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Are there any China anons that are well-versed on ghost cities? How much does it cost to buy a unit there?

Basically, the deal is, Chinese property developers built huge ghost cities filled with unoccupied housing, often adjacent to already existing cities, meaning you can commute into the already existing towns.

The cities are "anticipative building", i.e, they're built by urban planners and property developers who expect overcrowding in current urban zones will drive people to migrate, but it takes a while before people move in, and for the time being, you can expect unusually low property prices in the interim, giving you the opportunity to get housing on the cheap.


autists would love moving there when its empty


I actually read somewhere years ago that people are buying houses in these ghost villages for their dead relatives' bodies, since those houses are cheaper than cemetery plots.


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can you please apply some critical thinking/source discrimination?




Weird, since cremation is normative in China.


They normally bury the urns though.


>houses in china are cheaper than cemetery plots
even in westoid delusions that place seems like paradise


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>China bad because too many affordable houses




>Sinophobes are still stuck with 2010-era talking points.

Am I the only one who thinks this is sad?


A significant amount of the so called ghost cites are now well populated, turns out building more housing when you have the worlds largest population is a good idea. shocker I know


<You don't like housing speculation schemes by real state companies in China? Well then ur just RACIST against the Chinese!!
Classic Dengoid cope


>Are there any China anons that are well-versed on ghost cities?
<ghost cities
Booming population.
Build housing.
Stimulate economy hiring 100s of thousands of labourers as well as architects, paperwork people and other misc jobs
biggest economy in the world
Housing ownership at >90%

Anon in the West we have a lost generation to unemployment and non stable employment. Housing is an epidemic of a problem.


there was no such thing in the first place. for a construction company to even consider building the fucking thing there has to be an number of people with already signed contracts. the entire narrative can be summarized as
>why aren't people living in this construction site? this must be a ghost town!
>by the way, we will never contact or interview anyone involved because china scary
>*yellow (peril) filter pic*

real estate represents around 5% (maybe less) of the chinese gdp. this is way less than the average in developed countries and even in comparably developed countries. you are making extraordinary claims and your only "evidence" is the presumption that you don't need evidence because the chinese are essentially retarded


It just shows you how completely utterly fucking bankrupt they are. I don't feel sadness for them, I feel contempt, the same contempt PLAAF pilots feel for Taiwan's meme-tier ADIZ.
>Anon in the West we have a lost generation to unemployment and non stable employment. Housing is an epidemic of a problem.
IIRC most of the "ghost cities" are actually populated now. I love even the China that exists in the heads of the sinophobes does a better job in housing its people and giving them jobs than the "Open Societies" ever have.


Yes that's what I'm saying. Nobody here would have any problem with a massive home building campaign in their own countries.


I've read about this on quora recently

>When I came to Shanghai in 1997 with my Thai wife, at that time, non-locals like her, generally look down on local Mainland Chinese. This includes many of her foreign friends. She prefers to associate with Taiwanese, Singaporean and Whities! So no change from 1997.

>This is a sense of superiority complex that Taiwanese have over Mainlanders - they see that they are sophisticated, better mannered etc over the mainlanders and this attitude transcend into their behaviour that makes then seems arrogant to the Mainlanders.

>As China is getting richer this superiority complex worsened as mainlanders are sometimes richer than the Taiwanese and to maintain this superior complex they can only use other topics such as 'honesty", "manners" to separate themselves from the Mainlanders.

>This is not just Taiwanese and Mainlanders, it also manifests in the case between Hong Kongers and Mainlanders and in some way also with Japanese and Chinese Mainlanders. The rise of Mainland China was so fast that makes people difficult to adjust. When China was poor, this degree of superiority was easy to maintain. But now China is richer then this superiority complex is much harder to maintain and the battlefield is now moved from poor/rich to manners and honesty more intangible items.


>real estate represents around 5% (maybe less) of the chinese gdp

<Another way to calculate the sector’s importance to the economy is by analysing what portion of final demand it accounts for. In other words, we must analyse both its direct contribution to the production of goods and services as well as its indirect effect due to the additional demand it generates in the economy through its connection to other sectors, known as carry-over effect. Following this approach, besides the construction sector’s direct relative weight in the final demand of the Chinese economy (7%), we must also factor in the additional demand which it generates in other sectors, such as in real estate services (0.4%), in trade and basic metals (2.0% in each sector), in financial activities (1.9%) and in capital goods (0.9%) (see second chart). Overall, the carry-over effect of the construction sector amounts to 17.5%. This implies that, in terms of final demand, we would arrive at an estimate for the importance of the real estate sector in the Chinese economy of around 24% of GDP.3

What the fuck xisters


>well, uhm, the real estate wouldn't exist without the rest of china, and vice versa, so the gdp is actually 100% real estate
great point


>IIRC most of the "ghost cities" are actually populated now
This, it was a meme when I was learning Mandarin 10 years ago. The usual solution to drive demand to move in seems to be either build a university or create a new SEZ.


>for a construction company to even consider building the fucking thing there has to be an number of people with already signed contracts.
What seems to be their problem is that there's 20 million presold homes in China that haven't been completed because the overleveraged developers ran out of money after the government put the screws on them to clamp down on property market speculation.

