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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.1799130[View All]

This party sucks shit. It's constantly pissing everyone off and for the past decade it's been on a war path against anything "erotic" and now they are turning its attention towards the most popular manga magazine shonen jump and telling its followers to snitch adult magazines to the United Nations!

Genius moves ostracizing yourselves even more with manga authors and youth, the party is bleeding members fast and they think to prioritize meddling with manga. What's the deal with this party?
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sorry bro no thinking here only outrage


took me a few minutes to find the literal jcp newspaper from that link though? the questionnaire itself has been translated in this thread and clearly states the survey goes to the UN to make it a hassle. here are two leftist lawyers denouncing the effort


Hell the original tweet that exposed it is some porno journalist and full of info such as the JCP been lobbying coomer removal for years


What can the UN even do?


just lobby the shit out of you, Japan has 100s of NGO's with UN status and all it takes is getting one lawmaker on your side. There certainly is some misunderstanding regarding all of this from the usual bunch, JCP doesn't from what I see support laws banning "fanservice manga" but supports it not being allowed to be sold in public spheres, such as zoning it. Back in 2016 they got porn removed from eyesight of kids in airports(eventually fully removed), 2019 they had all adult magazines removed in corner shops by lobbying the union UA Zensen and they caved and today we have this.

A lot probably can see some sense in their past actions, but taking away possible sales from mangaka enrages a lot


Lenin is absolutely not a puritan. You look at Chernyshevsky, Russian utopists and all these crazy (in a good way) thinkers who thought up new experiment in communal sexuality who influenced Lenin to some degree. Being disgusted at the vulgar promiscuity of capitalist society does not make you a puritan. On the contrary, it makes you anti-puritan, because it is in puritanistic and self righteous countries you will always find the most abhorrent form of sexual humiliation, commodification and violence being encouraged on a daily basis


incredible rationalization of moralism


more stuff on pornography, feminism, censorship, etc

>Here is one topical example of how this might happen. Some feminists object to pornography on the grounds that it harms women. Others claim that pornography may not always be harmful to women and may even sometimes be liberating and beneficial. It seems that there is genuine disagreement here. But is there? Not necessarily. For the two sides might mean different things by “pornography.” Suppose that feminists who object to pornography are defining “pornography” as sexually explicit material that subordinates women. So, pornography, for them, is that subset of sexually explicit material that in fact harms women. This definition makes it definitionally true that pornography, wherever it exists, is bad for women. Those who defend pornography, however, may be using “pornography” to mean simply sexually explicit material aimed or used primarily for sexual arousal (regardless of whether it is harmful to women). There may thus be no genuine disagreement here, for both sides might agree that sexually explicit material that harms women is objectionable. They might also agree that there is nothing objectionable about sexually explicit material that does not harm women (or anyone else). If different parties are using “pornography” in different senses they may be talking past each other, perhaps without realizing it.

>Two really substantive issues at stake in the feminist debate over pornography are 1) whether any sexually explicit material is in fact harmful to women; and, if so, what should be done about it?; and 2) whether all sexually explicit material is in fact harmful to women; and, if so, what should be done about it? (We can thus phrase two of the important issues, if we like, without mentioning “pornography” at all.)


>Since 2015, expanding research on the Moral Incongruence Model has demonstrated that self-identified addiction to pornography is highly predicted by moral and religious conflicts. Further, these internal conflicts of shame over one’s sexual desires not only predict self-identification as addicted but appear to greatly increase the degree of distress and struggles that people feel about themselves.

>Hating yourself for wanting a kind of sexuality that you were taught makes you a "bad" person understandably increases negative emotions, such as depression, stress, and anxiety, but also increases the degree to which individuals feel that their sexual desires and behaviors are out of their control.


