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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I have heard many contradictory statements about the country, such as it's lowering inflation while also it's increasing poverty levels. Yet most people seem to like Milei there still. I presume it is only a matter time the state fucks up against tbh, but i still can't get a read on it. How is the vibe down there



Emergency decree
On December 20, Milei issued an emergency decree aimed at amplifying his deregulation push from the previous week.
The mandate – which can only be used under “exceptional circumstances” – allows Milei to bypass Congress, where his party La Libertad Avanza holds just 38 of 257 seats (and seven of 72 seats in the Senate). As in the United States, legislation proceeds from the lower to the upper house.



Elsewhere, the edict stripped away workers’ rights by, among other things, reducing maternity leave pay and severance compensation. It also allowed companies to dismiss workers participating in strike action.


Then, on March 14, Argentina’s Senate voted to reject the emergency decree in a further blow to the president.


The decree immediately sparked protests, and following an appeal from Argentina’s umbrella union, the General Confederation of Labour (CGT), a court suspended Milei’s worker reforms. On January 30, the court deemed Milei’s reforms “unconstitutional”.

Reform bill
Days after he announced his emergency decree, Milei circulated a reform bill, known as the omnibus, to Congress on December 22. It proposed changes to four key areas of policy – tax, penal, electoral and the party system – which presidents cannot affect by decree.

In addition to spending cuts aimed at eliminating the deficit by the end of 2024, the bill sought to scrap proportional representation in Congress. It also proposed to cede legislative power to the president in areas such as energy and fiscal policy until 2025.

In opposition to what some viewed as power-grabbing measures, Argentinian workers, coordinated by the CGT, went on a general strike. Coming just 45 days after the president took office, it was the fastest strike action of its kind in Argentine history. Following days of tense debate, Congress approved a watered-down version of the omnibus bill on February 2, paving the way for a decisive vote in the Senate, where the legislation was set to undergo further changes.


You remember the Carlos Menem administration? Take that and put it through an Internet cultural filter


It was a shithole before Milei and it will remain a shithole after Milei


>allows Milei to bypass Congress, where his party La Libertad Avanza holds just 38 of 257 seats (and seven of 72 seats in the Senate)


what's that ,hmm?
you dont have the eggs to step outside your gated community, fruity boy?


Is he going to turn argentina into a new ukraine?


hes right, and im no petty bourgeois
unless we build a socialist alternative capitalism will africanize this country



skip to 1:09:57

Michael Hudson every now and then will talk about capitalism's dynamic in Argentina and Brazil and how our nations are ran as giant rent extraction , financial ponzi schemes by our own oligarchs.


One fun yet irrelevant fact related to OP's image: the meme is quite real. At least for Argentinians I came across around Europe. They often insert the "Argentina is white" subject in conversations. Very often out of nowhere, unprovoked, unprompted and unrequested.


I believe you lol


So how long until their Dollar reserves run out? They can't possibly keep going at this rate for very long

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