>by the way, we will never contact or interview anyone involved because china scary

There seems to be plenty of Chinese economists giving interviews about the property downturn, but I doubt foreign news crews can just go around interviewing people on the street about this in China that easily. The media is pretty tightly controlled there. The cops shut down a state media crew the other day which was reporting about a building explosion, which is an oopsie, or the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing.


These free real estate stories are always such bullshit. They always come out with a new one every few months it seems:

>They're giving away FREE houses in Detroit, rural Japan, rural Italy, rural Ireland blahh blahh blah

All fake.


>Western news source
You are a bourgeois ideologist.


shit bait


It's a clip from CCTV!



No, point is, anyone want to buy some ghost city housing? Looks like a great deal; I'd love to buy two adjacent units and bin them together.


>but I doubt foreign news crews can just go around interviewing people on the street about this in China that easily

Go ask ordinary people in USA about property developers. You are going to get a mix of jewish conspiracies and developers getting called parasites. So it's not a useful interview to ask people who have no context on the issue. Also, whenever Westoids go asking ordinary people around, they never get the responses they want


>You are going to get a mix of jewish conspiracies
No one would say that. Never heard anyone talk about Jews anywhere IRL.


Stop equivocating. It'd be better if you took a firm position here and said it's right for the Chinese government to keep out Western journalists, which they do and they're effective.

>Feb 27: China correspondent of the largest Dutch news organization NOS Sjoerd den Daas was harassed and manhandled by plain-clothes and uniformed policemen when he was filming a group of investors protesting outside the HQ of struggling shadow bank Sichuan Trust (四川信托) in Chengdu. He and his cameraman were arrested and detained for a few hours. They were subsequently released.


not really to me
no supermarkets et co. if its ever real
because cemetery seats are too hard to buy since there are not much many seats, also what the article said was kinda illegal and not really related to ghost cities discourse


Why can't China have mega-cemeteries on the outskirts of the cities? They have more than enough space and putting it on the periphery means real estate within the city won't be affected.


i dont know but i believe we dont like the clapstani way of land usage



At least you don't make enough income to pay The People's Taxation Agency, since under socialism most Chinese aren't taxpayers. Gotta love that quick 25% income boost compared to Western countries.


And sarcasm aside, the People's bank is an SOE, the socialist private home is built on top of land leased from the government, the property developer is about to be nationalized now that they've gone bankrupt, and the housing market has strong government regulation. The People's Landlord is probably a Party member.



Also, Chinese socialism is essentially East Asian with a giant Communist keiretsu / chaebol. If you just replace People's with Chaebol or Keiretsu, you basically just described South Korean or Japanese existence.


>since under socialism most Chinese aren't taxpayers
dont you have other kinds of taxes other than income tax, we do cap income taxes to those with a monthly salary over 5k cny which makes most of us dont have to pay income tax


>socialism is capitalism but the ruling class are the workers

Woah, never heard this one before



A political party claiming to act in the name of the workers, and actually doing a lot for their sakes, considering the massive increase in incomes.

Wealth inequality and social welfare spending could see improvement, however.


>since under socialism most Chinese aren't taxpayers.
Is this because SOEs are creating so much revenue for the state?


Posts like these only confirm my assumptions that anti-china anons are just childish utopians.


>Gotta love that quick 25% income boost compared to Western countries
What's the wage under which you'd pay no income taxes? I bet that would feel like poverty wages in the US


Imagine unironically comparing Chinese SOEs and cooperatives such as Huawei to private chaebols or keiretsus lul.

This is just lazy anti-Asian racism tried to be passed off as 'economical analysis'.



Average hours worked in China are still about 33% higher than in Europe, and 25% higher than in the United States.

In some industries, 60-72 workweeks are not unheard of.


>Never heard anyone talk about Jews anywhere IRL.

How many times a month do you step outside and talk to people? It definitely isnt especially common but its not exactly rare either


>Are there any China anons that are well-versed on ghost cities?
They barely exist. All of those reports are +15 years old and anticipated urbanization, as you said. Of course, supply and demand always influence each other as well.

>How much does it cost to buy a unit there?

Housing in China is cheap and most married couples own an apartment. Renting is seen as something for people who have to move around a lot or singles in their 20s. Practically everyone else owns a house (in rural areas) or an apartment (in urban areas). A decent apartment in a Tier 2 city. let's say about 75 m², costs about 50.000 - 100.000 USD depending on the location. Of course the prices are higher in Tier 1 cities, and lower in Tier 3 cities and below. Most apartments are bought with credit. Owning a home is seen as a pre-requisite for most men in order to be seen as an eligible bachelor, otherwise women won't even consider marrying you (a car too).

>but it takes a while before people move in, and for the time being, you can expect unusually low property prices in the interim, giving you the opportunity to get housing on the cheap.

Truly empty stuff is rare and if so, it is mostly people speculating on the housing in order to sell it off later. The real estate business is big in China - you have a population of over a billion and most people own their own housing.

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