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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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World War Three is a universal conflict between tested truth – and convenient lies. Between reality and manufactured fantasy. It is a fight for the human soul. It will determine whether our civilisation survives, or goes down in darkness. At stake may even be the survival of our species.

Humanity is presently facing the greatest existential emergency in our million-year history. This comprises ten man-made catastrophic risks: 1. Extinction and ecocide, 2. Resource depletion, 3. Global poisoning, 4. Global overheating, 5. Nuclear arms race, 6. Food insecurity, 7. Overpopulation, 8. Pandemic disease, 9. Dangerous new technologies and 10. Mass delusion.

No Government on Earth has a policy for solving these. There is no plan for human survival.

Potentially, the most deadly of these threats is mass delusion. The uncontrolled spread of lies, misinformation and disinformation in all societies renders it almost impossible for humanity to take concerted action to arrest and roll back the other nine catastrophic risks.

Misinformation paralyses governments and destabilises world politics, it leads to war, rots out the heart of democracy, spreads mistrust, causes widespread death and suffering, destroys public faith in science and nullifies rational decision-making by governments, businesses and individuals.


>After WWII, a good many people wondered why nobody had put a stop to either Hitler or Stalin, the two greatest butchers of history up to that point, before they could accomplish their wicked designs.



yeah that line is retarded, but don't just dismiss it all based entirely on that come on ._.


no, every time I read slander of Stalin I have to leave my house and cool off for 3 hours


How is scientific knowledge and information protected from the greatest of habbenings?


>claiming something is war
>its not war



>No Government on Earth has a policy for solving these. There is no plan for human survival.

Geoengineering is a big thing that you will see as the 4th industrial revolution begins to take full shape. We're going to get to a point in the system where it does not need humans to fix and maintain it. It will be able to do itself as a self-sufficient organism. All the complex systems upon systems will be dedicated only to the survival of the organism. It will leave either AI or a large group of technocratic elites ruling at the top.
We are getting to the point that even human behavior can be so overstimulated and modified by the system that rebellion against it will be impossible for modern man.

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