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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Are there any sites, news-outlets, blogs, etc. which can be considered any reliable in terms of what happens inside DPRK? I found that when trying to follow the happenings in the DPRK or study its society, I either encounter highly Westernised "North Korea bad" anticommunisms, or unreflective, completely-oblivious-to-reality ML autisms.

Are there any sources/sites which at least come close to being realistic, good-faith and consistent on news from the DPRK?


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>Are there any sources/sites which at least come close to being realistic, good-faith and consistent on news from the DPRK?
beside straight state sponsored news source ? none to my knowledge.


None it is a hermit kingdom


we sure the DRPK exists? Kim could just be doing an elaborate bit.


I mean, I've never been there. Have you?


come to think of it, why isn't corea del norte reaching out more on the Internet


I don't think lefty Paul is a good, DPRK news source news on mostly reposts, reliable stories, but still from the western press, or from Al Jazeera.


*newsanon sry for the dictation meme again lel


Their own news, dog.
Anyway what news are you expecting? You can only say "the United States is still harassing us for no reason" so many times.


I usually watch North Korea Now
For news articles

I can't seem to access the actual Korean sites. My guess it has to do with sanctions or DPRK blocking most connections from out of DPRK for security reasons.

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