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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I'm sitting in a room where a socialist and a libertarian are arguing about the future. I thought i'd put the libertarians current argument to yall.

Inequality isn't such a big deal because soon (he says in the next 30 years), robotics and ai will make labour unecessary. This will culminate in an insane decrease in the cost of creating housing and pretty much every other manufactured good. This will mean that society will have to change extremely radically most peoples labour will not be necessary. Most people will not have to work because things will be so abundant, this means that people are going to be able to live much more comfortably because they will have more free time and extremely low cost commodities because of the cost of labour has been eliminated from the cost of commodities.
Inequality will be recalibrated to something reasonable in the near future because of robotics and ai.


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Well, it's fucking stupid. Even if we accept the argument that somehow housing and goods will cost almost nothing (dumb since there's not infinite resources even with low cost of labour), it's not like capitalists will give up all of their land and resource rights, how are you gonna build a cheap house when it costs a million dollars to buy a plot of land anywhere near any jobs?

>well people can just create new towns somewhere remote

ok and what economic activity is going to support these towns since we already establish labour is basically worthless? oh yeah and if there's no more labour then average people won't have any money so even if the price of things goes down, people will have no money to afford them anyways. robots and AI will only benefit the bourg since they're the only ones who can afford to control them


Abrupt climate system change says welcome to the end days of humanity




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this was almost word for word the argument made about computers in general in the 1980s.


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>t. CO2


Reminder: Nothing ever happen.


Damn AI thread autist pretending to have a social life to slide in AI threads. This guy gets more mentally broken by the week.


Nah, that isn't the role of machinery under capitalism. The narrative that machinery and technology is developed to make our lives easier is one of pure myth.

You can expect the same same sort of transformations and other machinery in the past.

> increasing the productivity of human labor

> cheapen commodities
> allow workers to achieve more in a work day while being paid less
> create more idle workers (surplus of human labor power) which drives down wages
>allow more subtle forms of labor input (i.e. allow women and children to perform more difficult labor)
>lengthen the working day

Here is an article on it if you want to learn more:


Ai will replace human labor. But it wont create the utopia. Instead ai will make human value non existant to the porkie.
Porkie will then kill the majority of humans. For human value is non existant in this post human labor future.
But you might say, how will porkie do this. Humans wont stand back and watch themselves die. Simple, porkie will make the planet so unhatiable to the point 80 percent of humanity will die. Then the survivors can be either killed off or turned into slaves.
Porkie will create their bunker cities. The survives of humanity that arent killed off will remain there. Robots and ai will replace the human labor. Surviviring non porkie humans will be used as entertainment or supervisors.
Meanwhile they will be augumented to the point of having no free will or thought.
This is the future of humanity if socialism doesnt appear. There will be no lolbert future. It will instead be a future of techno feudalism. Of slavery under the pork gods.


Its still the same industrial revolution, don’t fall for idiots calling every new decade the “insert new technology” age.

The industrial revolution was always about the automation of human labour, whether physical or creative. It’s a process that will take another couple of centuries.

Thats also why Communism is progressive. You can see many parallels between the neolithic agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution, for example: population boom and bust, enviromental damage, transition to new economic systems and many more examples.

And also terrible conditions for the early farmers, totalitarian god-king governance by accident because rigid hierachical hunter-gatherer systems weren’t removed but instead applied to the new technologies.

Sounds like capitalism doesn’t it?
People aren’t excited for new technologies because they can only imagine how it could be used to make their lifes more terrible.

And then those systems stopped working and collapsed, over and over again until someone got it just right and then humanity went on with it for the next 10k years.

In the end the people who see the writings on the wall and adapt to the changes by Communism will inherit the Earth, just like the farmers and pastoralists did many millenia ago.

The succesful agricultural societies are well known, but the countless hunter-gatherers that tried and failed over and over again or even worse, the reactionaries amongst them that were defeated by their neighbors because they didn’t want to change their ways… Now is a time of trial and error just as it was back then.

So you are right in the sense that Communism is invetiable, but it isn’t because of this new technology, it all started 200 years ago.


machine learning (""""""AI"""""") is a grift


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Warning: mods had a meeting and jennyposting is now illegal :(


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>I will crucify anyone who compares jannies to cops
Lol lmao.


jenny is more than one poster


So called artificial intelligence is not so intelligent after all. If it really was, it would lend itself to such silly and moronic uses like making someone look like they can speak ten different languages with native like proficiency while they can barely make themselves understood in one in real life or make them look like they have a body worthy of Mr Olympia while they're skinny and weak. It would just tell the prompter to fuck off and reply: why don't you want to use all these possibilities to find a solution to actual, pressing and urgent problems?


>it would lend itself
*it wouldn't lend itself, obviously!


>Ai will replace human labor
So fucking dumb.
You've already created the power droll and the cement mixer you dumb cunt explain to me how my job is going to be automated firther, out of existence in fact?
Retarded fantasist fuck.


>Most people will not have to work because things will be so abundant, this means that people are going to be able to live much more comfortably because they will have more free time and extremely low cost commodities because of the cost of labour has been eliminated from the cost of commodities.

This doesn't follow. Why would those people at the top that control all that technology suddenly start sharing their wealth with commoners? Are you unironically dumb? Why are so ignorant about basic economic history? We have already lived through a period of extreme technological progress and under our current economical regime this caused even further pauperization of society with only a militant labor movement winning some concessions. If you think people will stop having to work in Cobalt mines because AI you are in for a rude awakening.


