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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Makes community made tactical shooter

>Nazis and greedy people attack him

Opinions on this matter?
Should we(or I) organize and help this poor fella?


If you want to.


>>Makes community made
fork the repo?

>youtube video

not going to watch a 30 minutes video. you made a thread in the main board, at least have the decency of writing a tldr

(I hope mods delete this thread)


oh, the Red Orchestra guys are making a new game? interesting. or were I guess


Eh fuck it I'll help out, what can we do?


>not going to watch a 30 minutes video. you made a thread in the main board, at least have the decency of writing a tldr

I skipped through it so anons dont have to:
Mentally ill American fbi.gov user mad at Mentally ill nazi fbi.gov user because of their shared interest in some autistic video game stuff.
<t. OP


I'm not op I just wanna be a part of something


join the ranks of the recently deceased



>I'm not op I just wanna be a part of something
You will never find that on the Internet, only an empty facsimile.

Unique IPs: 5

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