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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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What did he mean by this?

>Chairman Mao: Those questions are not questions to be discussed in my place. They should be discussed with the Premier. I discuss the philosophical questions. That is to say, I voted for you during your election. There is an American here called Mr. Frank Coe, and he wrote an article precisely at the time when your country was in havoc, during your last electoral campaign. He said you were going to be elected President. I appreciated that article very much. But now he is against the visit.

<President Nixon: When the President says he voted for me, he voted for the lesser of two evils.

>Chairman Mao: I like rightists. People say you are rightists, that the Republican Party is to the right, that Prime Minister Heath is also to the right.

<President Nixon: And General DeGaulle.

>Chairman Mao: DeGaulle is a different question. They also say the Christian Democratic Party of West Germany is also to the right. I am comparatively happy when these people on the right come into power.



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Anyways this will answer your question:


So you are saying strictly because he thinks leftists would side with the ussr over china?


More or less there seemed to be a perception among Mao and Zhou that center-left parties leaned Soviet. One of the weirder footnotes here is that there were some Western Maoist groups which became pro-NATO.


He meant he's a revisionist cunt and a rebranded Trotskyist.


he said he likes rightists, can't you read?


Mao tended to like his enemies; i.e, he actually thanked the Japanese for their invasion because the Japanese invasion presented a dialectical opposition that weakened the KMT and effectively trained the CPC.


Also, generally, in an American context, rightists tend to degrade the social fabric at an accelerated rate, while simultaneously being more flexible and cooperative diplomatically.

Korea, for instance, happened under Truman (a Democrat), Vietnam started under JFK (another Democrat).


Another factor is that it's easier to work with the right ("Only Nixon can go to China") given that left-cooperation with China will usually lead to China-bashing, whereas the right wing can usually solidify power as well as prevent China-hawks from attacking them from the right.

No point working with socialists if they'll end up with Allende or the Democratic Party of Japan–the deals they make will just get abrogated once the right kicks them out.


>They also say the Christian Democratic Party of West Germany is also to the right. I am comparatively happy when these people on the right come into power.

Picrel: Franz Josef Strauß, christ democrat which is loved today by AfDtards in Germany


>Mao tended to like his enemies
One of the traits I like about him. He didn't like to belittle his enemies and would call Chiang "our common old friend" when talking to Nixon and Kissinger. Like "we insult him, he insults us, eh!" When people would say his writings are great he'd be, like, "nah, none of that stuff is any good."

<Dr. Kissinger: I used to assign the Chairman's collective writings to my classes at Harvard.

<Chairman Mao: Those writings of mine aren't anything. There is nothing instructive in what I wrote. (Looking toward photographers) Now they are trying to interrupt our meeting, our order here.

<President Nixon: The Chairman's writings moved a nation and have changed the world.

<Chairman Mao: I haven't been able to change it- I’ve only been able to change a few places in the vicinity of Peking. Our common old friend, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek [Jiang Jieshi], doesn’t approve of this. He calls us communist bandits. He recently issued a speech. Have you seen it?

<President Nixon: Chiang Kai-shek calls the Chairman a bandit. What does the Chairman call Chiang- Kai-shek?

<Prime Minister Chou: Generally speaking we call them Chiang Kai-shek's clique. In the newspapers sometimes we call him a bandit: we are also called bandits in turn. Anyway, we abuse each other.

<Chairman Mao: Actually, the history of our friendship with him is much longer than the history of your friendship with him.

<President Nixon: Yes, I know.


because right wingers are unironically easier to deal with than amerikaner liberals who are bitchy and always want to get up in your business and tell you how to run things. the soviets preferred dealing with republicans over dems for the same reason. blinken goes to china. he tells chinese "you gotta embrace lib democracy. you gotta pass a womans rights act. you gotta make lgbt culture law and open a dozen gay bars. you gotta allow our companies unrestricted access. you gotta stop building planes. you have to learn better english. also you need to stop putting unforms on kids at skool. how come you dont play football? you need a chinese NFL now" etc. liberal internationalists are like roman diplomats but even gayer and more insulting.

>He didn't like to belittle his enemies and would call Chiang "our common old friend" when talking to Nixon and Kissinger. Like "we insult him, he insults us, eh!" When people would say his writings are great he'd be, like, "nah, none of that stuff is any good."
thats because mao was from a very traditional background. he new classical chinese and read all the classics. he was old fashioned in that way. in traditional confucian culture your not supposed to belittle your enemies or draw attention to yourself and your supposed to put your own work down and act like your not a big deal. mao was educated. unlike know nothing lenin and stalin and the trot. never completed their education.


Why is your name "Lolitron"?


why is your name anonymous?


nice dubs btw

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