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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Fujitsu was also found to have pressurised the UK government to sign off the controversial and faulty IT system that, as a result of its faulty operation, resulted in numerous UK postmasters and sub-postmasters being accused falsely, and subsequently convicted of theft, false accounting and fraud, with consequences including imprisonment and monetary reparations. Of the hundreds of people affected, as of January 2024 only around 1 in 9 of those convicted have had their convictions overturned, whereas others have died due to the length of time that has elapsed, or have taken their own lives in the wake of their wrongful convictions.

this is some next level shit even for brit standards
>release faulty IT systems
>pressure (that is bribe) officials to lay off any investigation
>consequently they do nothing, no surprise there
>HUNDREDS of workers falsely accused of fraud and theft get thrown in jail, some have difficulties coping with slander and rope
>2024 case still not resolved despite first articles concerning it having surfaced in 2020
what the fuck?




there was apparently another system going back to the 90s that predate the horizon system, that was also buggy, and post masters going to jail over fraud.


Why is he so fat?


Alcoholism, like really insane levels of alcoholism


> One estimate placed his consumption of Pol Roger champagne at 42,000 bottles during his lifetime.
Damn that’s a lot of champagne


Just another case of our supposedly cognitively enhanced elite fucking themselves up with the most stereotypical corruption imaginable and then blaming the working masses for it

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