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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The prevalence of opportunism and reformism is primarily due to the extremely large middle class which forms the majority of the population in the West (and possibly in China as well) today. As capitalism develops the proletariat declines as a relative % of society, on the other hand an enormous petit-bourgeois mass is created in order to realize surplus-value for capital. It is a buffer between the two classes, it increases the power and security of the bourgeoisie.

When faced with critical periods, as in recent times, the middle class must find a crutch to rely upon, to find a lifeline to avoid being proletarianized. This it does by recruiting proletarians to fight for its cause, since it is impotent on its own. This is what leftism is, a guise for middle-class elements to ideologically delude the proletarian class in order to use it to pass reforms that will save the petit-bourgeois from doom by preserving its small capital (via welfare, free services, regulations on larger firms etc). All pseudo-communists (the various 'communist parties', the 'democratic' sects like DSA/MUG, all these anarchists and Berniebro-type socdems, Labourists etc) are agents of the middle class, their sole aim is to use the proletariat as a prop for PB interests, even if unknowingly.

This is the source of opportunism and impotence within the proletarian movement, it is the reason why no successful genuine communism has taken hold within the western proletariat. Only when this polluting influence is recognized and shaken off, will anything proceed forward.


But Glownonymous, Theories of Surplus Value is over 150 years old and not really a finished work. Whenever there is tension between that one and Capital Volume I, which Marx did publish after all, you should go with the latter.


So what exactly is your policy prescription? How do you intend to move forward?


OP's goal is anti class-struggle FUD by using some out-of-context quotes by Marx that are in conflict with what he and Engels usually said about the polarizing of society into two classes.

OP claimed:
>the extremely large middle class which forms the majority of the population in the West (and possibly in China as well) today.

Compare what OP wrote with how Engels defined proletariat:
<The proletariat is that class in society which lives entirely from the sale of its labor and does not draw profit from any kind of capital…

Sounds like the majority to me.

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