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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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If socialism was on the menu in any of the Burger/Nato controlled countries how would the proletariat deal with the consoomer public? Restaurants for example rely on labour exploitation to work. Would they disappear? Many many people love visiting these. A lot of the things people would take for granted could suddenly disappear through a new economic system.


China has restaurants you dumb motherfucker, restaurants and pubs have existed since the medieval ages in urban environments


>Consumer culture
Base superstructure


There is quite literally nothing wrong with consumption


libshit thread


why do restaurants requires exploitation to work? why wouldn't restaurants be worker owned and operated under socialism?

…do you think socialism is when no work? mfs literally cannot conceive of a world without a capitalist parasite siphoning at the top


>communism will look like capitalism except no surplus value extraction and nothing else


Deal with consoomerism by making good quality products that you don't have to keep buying and throwing away.


no one said that. stop shadow boxing.


>what about le consoomer culture
socialism is not a gospel of poverty
>Restaurants for example rely on labour exploitation to work. Would they disappear?
every company relies on exploitation


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Consoomerism with chinese characteristics


>how would the proletariat deal with the proletariat
>Restaurants for example rely on labor exploitation to work.
They'd just be cafeterias. Like, people go to restaurants for the food, maybe the atmosphere if they're well off enough for options. Why would an exploitative arrangement be specifically necessary for that?


Restaurants are good and fun so they should continue to exist.
>they rely on labor exploitation to work
So does everything? What makes a restaurant any different from say, a firm that produces clothes? Raw goods are imported in, labor transforms them into consumer goods in the kitchen, labor provides a service via taking orders, serving food, and wiping down tables, and the customer pays for the meal, which serves as revenue which is divided into paying for constant capital (ingredients, kitchen equipment, building infrastructure), variable capital (wages for the workers), and surplus value (profit). What makes the case of the restaurant unique among capitalist enterprises? I don't understand.


I see you are not aware of restaurant discourse


>So does everything?
Why would you want exploitation to continue under socialism?


>they rely on labor exploitation to work
why'd you concede this point? no they don't. absolutely nothing about a restaurant necessitates exploitation.


behold the profound mental retardation on display here
>restaurant work is not more exploitative than other work
<so you want exploitation to continue!?!?!?


Aren't KFC in China owned by a local company called Yum China?


Something requiring labor doesn't mean it requires exploitation. Socialism is meant to allow people to provide their labor without being forced to by exploitative relations.


two posts by two different people making two different points which are not mutually exclusive. linked together by some schizophrenic fabrication. get some better reading comprehension bro.
or, if you're a troll, keep in mind people here will call you out on your disingenuous debate lord strats. you have to be more subtle.


>restaurant work is not more exploitative than other work
It's currently build on systematic exploitation alone and would absolutely need a fundamental rework to function under socialism for a way to have enough people also even want to work in that field without inhumane working hours under minimal pay. Most people are forced into that sort of work by their material conditions and unlike say being a farmer it isn't necessarry for humanity to survive.


Are y'all using the word "exploitation" in the Marxian sense, as in the appropriation of surplus labor value (which would continue to exist under any economic system, although the surplus value would be used differently), or in the ethical sense, as in people being coerced into selling their labor power under threat of destitution (which would not exist under socialism)? In either case I still don't see how restaurants are more exploitative than other capitalist enterprises. Please define your terms.


Yes restaurants would disappear, to be replaced with just having lunch/dinner with friends and family, maybe neighbors and acquaintances.
>A lot of the things people would take for granted could suddenly disappear through a new economic system.
As communists this should be expected. People will adapt, especially considering most of these things didn't exist since the dawn of history.

Also this




there would not be restaurants, nor hairdressers, nor any other specialization that isn't in heavy industry, nor any lunch breaks at people's jobs. please ignore actual socialist experiments and how they dealt with the restaurant question
also send all chefs to goulash

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