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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>During the preliminary investigation, I said that I was not a spy, I was not a terrorist, but they did not believe me and severely beat me. During the twenty-five years of my party life I honestly fought with enemies and destroyed enemies. I also have crimes for which I can be shot, and I will talk about them later, but I did not commit those crimes that were charged with the indictment in my case and I am not guilty of them… I do not deny that I was drunk, but I worked like an ox… When during the preliminary investigation I wrote allegedly about my terrorist activities, my heart bled. I maintain that I was not a terrorist. If I wanted to carry out a terrorist act against any member of the government, I would not recruit anyone for this purpose, but, using technology, I would commit this vile deed at any moment… Tell Stalin that I will die with his name on my lips

Your honest thoughts?


Banger quote. Another one is picrel, from Ian Grey's Stalin Man of History.


That's all very interesting, but the guilt wasn't proven off just the confession. It's kind of hilarious how people just assume that just because defendants have sent a couple of letters where they claimed innocence and loyalty, they couldn't have been just lying and doing the same for years before that. Only a friend can betray, afterall


Open shut case

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