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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1801696[View All]

Casi nuevo hilo, para un casi nuevo año. As always we allow everyone to speak english, we are not Ukrainian fascists.
Conmemorando a Alexis Castillo esta ocasión.

Para luego buscarlo en el catálogo:
Latinoamérica, Latin America, LATAM, /lat/, latinoamérica, latino américa, hispanoamerica, /ñ/
70 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Very good points. And regarding gringos, everyone around the world dislikes them lol. They're very entitled, protagonist and it pisses everyone off. Of course not all of them are like this.

It's like that gringo that got a shit ton of slack for complaining about the organilleros, or whatever the guys with the little crankable organs are called.


>Of course not all of them are like this.
but enough of them are. lets not kid ourselves here.


Mexican Presidential Debate Live in 30 minutes / Debate Presidencial Méxicano En Vivo Dentro 30 minutos



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the clown show has already begun btw


Does Mexico have a viable socialist politician on the menu or is it still only social democrats against conservatives?



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So this is why they are calling it Memexico?


I don't like this person, is she a rightoid?


She is the rightoid Karen that leads the electoral coalition of the former corrupt socdem party and the rump conservative/christian right party. They are down 20% in the polls compared to left-wing MORENA.


I only like the MORENA person, the other two look like clowns


Is the guy leading the PRI related to the cool Cardenas from the 40s?


No clue, i remember that lazaro cardenas was chad in HOI4 though, verry good political tree, you can even go full "socialism" with him and invade the US, if i remember it correctly


No, but the son of the cool Cardenas founded the more left-wing PRD as a splinter party and collaborated with AMLO before he himself left politics and with his son and all the other cool people defecting to MORENA. Now the PRD only exists as an opportunist rump party to support the legacy PRI-PAN formation.


Ok, Claudia got this. Total victory. This election is a wrap.


Mexican political spectacle has been pure comedy for a while now. Peak comedy was the previous presidential election with El Bronco advocating for the chopping off of hands of criminals. There was also Quadri allegedly getting to the debates in a hotboxed VW Beetle.

It seems this one is shaping up to be entertaining as well.
She's the opposition candidate. Basically an unholy alliance of all the big parties, left and right, except MORENA. Still losing lol.
Lazaro Cardenas was the last good president of Mexico. Then everything went to shit.

Post highlights plz, any language.


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Tal parece que el programa de evasion de sanciones de Venezuela aparentemente dejo tantos forados que cayó preso un ex VP.
Una limpieza de la casa nunca viene mal, aun si fueron de tu confianza


>Partido Revolucionario Institucional
como assim kkk


iba a preguntar algo sobre el paro general y las movilizaciones este mes pero está muy cogido este hilo y me da vergüenza ajena usarlo
a ver si se ponen las pilas con la moderación


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is ms13 the new lumpen revolutionary vanguard now?


It's funny when it triggers Spanish rightwingers


When your in MY country you speak AMERICAN


Another day another banger
¿Para cuando cae Milei? jajaja


Qué te gustaría ver en torno a moderación? Yo veo el hilo normal 😰
La represión es fuertísima. Creo que sólo se hará colonia americana y ya :/


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encontre a milei en un comic de un furry al que le gusta el vore


Para los gonzalistas y maoistas que ronden por aqui
For the gonzaloites, MLMPMs, Xijinpingists and maosits who are around here.
Soldado muere en enfrentamientos contra el MPCP.
A soldier died in skirmishes against the MCPC. Another one died in the transfer by falling. And according to peruvian national TV some booklets of literature where found, and SP camps where bombed with rockets.



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incredible things are happening in chile


>es comunista porque esta en el partido que se autodefine como comunista
buen analisis


what? oh i just thought she looked cute, where's your hot speaker of the house, huh?


>>1830786 (me)
no tengo ni idea de porqué respondí en inglés


shut up mexican







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looks like the average anon at a gay ass wedding lol.


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Salam, I love Venezuela. simple as


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Amo a todos mis camaradas latinoamericanos ahora que lo pienso.
t. MENAoid


Illuminati confirmed


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Por alguna razon siento algo de afinidad por los arabes, algo de ellos me atrae. Que Dios los guarde, habibi.


llo mas chistoso de vivir en mexico es ver a esos weyes morenos con tatuajes de la ss
chido tu cotorreo compa


Pequeñas traiciones
>Mientras tanto Castillo
<Cambia de abogado de nuevo


charla algo general sobre la situacion actual en latinoamerica por si a alguien le interesa


they are all right wing neolibs irl


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The president of the biggest union in Chile said during the May 1st event that the most pressing issue right now is "improving the living conditions of cops". This country is a fucking joke, holy shit.


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