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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Been seeing leftoids trying to rally against expropriations on social media. Why would communists rally to defend a property-owning section of society from being expropriated? Communism is the movement of the entirely propertyless mass of proletarians, it's not their job to aid property owners from attempting to preserve or retrieve their property.


property owners cynically use marxist or communist talking points to promote their viewpoint and safeguard their interests. proof; nazi germany


The petit bourgeois have done this all the time in recent history sadly. Always trying to get the proletarian to fight their battles against the haute bourgeois.


bourgeois infighting should be promoted though. we should be supporting tiktok against the ban for example, not because we have a stake in investing in tiktok, but because tiktok represents a bourgeoisie that is in a weaker position compared to the dominant domestic bourgeoisie, like mark zuckerberg, who have a stake in reducing competition to their business franchises.


As a communist you shouldn't waste your time or the proletarian's time helping the petit bourgeois get richer, lol. You lost me, this is retarded third-worldist logic (defending a company with an insane net worth, too!). I'm not even American so this is doubly retarded to me.


really? because it sounded like you made this thread specifically to vaguely skirt around the tiktok controversy while denouncing leftists who have a stake in promoting bourgeois infighting.


Sauce? Your post is shit btw.


awooga awooga


>Been seeing leftoids trying to rally against expropriations on social media.

could you be more…. specific?


>something something social media
Don't care. Die.





<on social media
And by that I assume twitter / reddit / some other coreweb site. Sounds like a you problem.


Not sure what this is even about but
that's a bingo


Came here specifically to tell us how he doesn't care
Yeah you're a simpleton OP
get better


Replace all social media with the fediverse


how would federated image boards work and why dont they already exist?


someone posts child porn and has the image replicated across all nodes lmao


every fediverse instance ive seen is the same drama-filled dogshit as twitter lol. love this anarkiddy logic that shitty things are automatically good just because theyre "descentralized" or whatever buzzword of the month theyre into


couldn't the boards federated with eachother just hotlink? They could make hotlinking exceptions for eachother if any exist in the firstplace.


Skill issue, every instance I've used has been chill.


I’m just curious, I’m assuming most of you live in some type of property or own property of some kind.

If someone were to come kick you out and says it’s theirs now lmao, how would you feel and what would you do


Tie them up in the national park hanging from their wrists in a tree




expropriating from who?


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Leftoids as a political collective always boil down to the petit-bourgeois fear of expropriation, of becoming proletarianized, left without reserves. Scratch hard enough and you'll find that all of their aims are directed towards stalling it, which spells doom for their class.

As an example, I just saw a post talking about the whole 'Project 2025' conspiracy theory and alleging it would lead to a 'fascist dictatorship'. Amongst the things listed as part of it was stuff like student loans, healthcare affordability, taxpayer money shit and so on. Now, a proletarian without reserves is already incapable of affording to go to college, or proper medical care, let alone anything about income tax. So whom are these really directed to? They're clearly meant for panicked petit-bourgeois fearful of losing their class privileges.

What is for the petit-bourgeois the end of the world and society ('fascist dictatorship') is but the normal everyday reality for the proletarian. Leftists desire to prevent the expropriation of the middle class, not organize proletarians already entirely disposessed.

All these theories and conspiracies are nothing but a reflection of this collective fear and panic in critical times, when expropriation is a looming reality for a sizeable section of the middle class. Ironically, in this aspect antifa leftists share something with '30s fascists.


>and why dont they already exist?
They do, they're just not noteworthy.


The imageboard format and how ActivityPub (the protocol that most of the fediverse uses) are structurally incompatible


A pathetic excuse. They told me lemmy was "incompatible with mastodon" (literally not true they already had activitypub hookups) so i made a site with both frontends to make it official. You will not survive the winter


Gib link then


What expropriations? Are you talking about the AI art IP debacle or in general?


One thing I like about furry artists is they actually commit they don't do the bullshit with the cat ears and also the human ears
I just don't get why they have to go and create like a furry ideology it comes off way more obviously fake and gay than when gays do the whole fetish for democrats thing


What furry ideology


What do you want them, stop being political? You cannot just make someone put their interests into the closet, especially on the Internet where everything is intermingled. Just let them LARP, maybe something will come out of it after all.


The practice of treating furries as a minority group for political purposes is what I refer to there


I want all those sweet first world snowflakes in the trenches, droned to enlightenment.


I mean we are pretty much. It used to be a lot worse in the 2000s, like 10 years ago someone tried to bomb a furry convention with chlorine


That's not what a minority group is anon. What do you think a minority group is?


We're probably going to be going against each other before too long here


>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question

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