>“I think the overrepresentation of homosexual men in sex addiction centers is strong evidence that the diagnosis is primarily used for social control of sexuality, rather than treating any actual disease that should affect all men equally,”


Can't get access to these two but I skimmed them a bit, need a sci-hub key to dive further
>The Effects of Pornography on Gay, Bisexual, and Queer Men's Body Image: An Experimental Study
>Third person effect and Internet pornography in China

Also, just a quick search of "porn made me gay no fap" gives dozens upon dozens of posts like this, which I think do echo a some of the things discussed in the articles referenced above, the last study mentions that 30% of pornography created is explicitly gay in nature, but the majority of other sources discussing ethics, censorship, etc don't talk about those things within a queer context

From a Marxist viewpoint, the idea that pornography is the main reason for the oppression of women and a driving force for the patriarchy seems a bit simplistic at best. Pornography is a relatively recent invention as a medium, really becoming a thing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with erotic photography, yet the patriarchy is not nearly as recent. Marxists would say that capitalism is the driving force of the patriarchy.

That said, I haven't reached a conclusion as of yet.

It's also worth noting that major anti-pornography sites like Fight the New Drug and No Fap were started by Mormons
I'm just saying man, Mormons and Christian conservatives are some of the biggest benefactors and pushers of the patriarchy.

>Empirical research has failed to provide a clear understanding of the relationship between pornography use and sexism. Study 1 showed an inverse correlation between modern sexism and pornography use, such that participants who used pornography more frequently displayed less sexist attitudes. Study 2 found a positive correlation between pornography use and benevolent sexism, such that participants who used pornography more frequently displayed more benevolent sexism. Our studies provide insight into the largely inconclusive findings of previous research on pornography use and sexist attitudes toward women.


>Much contemporary debate about pornography centers on its role in portraying and perpetuating gender inequality. This article compares traditional gendered attitudes between cisgender men attending the Adult Entertainment Expo (n = 294) and a random sample of male respondents from the 2016 General Social Survey (GSS), a U.S. representative survey of general attitudes and beliefs collected every two years (n = 863). Our survey borrowed questions from the GSS to measure attitudes about gender equality across four dimensions: (1) working mothers, (2) women in politics, (3) traditional gender roles in the family, and (4) affirmative action for women in the workplace. Through bivariate analyses, we found that “porn superfans” are no more sexist or misogynistic than the general U.S. public on two of the four measures (women in politics and women in the general workplace) and held more progressive gender-role attitudes than the general public on the other two measures. We conducted binary logistic regressions for those two measures to determine if the relationship remained significant when controlling for other factors. For one dimension, working mothers, it did (p < .001). Our results call into question some of the claims that porn consumption fosters de facto negative and hostile attitudes toward women.

Really need to get me a sci-hub reference so I can actually read these beyond the abstracts


Some actual leftist discussion on the topice
I think I will interview some friends who are/have been in the industry via onlyfans to get some further insight


>Sex Workers Describe the Instability—and Necessity—of OnlyFans

One thing that sparked this deep dive into the relationship between communism and sex work, particularly pornography, was a very rigid response on r/communism101, that basically said these workers are petit bourgeois and thus aren't people we as communists should be worried about organizing with, yet the workers in this article mention things like having mental illness, physical disabilities, living paycheck paycheck, finding themselves in precarious situations in order to survive

A mass line approach calls for organizing the most disenfranchised members of the class society first


Because most people aren't communists because they want to win, they're communists so they can feel superior to others.


I mean what would a communist party that really wanted to win do differently though? The media and electoral financing is still going to be rigged against you no matter what you do


Seems like you're in the wrong imageboard faggot


No wonder the Japs aren't so different with the burgers.


Least fascist capitalist country in the world


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> Do you people actually now how art works and its inherently derivative nature?
> You need the exact irl thing as a reference to draw a cartony form of it


The largest anti-porn organization PAPs in Japan is ran by a trans woman Kazuna Kanajiri who in her early years got outed for selling porn to her classmates. She now holds frequent seminars for the JCP. It's a whole different beast compared to America.


Most kawaii desune.


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This guy thinks hentai is realistic lol lmao.


Uncritical support, fuck porn addicts


Jesus christ anon


Shitting dicknipples…It's been a while since I saw thoses.