It's a tool which is wielded. The term "AI" is mocked so relentlessly even within the industry for good reason - it's a hype marketing term just like 'blockchain' [in most contexts; legitimate ones exist] and 'military-grade encryption'. Call it machine learning, not intelligence. We're not scifi writers.

>original meme is created organically to combat shitposts
>mod wants to ban it for "no particular reason"
What the fuck.

Even disregarding the obvious limitations of ML, the mere fact that we have consistent overproduction and no lack of jobs just makes their statement sillier.


The youth unemployment in the EU periphery is still at like 30% wtf are you talking about retard?
<inb4 'but not 50+% anymore!!!'


I didn't imply people aren't unemployed. Jobs exist even if they aren't filled, society hasn't just automated 30% of that population into being useless.


fake narrative


How many more fucking threads about brainlets being blown away by neural networks and marketing do we need?


>no particular reason
Oh sorry, I meant I will now -list them- for no particular reason. That was ambiguous.


It's one very obsessed autist im pretty sure.
It'd be best to keep one and merge the inevitable future threads into it, probably.


Ok maggot, you now have AGI and robots that can do every mental work in millisecond and only costing as much as 1 gaming pc electricity budget, while the robots can do any physical task and require 1/30th the amount of electricity bill that it would cost to feed starving worker with grain. Human labour is obsolete, but house now costs only half as much and a phone 1/4 as much. Far cry from being basically free since now the price is just sum of the raw resources and energy needed to produce said good. Food still costs lot of money and now you have no way of earning it, all while your old boss owns the natural resources and electricity generator. You can’t do shit and there is no incentive to keep you around. What now?


AI isnt gonna replace human labor. Its gonna distribute labor power to machine maintenance.

Thr more complex the machine the more parts its gonna use which means more maintenance.


anon that was a "schizo response"
but your retort isnt that better since you made it without any sense of…. (glown)
ah i see
but if I were to take your statement seriously, cement mixer or power drill isnt a good rebuttal. Those tools required a human operator. Robots and ai would theoretically replace that human operator. And robots and ai would theoretically also replace the supervisors too. Which negates the point of human labor.
Now the problem is if current ai and robotics can do that. And, well, they are quite limited to the point I cant really see them doing that except augument existing human labor. And even theoreticaly theres a question of how far the tech can go.



Enjoy! Open Source and here's the Abstract.

"Critical scholars contend that ‘There is no AI without Big Tech’. This study delves into the substantial role played by major technology conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, and Google (Alphabet), in the ‘industrialisation of artificial intelligence’. This concept encapsulates the shift of AI technologies from the research and development stage to practical, real-world applications across diverse industry sectors, resulting in new dependencies and associated investments. We employ the term ‘Big AI’ to encapsulate the structural convergence of AI and Big Tech, characterised by the profound interdependence of AI with the infrastructure, resources, and investments of these major technology companies. Using a ‘technographic’ approach, our study scrutinises the infrastructural support and investments of Big Tech in the AI sector, focussing on corporate partnerships, acquisitions, and financial investments. Additionally, we conduct a detailed examination of the complete spectrum of cloud platform products and services offered by Amazon, Microsoft, and Google. We demonstrate that AI is not merely an abstract idea but an actual technology stack encompassing infrastructure, models, applications, and an ecosystem of applications and companies relying on this stack. Significantly, these tech giants have seamlessly integrated all three components of the stack into their cloud offerings. Furthermore, they have developed industry-focussed solutions and marketplaces aimed at attracting third-party developers and businesses, fostering the growth of a broader AI ecosystem. This analysis underscores the intricate interdependence between AI and cloud infrastructure, emphasising the industry-specific aspects of cloud AI."


Forgot the title:
Big AI: Cloud infrastructure dependence and the industrialisation of artificial intelligence


you all are trying to fit this into like 2 possibilities one where AI is literally downfall of humanity and the other where its another nothingburger and a meme

have you considered the possibility that machine learning when applied just makes production of things cheaper? its an on going battle for corpos to make things cheaper fulfilling the falling rate of profit prophecy.

my prediction for america for machine learning is literally at some point enough workers are gonna be fired and america has to covert to a fucked up amalgamation of capitalism and socialism that we will be convinced is for our own good just so that the citizens wont fucking tear each other apart


The cost of producing a reasonable standard of living for everybody in the world is already perfectly doable. We just don't do it because it's not profitable. The poorest people in the world can't pay for it. The wealthy people and countries aren't interested in paying for it out of charity. The global capitalists want to keep things the way they are because they make the most profit by hyper-exploiting the poorest parts of the population. The inequality and poverty is a feature not a bug.


at my job, the retard CEO + shareholders declared my job "automated" out of pure optimism even though it was still absolutely needed. Instead of firing me, they put me on the dev team, where I got to witness first hand how few of their goals was actually being met by AI. First of all, AI absolutely still requires humans to collect and curate large training sets of data. AI can't do this by itself. When it does try to do this by itself, the consequences are disastrous. Second of all, they didn't actually automate my job. The dev team just promised the shareholders a bunch of bullshit and then the profit hungry porkies acted on instinct and fired a bunch of people they still would have needed for a very long time, thinking they could simply plug the hole left by us with a bunch of trash in the mean time, in order to keep the shit afloat. Third of all they've already hired a bunch of people to do what I used to do (having realized their mistake), only without any experienced person (me) to train the new people, the new people aren't an adequate replacement for me, even though they are more numerous and expensive. I'm never going back because I make more money on the dev team even though I do way less.

This is the power of the "AI" meme.


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Don't make me tap the sign.

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