%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%84:%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BD
4. The Bolsheviks Come to Power, The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd – New Edition. Alexander Rabinowitch
5. My War Memories – Volume II. Erich Ludendorff
6. Armed Intervention in Russia 1918-1922. W.P. Coates and Zelda K. Coates
A physical copy of the Yermolenko testimony: https://hermitagefineart.com/en/lots/2022-march-east-european-art/400/


Kornilov, who himself was a German spy released from German captivity (but who claimed that he just ran away)


ITT - "what is an agent?"


Someone who's gone pro


Someone who ages.


b-but i thought lenin is young again??


As a believer of lenin myself, lenin, i can safely say, yes, i am young once again


Dialectically based.


Amazing effortpost. You da real MVP.


Thanks anon, hope it was useful.


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Thanks. An answer like this was what I was hoping this thread would get. Much appreciated!


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screenshot for posterity


IIRC the train was not sealed though as their were issues around Lenin and co agitating workers on the trains stops.
Maybe I'm wrong but I distinctly remember reading this.

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