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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Broadband internet connection and algorithmic content curation has realized Zbigniew Brzezinski's vision of TITTYTAINMENT. Videobinging, excessive videogaming, gooning. Zbiggy was already talking about it many, many years ago. The ruling class needs a way to pacify the masses, now the technology is here. Welcome to the future.
>Uh, just let people enjoy things!
Ok, but keep in mind, why this all stuff actually exists.



this just sounds like Huxley's Brave New World


True! Speculative fiction is such a great genre, because it surprisingly predicts the future. 1984 or the cyberpunk genre. It is so real and it's crazy how accurate this stuff is. The developments in the world of the past years made me actually believe in hyperstition.


bread and circuses is hardly a new concept


Porky reads dystopian fiction as a to-do list, not a warning sign.


In essence, yes. But I think, we shouldn't ignore this issue.


You're dumb if you think this is bad btw. Under communism the ideal form of entertainment should be instant, decentralized and formless; not mediated or transactional, so that when people do work they do it for the joy of work and not to obtain money-value which is seen as the aggregate representation of desires and means of reproduction.
Under Actual Existing Socialism, everyone has sex all the time and eat all the time; the problem with the current capitalist system is not that it blasted you with constant torrent of stimulation, but peculiarly that it does not do so at all. Instead of giving you sex and food, it is giving you the simulation of sex in the form of porn and the simulation of food in the form of junk food and the simulation of an actual community in the form of social media, which serves to bridge the contradiction between mass production on the one hand and concentration of wealth and power on the other, so that only a tiny sliver of people live in transcendental hedonism and the rest of us live in a sad parody of the live of successful men.


I mean I guess not but what is to be done about it? Ban videogames and TV?


How are people going to have sex all the time? Public use with communist characteristics confirmed?


you will be born in a factory live in a factory and work in a factory until you die in a factory and your corpse is mixed in the slag from the steel mill, just like the soviet union had mandatory vacations to insure productivity, so will full communism, but the vacations will be on a pomodoro timer and every 30 minutes or so you will go to your mandated gooning pod and be put on mind altering drugs that make it feel like months have passed when its only been like 30 secs(you will cum once every second), then you will be completely refershed and ready to return to the steel mill and be a good productive prole.


Thanks Chairman Yang, very cool!


>Ban videogames and TV?

How do YOU want to ban it? Are you part of the ruling class?


I was being facetious.


Based article, but I find it weird, who the author is. Is this actually made by chinese glowies? That's the thing about propaganda, it doesn't have to be a lie. Based chinese glowies https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=miXF8coBaag&listen=1


you should kill yourself


Under communism, i believe work will be so joyfull and pog and based that there will be no need for "entertainement", specially as a form of escapism. under the higher stages of communism, the drive of existence for humanity shall be knowledge as an end of itself. As nikola tesla once said “I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success. Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.”. The full undermining of the animal instincts, a new form of individualism that transcends the need for chemicals in our brains. A new rationality that transcends its way towards the satisfaction of the ego.


I do think sometimes what useful info I would know or talents Id have if I hadnt spent most of my youth gaming. I kinda envy kids today since games are such shit now, you're better off playing on a little or not at all


Gamers never die, they respawn


I won't have you defame gigantic tits they're the only things that keep me sane and alive.


Please take your meds


this is a good post

this is a reddit post

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