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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>overwhelming academic consensus is pro-trans
>overwhelming academic consensus is pro-gay
>transgenderism is affirmed by all major medical organizations
>homosexuality is not considered a mental disorder
>Trump lost
>Biden won
>The nazis lost
>The allies won
>no one likes /pol/
Face it chinlets, you lost, and TRANS RIGHTS WON


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Good ok
But we need to have a higher ambition here. What we need next is a trans Stalin.


Why are you making multiple ops about trains?



I just think they are cute


Cool. Now we can focus on class issues which caused all of this reactionary stuff in the first place.



OP, you forgot about the Wpath leaks.


See y all in the trenches.


>Trump channelling his inner Stalin
>Dizzy from Success



Its always insane how self proclaimed marxists ignore material reality of 3rd gender in state societies, and how breaking free from the chains of bourgeois and even feudal-religious ideology is so hard for you anonymous cretins


We need to get the antipsychiatry people to fight the people who declare any deviation from the norm a "mental illness."


lol transgenderism confirmed for being a cult


>overwhelming academic consensus is capitalist
>capitalism is affirmed by all major economic organizations
>hoarding wealth is not considered a mental disorder


Say what you want about him his speeches are hilarious.

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