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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem

From the rise of QAnon to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, this documentary film explains how a group of bored teenagers built an online community out of their shared loneliness but accidentally shattered consensus reality in the process.

>"We never wanted it to end up this way."

<"It started to shift towards people trolling in real life"
>"If something drew the ire of anonymous, it suffered"
<"What drives user numbers? In revenue, it's anger"
>"As internet gets 4chan-ified, it's easier to make really dark, disgusting or screwed up things"
<"We all participated in undermining reality, but we never wanted things to turn into a living cartoon" while juxtaposed with Trump imagery.
>"It's all happening because of the internet"

Link to watch -→


Truly epic lulz
Truly epic internet hate machine.
Always posted on the Internet


libs will blame anything but capitalism


woah… thehacker known as 4Chan…. they does it again….


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Its time to touch grass.


Idiots always try to localize or specify problems like harassment or being offensive onto certain websites or whatever when they sprang fully out of a subcultural context that was already there, decades before they even existed and even on separate parts of the world.


>validating the 4chan meme that 4chan is responsible for Donald Trump
do lbierals really


Is this the documentary where Kirtaner claims that he's the "founder of Anonymous"? I can only assume that the target audience are the types of people that read The Daily Beast, so I expect to probably see Pepe the Frog blowing up a yellow van.
Three words: Pied Piper Strategy.


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picrel was the superior documentary


4chan was 10x more responsible for Trump/Maga shilling than Russia. Liberals moving on from Russians swaying the elction by buying $5k in facebook ads is definitely a step in the right direction.


its not a "step in the right direction" when both positions are equally stupid


>a 71 autism score take is better than a 70 autism score take


The 4chinlets actually did shill effectively. They even got the pope to denounce pizzagate.


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consensus reality lmao


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>The Antisocial Network
simpsons did it

i can't find the other parody poster but i somehow found pic2 when image-searching all the slurs written on it

9000 penises and they're all raping children


decent doc, but didn’t really contain anything I didn’t already know about the lore surrounding the chans, Q, etc. that HBO docuseries about Q Anon from 2021 was much better, IMHO.

thanks for the link, OP, it worked perfectly.


I tried watching this but it was such a bummer I had to stop. Might try it again tho.

That documentary about Pepe and his creator is amazing, I think it’s just called Feels Good, Man; highly recommend.

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