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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I‘ve had a somewhat interesting idea recently and maybe you find it interesting as well. I checked some of the various large language models that exist nowadays and some of them allow you to talk to PDFs. So the content of the PDF is given to you in chat form. We could build LLMs that are fed with all the literature of certain personalities such as Marx and have them as bots here to chime in when they are evoked. So we could ask what Rosa Luxemburg‘s or Stalin‘s opinion is on X, Y, Z. They could also chat with each other and have debates. The LLMs could be run on a cloud and connected this website and a certain command will evoke them to give an answer.


LLMs do not actually understand what they are saying. They are able to put together the grammar rules and the pattern of words that they identify, but they don't attach meaning to the words. This would be a recipe for people confidently asserting incoherent takes citing "Marx" (a chatbot trained on a sample of Marx's writings).


We could also acknowledge that it's more for entertainment than a serious source


The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living it seems.


Just give them a party hat when they post, that makes it less bleak


We already have duginists on this board, we don't need no more robots


lol true

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