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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I can't take this anymore, I need to make some sort of choice. It's undeniable I literally live in the Fourth Reich. This is in fact World War III and I'm on the bad guy side. Since I was a teenager I've flirted with the idea of just up and leaving the USA and somehow making my way in Europe, which is the closest I could get to the good guys without being a colonizer myself. But then as a socialist I decided that the honorable thing to do would be to stay where I am and try to change things for the better here.
I'm wracked with guilt. No matter how atrocious it gets I still go to work every day and go about my life, my rationale to myself is that I have two roommates, whose rent would climb from $800 a month each to $1200 if I were to leave our house-share. Not to mention, my parents are getting old and lonely, and will need my help at some point. I feel so disgusted with my situation, and I confess I'm too much of a coward to sacrifice myself like Aaron Bushnell. I want to believe that if I was actually (rightfully) invaded by one of the USA's many, many victims I could be an ally, but for now until that happens everything I do makes me a rustless screw in the mass-murder machine. Every cent I pay in taxes goes to the bombs, to the guns, to the terror.


>bad guy side
There are no good sides in WW3. Reaction has won and there is only the death of the human race awaiting us.


Anon, your ideology is the problem. Look at the Ussr, look at contemporary China: It doesn't matter what you do, just create an ideology which justifies your behaviour. Start like this: "I enjoy what I do (doesn't matter what it is) and it is necessary from a dialectical materialist perspective!" Very easy! This is what literally everybody does!


least hyperbolic liberal


At least I'm not this stupid I guess


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Do some sabotage.
Also either propagandize to or educate people.


Brother, if you can't delineate a good side and a bad side by now, I don't know if there's any helping you.


Well, you can still set yourself on fire like Aaron Cucknell. But if I would be in your position, I would try something like MAGA communism. Seems to be the better option.


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Btw OP, how old are you? When I was younger, I had the exact same thoughts like you. I tell you this: Get rid of this toxic ideology! It will lead you to suicide in the long term. I don't care if I'm on the wrong side of history. I want to live. Maybe its true, that leftism is a death cult.


>neither Washington or Moscow!
Trots are getting awfully rowdy today. Anyways op there is in fact a good side, it’s the one not doing imperialism and expanding finance capital


youre a libshit feeling 'guilty' over your nationality and you call others stupid?


The United front against Nazism will one day scatter your ashes across fields of Watermelons, for children of all cultures to enjoy, you cowardly little racist faggot. Neck yourself before we have to do it for you.


oh its an unfunny shitpost thread, carry on then


Does it hurt to get found out? I bet it does. You never thought we'd be smarter than you.


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>I'm wracked with guilt.
Why bitch? You ain't signing the checks. You are individualizing the atrocities perpetuated by a complex system into yourself. You are being a liberal. Stop it. Chill. Relax. Touch some grass, get some friends. Take a break from all this bullshit, you deserve it.


>without being a colonizer myself

how would it make you a colonizer to move to china or ghana or brazil or wherever lol, it would just make you an immigrant


You're right. Maybe it's like the guilt of white liberals. its unproductive, and ultimately comes down to my ego.


I'm going to agree with the simpleton



Join the union
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Join the free marketplace of socialist ideias
Join the red meritocracy
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Join us


>scatter your ashes across fields of Watermelons

Ok but first use Bushnell's ashes please.


This triggers the third-worldist


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Only westoid pussies are afraid of death in the first instance


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fascism has specific characteristics and basically none of them are commonplace nationally under the Biden Administration! it can get unfathomably worse, it's disturbing you can't easily imagine worse than liberal capitalism


I don't give a shit how much worse it could get. the genocide is happening now, dude.


warfare never stopped


you can't even come up with a coherent rebuttal at this point. you're so bad at shilling it's just so embarrassing, MR. BONNEL, AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY. MR. BERILIO



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Just put a 12 hour nightcore playlist on loop and goon to zoomer edit splitscreen porn until your eyes bleed and your mind goes numb.

Or do what this guy says >>1807597


thanks for posting my fave montage<3
okay bestie i'll go do some drugs love u


The sad truth



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cry about it liberal cucky, the N.A.M. is winning


Based if true.
Gaza genocide broke my optimism however


Also ungodly based Fidel edit


Being able to solve a problem is as much an issue of social and physical positioning as being able to cause those problems.


>Good side
<Bad side
Holy fuck
The baby brains on this fucking site


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Thanks, but I got it confused with this one, which I prefer personally since it shows more of his cute side<3

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