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I am trying to understand more about the current Russian National Bolshevism, if there is a real ideology there or is it pure joke…

Does anyone know if there is an ideologist or any real theory that can be read about them? lol



"Templars of the Proletariat" by Alexander Dugin


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Russian NazBol is what happens when you're a Russian anticommunist and you see liberalism destroy Russia so you realize that western liberalism was much worse than living under Soviet society BUT you're still spooked by anticommunism and think capitalism is the way, so you remain stuck in an in-between limbo devoid of ideological and philosophical coherence. It's a joke… more of an art movement than a party. But I will recommend this book because it explains the political chaos of 90s Russia nicely.


I haven’t had a chance to do much of a deep dive into the Russian NazBols, but the impression I get is they’re a kind of “romantic” Socialist movement—which I think can also be an apt descriptor of some early Fascism.

What I mean by that, is that Lenin was a lawyer and Limonov was a fiction writer. Both expressed revolutionary and radical politics, but it manifested in different ways. Limonov seemed ultimately driven by an explosive passion rather than a purely scientific understanding of Marxism. You see this in their aesthetic—fusing Nazi and Communist symbolism, their newspaper translating to “hand grenade”, etc. in some ways, Limonov strikes me as what could have happened to David Bowie if his brief conversion to Fascist aesthetics (during the Thin White Duke era) resulted in him getting involved in politics. Which isn’t to say that Limonov or Bowie experienced an actual conversion to Fascism (Bowie, after all, was on so much cocaine he would believe a witch was in his pool trying to steal his semen) but rather they chose a politics of militant rejection of the status quo. “Scare the hoes” kind of politics, if you would.

And in the landscape of post-Soviet Russia, where the old Communists either became oligarchs or formed a “boring” establishment party. And where the Soviet Union was assimilated into “status quo” Russian Nationalism. Then the “revolutionary nationalism” available was some silly aesthetic fusion of Communism and Nazism—Lenin with a Mohawk, if you would.


>when you're a Russian anticommunist and you see liberalism destroy Russia so you realize that western liberalism was much worse than living under Soviet society BUT you're still spooked by anticommunism and think capitalism is the way
Erm, I don't think this is exactly accurate. NBP is stringently anti-capitalist, have Stalin and Soviet political economy books on their website, and no nazbol I've ever talked to thinks "capitalism is the way over Soviet society". If anything nazbol was an attempt to drag the nihilistic youth of 90s-early 2000s Russia into anti-capitalist policies via entertaining political eclecticism


Communism with Nazi characteristics


I've read Dugin and Limonov, and Nazbols really have a tendency to talk a lot, to make revolutionary speeches without explaining anything. Dugin ultimately just wants a mixed economy, and Limonov literally said he didn't even care about economics. This is why NazBol comes off as an incoherent LARP, where the goals are never truly defined, you know mystified capitalism is still capitalism.


Dugin's connection to nazbol is overhyped. Their current iteration hardly cites Eurasianist thought anywhere. Dugin tried to latch onto any movement that he perceived as "third-positionist" in the 2000s from European alt-right to Ukrainian nationalists and Russian nazbols. But he wasn't as influential as believed. I'm convinced seeing Dugin everywhere is a Western journalist attempt to mystify Russian political movements as being puppeted by a Rasputin-like figure.

>mystified capitalism is still capitalism

I agree but not really what NBP does. Fascist movements that mystify capitalism wouldn't spread Stalinist political economy.


>. I'm convinced seeing Dugin everywhere is a Western journalist attempt to mystify Russian political movements as being puppeted by a Rasputin-like figure.

And/or to give cover to the current war. My libshit friends are convinced that he's Putin's spiritual master because wikipedia says he wrote a book that says Russia has to conquer eurasia and this book was used in the Russian war college or some shit.


it's pretty incredible how persistent people on the site are at attempting to understand history using psycho babble without investigation


All socialism is romantic
Only the capitalist west as yet has chained itself to the discourse of a scientific dictatorship and cybernetic planning, since capital is synonymous with the inhuman power of the machine.


Like fascism, it is a spontaneous movement and aesthetic of political negation.
There is no "theory" because that would imply a project, or a platform.


>I'm convinced seeing Dugin everywhere is a Western journalist attempt to mystify Russian political movements as being puppeted by a Rasputin-like figure.
trvthnvke. they even tried to give him a rasputin-like death but got his cute daughter by accident


He is hard to kill like Rasputin. He also has a monster penis like rasputin.


I mean they literally have an article about him called "Putin's Rasputin" which helped codify this


Yes it is pure ideology


>if there is a real ideology there or is it pure joke…
No ideology it is just a joke.
>Does anyone know if there is an ideologist or any real theory that can be read about them?
Not worth it but you should check out Yegor Letov he was an amazing poet, helped found the party, then distanced himself from it out of pure shame.


Dugin is not a nazbol, but most self proclaimed nazbols are just conservative communists (by 50s standards, they are still feminist but oppose immigration and lgbt). They feel the need to add "national" to it because they watch too much western media and think every normal communist is socially liberal which is not always true.


>Dugin tried to latch onto any movement that he perceived as "third-positionist"
*fourth-positionist (his own words)




You're basically describing Fascism.

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