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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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As socialists, how do we effectively utilize modern media methods to organize and to influence the working class to meet our aims? The popularity of Bolshevik newspapers amongst soldiers and workers was instrumental in the 1917 revolution but it's obvious that shitty Trotskyist print newspapers written in larpy, off-putting prose are less than useless at this task today. Given the fact that a huge amount of political organizing simply revolves around trying to find an effective way to attract attention to influence people's activities (all protests? most terrorism, even?) this question seems incredibly pertinent if we want to have any hope of attracting mass support and recruiting in the areas where it counts. The reason most people hold the false consciousness that they do is because of the opinions they repeat from bourgeois media and people under its influence. While there are a few somewhat-decent leftist media outlets I don't see why every single leftist political organization isn't laser focused on efforts to solve this question given that it's foundational to any kind of political organizing at any level. Obviously this especially includes social media and the manipulation of algorithms for online content. How do we resolve the media question?


Have you never heard of breadtube uygha?


>>Trotskyist print newspapers written in larpy, off-putting prose are less than useless at this task today.

Idk if people here know this, i never saw it mentioned, maybe because is not relevant at all, trotskyism is not relevant to begin with, but they have a kinda big website, called "World Socialist Website" (WSWS). If anyone wants to see their "News" or what they believe, see for yourself, here is the link to that lol, since we are talking about modern socialist media:


I am not a trotskist don't reply to me saying that i am a trotrsky


Do you seriously think Breadtube comes remotely close to solving this problem?


>t. trotskyist



Idk did you forget how during the 7 months of George Floyd protests and riots the MSM whether or not you want to label it as liberal or not, was running damage control for the riots I mean firey but mostly peaceful protests



And during the covid pandemic at the same exact time saying that the massive BLM protests slowed the spread and were cheered while the proletariat suffered


> and to influence the working class to meet our aims
No, no, no.
You're supposed to come to use and be influenced by us, your role is to be a vehicle for us the working class we are not a chess piece for your student larp.


<Idk if people here knows weird sex website
Anon, I…


most workers are apolitical liberals just trying to make ends meet and the most advanced echelons of the movement need a way to take the fragmented sparks of the class consciousness of the masses and to integrate it and elevate it among them. this is very basic stuff.


It's called a website anon. You get arbitrarily content-blocked on social media so you must host content yourself.


It is not a sex website, and if you think so, you are probably an S T A L I N I S T


Websites are important but don't you need a whole multimedia ecosystem at this point in time, which likely will include affiliated social media accounts that attract attention on their own and which funnel users to the website?


Anon please keep your porn addiction to yourself.


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Somehow do a "Yakovlev" and spread propaganda whenever and wherever we can to delegitimize the ideological paradigm/hegemony.
> Strike Liberalism with the authority of it's authors, then strike with Lenin and Marxist Leninism at social democracy, then strike liberal or non electoralism in general with the ideas of an actual democratic system [Sortition]


>all this retarded convoluted nonsense itt
alleged "communist" leftoids will do anything but actually talk to the proletariat and organize with them


WSWS is good, especially because its a relatively prominent socialist news website, but tbh it needs better marketing and it should be tied more closely to a relevant national organization. The ICFI parties seem a bit anemic.


Where do you think the proletariat gets its opinions from, dawg. It's mostly the internet these days.


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> Strike Liberalism with the authority of it's authors


communism isnt a matter of majority opinion


Isnt soviet democracy based on the majority of the workers voting?


Read "Where to Begin" by Lenin. Seriously. His first proposal is an all-Russian newspaper. If you can't make a popular, effective media source there's no hope that you can govern a country or even lead a movement that recruits on a national scale.


>soviet democracy

lol you faggots are always dreaming about shit like "governing a country" yourselves. stop calling yourself a communist


If you were involved in organizing at any level it would be vitally important to promote the effective use of the media to significantly enhance the profile of that organizing, yes.


In other words, handing out some cretinous newspaper or pamphlet or social media post from a like-minded sect of dunces to waste the time of the proletariat discussing incessant pointless trifles.


>While there are a few somewhat-decent leftist media outlets I don't see why every single leftist political organization isn't laser focused on efforts to solve this question given that it's foundational to any kind of political organizing at any level. Obviously this especially includes social media and the manipulation of algorithms for online content. How do we resolve the media question?

Well our own paper, People's World, gets some decent enough articles and contributors. Though I think part of the issue is that a lot of Communists want to put forward a serious, sober-minded image when that's something that… I hate to say it, is less relevant with each passing day. That doesn't mean it shouldn't do it, and I think attempts to "Meme-ify" orgs only result in their hastening their irrelevance. What I think we need is a media landscape that's on the periphery of orgs.

Let me explain; I don't know if this is exactly the case in Europe, but in America you have these vast habitats of media that coagulate around the big two parties, and each of these different outlets scratches an itch without necessarily being beholden to the orgs they're orbiting. To dumb it down a bit, let's look at the Republican Party.

If you're a "respectable" Republican/Conservative, you might read The National Review, though it's becoming less relevant with each passing day as the Republican party becomes the hooting loony party. NR still serves a function, however, as a means of networking for the "intellectual" core of Conservatism, and it lets them take a multifaceted approach to their ideas and translate the libidinal urges of the Republican base to "normal" suburbanites and the Bourgeoisie. Y'know the funny thing about them is they have some pretty active comment sections, and you'll get liberal boomers and I think old-school WASP Republicans bickering with each other and awarding themselves "Likes" (called "Respect" on the website) and I think this is pretty indicative of the style they're going for. Y'know say what you will of Buckley but he'd try to verbally spar with Left Wingers in a "respectable" manner. Of course you also have "dissident" Right Wing outlets like The American Conservative which reflect another intellectual strain of Conservative thought that has lost the patronage of the Republican Party.

