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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The Iranian current system doesn't seem to be very popular here, but the revolutionary Left should study it and take inspiration.

The most revolutionary and the most militant movements today are often descended from the legacy of the Iranian Revolution. Who is at the forefront of the struggle against Zionism and the compradors of the Western imperialist domination? Are not Hezbollah and Ansarallah, and not the self proclaimed leftists, almost de facto the revolutionists most important in the areas that they govern?.

The Middle East has had all manner of attempts at revolutionary and reactionary movements, but the ones that're with the most dynamism and have relatively persistent sorts of popularity, influence, or success happen coincidentally to have that Iranian republican inspired bent, such as the Axis of Resistance.

No one, who is part of the normal, common, and belabored multitudes of the popular masses in this age, is about to show all up and give their effort for some infantile fad of student anarchists whose ideology doesn't survive past that first real job or for some dogmatic program of compatible Westoid Marxists that hasn't been relevant since the end of the gold standard. People need more to be motivated to give their sweat, skin, and lives than just nebulous proposals for welfare and entertainment. The Western countries' revolutionary Left must regain the spirit, that in the previous century could, rally ordinary people to commit superhuman feats in the AES countries and similar national entities historically, to make people enthusiastically fight for causes greater than that of one person themselves; and there they can perhaps take some inspiration from the most successful modern day movements against the dominant capitalist imperialism.


oh yeah when is that madoka movie coming out?


>self proclaimed leftists
why you throw shades at them ?

>revolutionists most important in the areas that they govern

>ones that're with the most dynamism and have relatively persistent sorts of popularity, influence, or success happen coincidentally to have that Iranian republican
no shit, its like having a steady supply of weapons and money from their patrons help them take the forefront

>infantile fad of student anarchists

leftist armed resistance group in the mena are not infantile nor anarchists you bitch

>since the end of the gold standard.

you mean the end of the soviet union, that ended their foreign support

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