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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>watching a video about how people lived double lives by stealing an identity
>comment section
>"i guess it works for some, but if the federal agencies like the FBI want you, there's no hiding!"

Has this ever been false? I know these agencies have unimaginable resources and work on a "monkeys create shakespeare" principle, when there is no such thing as an unsolvable case but a case that hasn't had enough reaources put into it. Is it actually true that there in reality is no escape for anyone or anything provided they want you hard enough? This would be an interesting topic and it would be cool to see if there are any madlads that didn't fit this rule. The main question that interests me is do cases have a natural solvability limit that at some point cannot be increased by technology or resources, or does the solvabiloty only depend on whether it is high enough profile that it warrants big enough effort.


There are some people we need to, uhum, get more resources into it, i guess….
Please, the CIA need 1 trillon dollars, there is no way we kill this man without a nuclear explosion


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To be fair I think this is mostly due to the cops being lazy fucks not the cases being unsolvable


This is what the police really believes!


to be fair the only reason homicide solving statistics went down is because they don't get away with framing and falsely convicting random black people, immigrants, and homeless people as much as they used to.


Did you consider that the only cases they are able to solve are ones committed by people inside of the innermost circle of the victim? TV shows and movies where cops are able to solve every single crime are a power fantasy.

That too, DNA testing and CCTV forced cops to prove if the random person they picked up is the culprit.


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>if the federal agencies like the FBI want you, there's no hiding
laughs in ted kaczynski


Remind me where he ended up?


That's because his brother ratted him out. Otherwise, the FBI failed miserably at tracing his identity and whereabouts.


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It's almost like ppl never leave their echo chambers to do any independent journalism.
>We r media noe
No wonder Trump is still even viable!!!
>>>>>Oh mY gawd were gonna loose!!!!!!
But anyways:


the weather underground clowned on the feds so hard they were the basis for homer's mum in the simpsons.


Lel, I'd completely forgotten about that.


If they "want you" they'll just frame you or kill you. The only way to win is to be permanently off their radar so they never "want you."


>50% of murders solved
This is also an over-estimation since a lot of the people who get convicted are the wrong person. Cops have a tendency to arrest the first person they find who "meets the description" and then manufacture a case around them.

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