Moving down, you have the mid-brow shit. This is where the Right tries to compete for Hearts and Minds. It's your Fox News, your Daily Wire, etcetera. The purpose of this is to be accepted as, well, news. Of course while it's "Right Wing" news, it's not so noxiously offensive (most of the time) that people would complain if it's playing in the background of the gym or the airport. The excellent thing about these media outlets is that they can force discussions in the national discourse. Like that's the thing, if they put out a bombshell story, with shockwaves reverberating into the mainstream, than their status as "respectable" outlets means that the folks at MSNBC or CNN will have to cover it as well, even if it's to dispute it. By having Fox News, you get a vote on what everyone is discussing today and can use it to discuss Right Wing topics: the border, crime, etcetera.

Lastly you've got "base" or "vulgar" media. This is something that doesn't even pretend to be impartial. It's read almost exclusively to keep your partisans amped up and ready to take some scalps (usually metaphorically). Breitbart, OAN, the Rush Limbaugh Show, so on. It's extremely rare that this obvious yellow journalism ever breaks the mainstream, but it can become common parlance for the base; shit like getting a bunch of boomers to worry about otherkin or whatever.

Now in an ideal landscape, the highbrow media leads, the middlebrow media "catches" people, and the lowbrow media keeps them from ever listening to the "other" side. Of course, what we're seeing now is lowbrow shit grabbing peoples' attention while the middlebrow debases itself and the highbrow embarrasses itself by trying to treat "kids using litter boxes" as a serious issue.

As it stands, I'd say Communists suffer from the fact we've got a pretty big media presence but no unifying center. You've got plenty of Socialists today, but not much that can be called THE Socialist Party. So anyone encountering Communist media has a thousand options to choose from. It's not enough to radicalize someone if there's no vehicle for that radicalization. Anyone listening to Rush Limbaugh or OAN is gonna vote Republican; anyone encountering Communist media is gonna have to navigate a dozen parties that hate each other because of weird internecine conflicts and minor disputes.

Secondly, I think there's not all that much middle-lowbrow Communist news. People can't stand to be serious all the time. You need a little levity. As silly as this might sound right now, I'd say Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert did more to popularize Democrats among the Youth than any conscious effort by the Democrats in the last few decades. Lowbrow doesn't have to mean obsessively vulgar or act like Alex Jones, sometimes dry wit and irony can work wonders; and it's in this regard that I'd say the Chapos and Hasanabi might be the closest thing to a Jon Stewart for Zoomers. They're doing excellent work, it's just a shame that there's not more of them.


I mean it goes without saying that whatever source of news you create should be well-written and properly marketed, otherwise you're wasting your time and you're better off helping a better org.


WSWS, being SEP, are absolute garbage. SEP literally counter-protest pickets and call every other org and group pseudo-left and/or stalinist. Insane irrelevant retirees who alienate the workers.


Genuinely a quality response.
>As it stands, I'd say Communists suffer from the fact we've got a pretty big media presence but no unifying center. You've got plenty of Socialists today, but not much that can be called THE Socialist Party. So anyone encountering Communist media has a thousand options to choose from. It's not enough to radicalize someone if there's no vehicle for that radicalization.

This is one of the key issues here I think. It's disheartening trying to do organizing or activism if none of it attracts mainstream news coverage or even coverage by national leftist media half of the time and its very easy to feel like any organizing you do is a useless fucking waste. And as a passive consumer of leftist media, like one who is a passive consumer of mainstream partisan media, it can feel like organizing is useless because most organizing campaigns barely get any coverage anyways and are often easily ignored. I think that orgs themselves need to get better at creating their own media ecosystems and raising their own profiles and reputations as capable actors in the world who can get the goods, and there needs to be a better integration even between the leftist media space and the leftist organizing space.


news anon is the only proletarian news source I need


also this tbh


What do you think of this concept?
>Each article in people's world comes in 3 tiers
>Serious, academic, sober minded original tier
>Mid level normie tier with chapo humor or whatever
>Memed tier
>All tiers are collaboratively constructed at the same time, published in the same paper, and approved by the original authors so that messaging is consistent across tiers
>maybe more tiers or remixes, but all approved and consistent and linked to the original
>intergenerational consistency and solidarity (hopefully) results


every single union needs its own podcast


Unironically make memes and art. Memes and art are ways to transmit ideas. If you want your ideas to spread then you create memes and art.
Also keep everything short and simple.

I really don't understand why this is such rocket science to most leftists. Rightoids have managed to spread their ideas not only because they're super backed up by the establishment but also because of fucks like Stonetoss or the endless meme-making hordes of /pol/. If you want to make a difference then make a funny wojak picture that explains class consciousness in a short one liner or some shit and then post it in funnyjunk or something like that. /leftypol/ needs some sort of propaganda committee at this point.


Honestly it’s why the DSA might be useful as a big tent coalition of all the different kinds of Socialists. I think they should pursue some kind of “continental congress of the working class” approach and invite as many socialist orgs as possible to a meeting to discuss closer collaboration.

I once proposed to the folks at People’s World that we could do satire for April Fool’s day, and they had some minor interest but it didn’t really go anywhere. Probably dodged a bullet because my sense of humor can easily get me cancelled—think the idea I came up with was Pence being part of the Yellow King Cult.

There could be an audience for some lowbrow left stuff, The Onion could be considered ancillary to it. But if the goal is to still maintain some relationship to the actual news, I think we’d be better off looking at The Daily Show and Chapo for inspiration. The goal being to give people news as well as some entertainment.

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