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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Hello everyone. Mods can move this to /edu/ if they want. How integral were the contributions of the Soviet Union in WW2? Is it true that they contributed the most to defeating the Nazis? How much of Hitler's forces were dedicated to the Eastern Front? There is also the claim that the only reason the USSR was able to push back against the Nazis was due to Western lend-lease, is that true?

On the other side, there are also claims that even if the Soviet Union was fighting the Axis entirely alone, they would have still won at a significant cost. Is it true?


>Is it true that they contributed the most to defeating the Nazis?
>How much of Hitler's forces were dedicated to the Eastern Front?
Not enough to stop the Red Army from reaching Berlin.
>There is also the claim that the only reason the USSR was able to push back against the Nazis was due to Western lend-lease
And Germany wouldn't have been so well equipped if not for all the investment from the west.


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>How integral were the contributions of the Soviet Union in WW2?
>Is it true that they contributed the most to defeating the Nazis?
"most" in terms of what?
>There is also the claim that the only reason the USSR was able to push back against the Nazis was due to Western lend-lease, is that true?
lend-lease helped. pre-war industrialization was far more important
>On the other side, there are also claims that even if the Soviet Union was fighting the Axis entirely alone, they would have still won at a significant cost. Is it true?


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here op


Who fucking cares. Another imperialist shithole that used slave labour, killed and raped thousands of civilians, like every other member of the Allies and every member of the Axis. The fact that people are even hell bent on handwringing over "contributions" of some bourgeois state that sent millions of proletarians to murder other millions of proletarians is such pathetic, ignorant, bloodthirsty religious slop, it's amazing how none of you can see it.

The great contribution of the Soviet Union in WW2 was ensuring that capitalism continued burning for another century. The very hell you live and whine about today, if you believe that they were really le good guys or whatever, was by definition won by the Soviet Union then. Personally, I find that revolting, but if you want to worship great men like every other petty bourgeois retard with no religion, feel free.(USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST)


>Who fucking cares. Another imperialist shithole that used slave labour, killed and raped thousands of civilians, like every other member of the Allies and every member of the Axis. The fact that people are even hell bent on handwringing over "contributions" of some bourgeois state that sent millions of proletarians to murder other millions of proletarians is such pathetic, ignorant, bloodthirsty religious slop, it's amazing how none of you can see it.


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>The fact that people are even hell bent on handwringing over "contributions" of some bourgeois state that sent millions of proletarians to murder other millions of proletarians is such pathetic, ignorant, bloodthirsty religious slop, it's amazing how none of you can see it.

anon you do realise the nazis were the ones that declared war on the soviets right? the soviet campaigns in finland and the baltics hardly involved millions of people dying

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