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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Class societies have always been the same, people are pushed to do stupid things which keep the society going with majority of people living miserable lives. Capitalism has been no progress at all in terms of productive forces or otherwise. What capitalism does is that it creates tons of garbage on mass scale, which gives semblance that people have access to much more and much better but it is more of shit. Let us take the example of food, yeah the capacity to produce food has expanded but it is just shit food and that too is not available to all. The mass produced food is giving everyone and their mum cancer and at the end of it all what do we have? We have same everything in capitalism as we did in any other form of class society earlier.


>Class societies have always been the same
No they have been not. The position of a slave is completely different than that of the wage worker, and the wage worker is the only class who can end class society because it is literally a product of class society.


Yeah I mean a slave was sure that he would be fed till he dies, a wage worker on the other hand does not exist. In capitalism no one has right to work, if you don't even work how are you worker? In capitalism it is just lumpens and some lumpens get a job if they are lucky it happens on totally random basis.


Why the slaves could not create a slave movement to form a classless society without? Did the opressed classes of the past, the slaves and peasants not had the means of production, or technology to create communes? Did Marx ever explained why they did not liberate themselves from the oppressive/oppressed logic?

I did not read much marx


Yeah Marxists have this "only the wage worker can end class society" if you ask them "why so?" they will insult you and say that you should read their favorite book or something on those lines. It is quite hilarious actually.


If in order to understand an idea specially a social idea everyone is required to read a very fat book, then you know that idea is not going to take off. That is just the simple hard fact of life, "marxists" have still not understood it.


Ahistorical leftoidism from another retarded flag.


>you should read their favorite book
Well, yeah, it answers your question.


Proletarians are a direct and essential product of industrial production, the material basis for capitalism.
Due to the expansion of markets, and of mass industry, every other historical class gets transformed to either proletarian or capitalist. Today, historical forms of class society only exists as vestiges to capitalist society.
Wage work is the basis of bourgeois society and wage work exists if and only if capital exists.
Capital is a social relation between the landed bourgeois and the landless and propertyless proletarian. The latter is forced due to those circumstances to enter into, from the getgo, unequal transaction with the bourgeois, and sell his labour in the form of the labour-power on the market as a commodity.
These property rights are bourgeois property rights which guarantee that capital can exist.
All history is the history of class struggle.
Therefore, when the bourgeois and proletarian clash, and if the proletarian wishes to secure its victory over the bourgeoisie, it has to abolish bourgeois property. But by abolishing bourgeois property, the abolishes the foundation of wage work, the foundation of capital. It therefore abolishes capitalist class society, and hence class society in general.


Thanks man


I should say that I wrote "vestige" when it should have been "appendage". There are some other spelling mistakes. And I wanted to expand on some points. Here's the corrected version (I'm not going to delete the old one).

i) As class society developed, it developed according to certain laws characteristic of its mode of production. These laws were accidental, but based on certain historical relations these classes had.
ii) Capitalist society developed firstly in England and in the Netherlands around the 16th century. It has gone through the phases of mercantilism, state capitalism, and finally imperialism - when capitalist society has spread over the Earth.
iii) Due to the expansion of markets and mass industry, every other historical class transforms into either proletarian or capitalist.
iv) Today, historical forms of class society exist only as appendages of capitalist society.
v) Wage work forms the basis of bourgeois society, existing only if capital exists.
vi) Capital represents a social relation between the landed bourgeois and the landless, propertyless proletarian.
vii) The proletarian is compelled by these circumstances to engage in unequal transactions with the bourgeois, selling their labor-power on the market as a commodity.
viii) Bourgeois property rights guarantee the existence of capital.
ix) As capitalist society inevitably enters cycles of crisis due to the internal logic of the capitalist system, the class distinctions between proletarians and the bourgeoisie sharpen, and the class struggle takes clearer forms.
x) If the proletarian class aims to prevail in this struggle, it must abolish bourgeois property rights. Doing so eliminates the foundation of wage work and capital, thereby abolishing capitalist class society and, consequently, class society in general.


>Let us take the example of food, yeah the capacity to produce food has expanded but it is just shit food
The industrial revolution increased our yields of good foods like vegetables and fruits long before it was filling shelves with cheetos


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>historical progress = moral good


Yeah none of that proves that wage worker will end capitalism. If all history is history of class struggle then all the subject classes of past had same probability of abolishing class society as that of present one and those of coming future ones.


>historical progress = whatever I pull out of my ass


>Long before
How many years are in long before?
Also what countries are you talking about ? You know that West alone does not comes in "our" right comrade?


Yeah all the subject classes in the past had to do just that my exceptionally bright friend i.e, to abolish the "property rights" of Ruling class. Shame none of them could do it very similarly the workers have not been able to do the same in so many hundreds of years. What a surprise!


Wrong. See Communist China. The ruling class is the proletariat and its property rights are the most extensive.


hahahaha good one


>all history is history of class struggle
hitherto existing history
wrecker behavior


Another "anti-imperialist" "anti-colonialism" thread. Is this really gonna be the socdemism of the 21st century?


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>hitherto existing history
Why did you feel this was necessary to say? Are you just being a wanker? Or did you think we would confuse it with a future history where class struggle has been surpassed?


You're an idiot.


>bumping just to say this
no u


Because the anon thinks that communism is the of history in general and not the end of class society, that is, all hitherto existing history. History of class society is history of class sturggle, that much I deduct that the Zigga understands - then from these assumptions, he thinks that end of class struggle (communism) means the end of history, because history for him is the history of class struggle, and not history as Marx saw it as "whenever men enter into definitive relations of production" or something similar (German Ideology).

I did not stress it because "hitherto" is a smart sounding word. It's shorthand for "up to this point."


Yeah none of that proves that "workers" can end the class society lol.


New to empiricism?


not rly


Are you trying to say something?

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