It's probably a thing that happens once a year or every couple of years
Like losing the game


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Normal Japanese people agree that pornography is not very beneficial societally; refer to: https://girlschannel.net/topics/3797450/ & similarly linked ^^ previously, so why is the online Anglosphere left favorable of the liberals' position?


Good thing communism isn't about the majority.


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The fact that a sexual fetish has been elevated to a political question is all you need to know about leftoids. Can 'communists' focus on actual proletarian issues sometime? Taking any side on this matter means you already lost.


I think porn addiction is real and is a problem, but this is just retarded as fuck. Like everything else there's moderation for such things (like porn)


Anime is inherently fascist.


Ah, a familiar copy-pasta


If you actually go into the history of anime it’s about post war japan being inspired by american culture (cartoons and animation) to create their own


Pro western romanticism and nostalgia is in nearly all japanese media.


no wonder communism is a losing ideology. they can’t have fun or actually do something productive with their lives. it’s all a edgy larp to own da chinlets.


because most people in the "online Anglosphere left" are not opposed to cumming and constantly bringing up cartoon porn to seethe about it. suppressing porn is pointless, suppressing people's sexual desires is pointless, unless it's already illegal, you should never talk about it in public unless you want to come off as a retarded freak trying to "debate" people with combative accusations


> The Japanese Communist Party is encouraging members to report fanservice manga to the United Nations. Story below.


shut up retard. nobody is forcing you to have sex or jerk off


Do you have any arguments agains pr0n besides "it's heckin cringe bro" and "it's bad because…it just is, ok!?!?"

If you made a post with actual substance, along the lines of >>1813124, I'd be much less likely to think of you as a retarded prude that started from the conclusion and worked his way backwards

I'm open to having my mind changed. But thus-far you haven't presented anything particularly convincing


>'prude' anon.
<open to mind being changed.
Lol. A lmao even.
You're an American coomer weirdo and everyone knows it.


you're so normal for screaming about porn on the internet


See, you're doing it again. You're not actually making a point, you're just hurling insults. You don't accomplish anything with that kind of attitude.


because there are exactly two types of people who care about the JCP outside japan
1. weebs
2. election autists.
weeb leftists see someone wants to ban weeb-smut and rally to the defence of weebs, their position as weebs is much more important in this instance than their position as leftists - particularly because (a) leftists usually hate every other type of communist anyway (b) the JCP doesn't offer much by way of aesthetic or achievements for you to cling to and most of their theory doesn't come with subtitles, making it a boring party to pick if you want a meme ideology.
as always on the internet, it all has very little to do with politics and much more to do with identity. even people who don't like the particuar pornography in question will still rally to defend a sub-set of what they feel to be their community and their hobby. people will argue from a liberal philosophy mainly because it's easiest and plays to current background assumptions in western society - in short because it's easy. it's not because of any deep thought, it's because arguments are weapons and when you feel like someone's attacking your hobby, you grab whatever weapon you can find and hurl it back at them.

t. weeb election autist.


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yoinked from the anime thread, the party is just deeply flawed if you would be asked to leave the party for taking a selfie with some manga. though not entirely sure about the contents of the manga being posed with.


dude, just let them first world communists go. nothing revolutionary will come from the 1st world


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awww what the fuckkk


He's a troll who just gets off on baiting people. He shows up all the time in /usapol/. Ignore him, he'll just pull you in with bullshit


I have no idea what is going on but if they are going after lolicons good. Those freaks think they have had a safe space for too long.


Hang all pedo subhumans.


Retards thinking this is about loli porn when it mentions young jump which serializes Berserk, Captain Tsubasa, Tokyo Ghoul and dozens of more popular manga


There is no "moderation" for porn, it's inherently made to be addictive.


>addictive media


>I have no idea what is going on but if they are going after lolicons good.
retard moment


This guy seems doing what the Dutch guy doing before. What kind of autism is this? Schizos who obsessed with natality?


Any resemblance? Or what the le weebs soy did are rookie numbers?


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The only legitimate communist party of Japan was the United Red Army.
If you consider supporting the JCP or outright support those revisionist liberal shits you should self-criticize immediately!

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