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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>the biggest war in history erupts
>all countries have to implement state communist policies to have a chance of survival
Why did it work so well in the middle of the 20th century, but now is a big taboo?


>Why did it work so well in the middle of the 20th century, but now is a big taboo?
>Why does the bourgoiesie, who gets rich of markets and private property, who desire ever increasing markets to invest in, hate centrally planned economies?

Why does leftypol have so many people who call themselves communist but haven't read any book from Marx?


Because there was an easily understood and well priopagandized need for rationing and other policies.
Can't believe you made an op to ask this.
Certified medical idiots shouldn't be allowed on adult Internet.


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>Certified medical idiots shouldn't be allowed on adult Internet.
Those are the only people on the internet.


So basically it's strictly friendly/enemy propaganda issue, right? Then why the hell would any leftist object to measures such as censorship and propaganda? Doesn't seem like freedom of expression is compatible with fair society until bourgeoisie exists.


People do not like to live under such policies where there is an atmosphere of rationing.
>crony-capitalism already became this and people don't like it.


>So basically it's strictly friendly/enemy propaganda issue, right?
>Then why the hell would any leftist object to measures such as censorship and propaganda?
Communists were being repressed.
>Doesn't seem like freedom of expression is compatible with fair society until bourgeoisie exists.


It worked so well because there was an enemy to rally against that was seemingly an existential threat. When Hitler talked about a “New World Order” he meant, in part, the end of Anglosphere dominance and the emergence of Germany as a major power in global politics. Germany was fighting a total war, and so the Anglo ruling class had to as well. Hitler had one insightful view, which was that to defeat totalitarianism, all these liberal countries had to borrow some of its tactics. Though I’d say the libs managed to perfect them (as well as possibly taking more from Fascism than the Soviets ever did)

If I recall correctly, HUAC originally started to, among other things, prosecute Nazi sympathizers. Even the name sounds fairly Fascist “House Un-American Activities Commission” almost like how Spanish right wingers called Leftists “Anti-Spain”. Mosley was similarly imprisoned without trial in Britain for his political beliefs.

Yknow there was this old propaganda poster I saw ages ago. It was from the Disney company of all things. It was a big picture of FDR captioned “Hats off for The Leader!” And something about the phrasing seemed a little brown in my opinion. “The Leader” doesn’t sound like a title any single politician today can carry. But against the backdrop of total war, it’s important to have this singular figure that can kind of stand “above” the contradictions of society and direct it towards victory. Stalin, arguably, was the equivalent for the USSR.


>communism is when bourgeois nations have high taxes, rationing, and steel drives during war time


Not only did the economy run under war communism under extreme conditions but more importantly significant innovations were accomplished. Did they lie to me in econ101?

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