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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Bread for the discission of the bord flu and a doomposter containment thread.
In the past few days it jumped to goats, then to cows and now to a human from a cow, this is the second case in the US, the situation may be worse in the global south.
This is a skeleton thread and i hope a good baker bakes good bread when it collapses




Wasn't mortality inversely correlated with ease of spreading for viruses? If so, this is yet another nothingburger


>it’s another fake “China flu” scare just in time for the election
Watch leftypol fall for this one the same way it fell for the COVID narrative. First as farce, second as tragedy


Another ill
Made to kill
Cops and rightists laying still
In my mind from behind
Looting shooting
Millions died
Few more steps
To collapse
A brutal system turned to ash
Happiness from the rubble
Anarchist gang preparses for trouble
Marching slow, but assured
Building a brand new world
Purging those
Who oppose
Humanity returns to peace
The freedom cycle now repeats
We revert to the earth
That has given us our birth.



>trust me prole, THIS virus will totally KILL YOU with CHINESE TOXINS unless you inject yourself with Pharmacorp’s Patented Mercury-coated Panacea several times! Only 14.95 at your local food distribution site! And remember: the birth defects means it’s protecting you from the China virus!


>THIS virus will totally KILL YOU
Nobody said that.

>unless you inject yourself with Pharmacorp’s Patented Mercury-coated Panacea several times! Only 14.95 at your local food distribution site!


>And remember: the birth defects means it’s protecting you from the China virus!



>literal namefag starts thred
>conditions any questioning of official narrative as crazy
inb4 meds



H5N1 Detections in USA

Wild Birds: Widespread

Poultry Flocks: Sporadic outbreaks

Mammals: Sporadic infections

People: 2 cases in U.S.

Person-to-person spread: None

Current public health risk: Low


>The largest producer of fresh eggs in the U.S. said Tuesday it had temporarily halted production at a Texas plant after bird flu was found in chickens, and officials said the virus had also been detected at a poultry facility in Michigan.

>Ridgeland, Mississippi-based Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. said in a statement that approximately 1.6 million laying hens and 337,000 pullets, about 3.6% of its total flock, were destroyed after the infection, avian influenza, was found at a facility in Parmer County, Texas.



It had been going berserk for the past couple years, its only a matter of time at this point


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Listen, fat. Mom said it's my turn to have a deadly pandemic!


Maoist-Pest Controllist though proven right once again


hope we get another lock down



>disease thread


100 Times Worse Than Covid': Experts Raise Alarm Over Potential Bird Flu Pandemic

The latest development comes after a poultry facility in Michigan and an egg producer in Texas in the US reported outbreaks of avian flu this week

Experts have raised alarm over the potential threat of a bird flu pandemic, warning that it could be ‘100 times worse than Covid’ and potentially lead to fatalities in up to half of those infected.

The concerns were raised during a recent briefing where researchers discussed on the H5N1 strain of bird flu. They expressed apprehension that the virus may be approaching a critical threshold that could spark a global pandemic, according to a report by UK-based tabloid Daily Mail.

During the briefing, Dr. Suresh Kuchipudi, a prominent bird flu researcher in Pittsburgh, warned that H5N1 has the potential to cause a pandemic, given its ability to infect a range of mammalian hosts, including humans, stating, “we are getting dangerously close to this virus potentially causing a pandemic."



It's only a matter of time until another big pandemic hits, especially with covid running rampant and damaging immune systems in the mean time.


Its true that high mortality is one factor in spread being weakened, for the obvious reasoning that killing the host means the virus spread is restricted, basic selective pressure. However thats only one of many factors, and incubation time/time between being contagious and dying are positively correlated with high spread. The most dangerous viruses are those with a long incubation time (harder to track/contain) and a long period of contagious sickness (more time for an infected person to spread it) and high mortality.


>zoomzooms don't remember the last h5n1 nothingburger



<Has the virus from the Texas individual been studied?

> Yes. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a lengthy analysis of the genome of the virus from the infected person. The CDC’s conclusion: The small changes seen in the virus are similar to those seen in other instances where this H5N1 has infected people. Viruses with those changes haven’t been seen to trigger ongoing person-to-person spread.

>“Overall, the genomic analysis of the virus from this human case does not change CDC’s risk assessment,” the agency said. “The overall risk to human health associated with the ongoing HPAI A(H5) outbreaks in poultry and detections in wild birds and cattle remains low.”

<Is there a risk to people from milk produced by infected cows?

Yes, in theory. In practice, though, it shouldn’t be an issue.

>Infected cows shed virus in their milk. Farms that have detected H5N1 in their cows are supposed to destroy the milk produced by infected cows, so it should not make its way into the food chain. Even if some did, inadvertently, pasteurization would kill the viruses, the USDA says.

>Unpasteurized milk from affected cows would pose a risk to people. But unpasteurized milk poses multiple risks to people and public health authorities recommend against its consumption.

Cool I can't wait for unpasteurized milk enthusiasts to get us killed because they don't like big gubberman making sure their food isn't fucked.


>Cool I can't wait for unpasteurized milk enthusiasts to get us killed because they don't like big gubberman making sure their food isn't fucked
Fitting end for burgerland


huge animal agriculture L


Here have a bulgarian roma song about the bird flu


that was H4N1. bird flu is worse


My hunter-gatherer homies are so excited.


Live by the ham, die by the ham.


Get past the American politics links and there is news about h5n1. Apparently pasteurization isn't enough to sterilize all viruses in cow milk.



>The good thing about very lethal viruses is the hosts dont survive long enough to spread it far and wide

There's no anime girl disparaging enough for this.

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