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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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The United States and Israel do not have a Mutal Defense Treaty. The United States is not obligated to go to war if Israel is attacked.


Why would you need a treaty when they already serve as an unsinkable aircraft carrier?


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Let's be honest, Israel is a lousy excuse for an ally. They were useless in both Iraq wars. They didn't help in Afghanistan. Israel has a long history of selling American military technology to Communist China.
They bring us nothing but trouble. The U.S. has had to use its security council veto 43 times to shield Israel from the consequences of their actions.
Israel doesn't have any natural resources. Israel's population is too small to be a significant market for American products.
And they are the largest recipient of American foreign aid since WW2.
We should have kicked Israel to the curb years ago.


>Let's be honest, Israel is a lousy excuse for an ally
They are literally an enemy. Dont forget the USS Liberty


Exactly, they're useless and their overhyped tech industry all came from our country in the first place, this board is too PC to admit it but the two major reasons our government insist on babysitting this garbage colonial apartheid state is because of batshit crazy christian boomers and the tight grip jewish bankers have over our sellout politicians, from an imperial perspective the zionist state give us nothing but trouble

Egypt would've been a 1000X better ally/client state in the region, it would give us free access to Sinai, an ally with a massive population so a good market to trade with, and cheap labour for our industries, we could've also used them to take control over the horn and its vast natural resources


so many brainlets that cant into geopolitics
israel is a massive asset for us imperialism


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The Israeli ethnostate exists today because of american christians, and fascists will still tell you with a straight face that Christianity will save the west


christianity has a rich history of antisemitism and amerikkkan evangelitards are an exception


Not really, Zionism and anti semitism share the same basic premise that Jews are ontologically unable to be neighbors with anyone other than other Jews and need to go


Thus proving my point it only exists because of retarded shabbos goy evangelicals not because it benefits America in any way, shape or form


A nazi, a libertarian, and an armchair socialist. What website am I on again? Since when is this shit allowed here?


It's a constant threat against arabs to keep them down stabilizing the petro dollar in the process.


They are just some individuals. the zigger infestation is worse.


Yeah I was just hearing some arab guy on Al Jazeera who was saying, "before we thought Israel waa a tool of America, but now we are seeing that Israel dictates American middle east policy. " something like that. Maybe I will find it and post it.


The cracker infestation is worse


No, it is not a thread against Arabs, because their governments hate each other more than they hate Israel. Jordan and the Gulf states shot down Iranian drones tonight, serving as direct allies of Israel against Iran.


you know iranians aren't arabs, right anon?


But they will, because American has a ZOG, and on top of that, it pays to go to war for Israel. Politically via AIPAC, and """benefits the economy""" via the military-industrial complex.

Also, a substantial sect of the American population belong to an apocalyptic cult that prays for Armageddon.


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You imply like they need one. Our legislators can do anything they want, as long it's consitutional. That's how democracy works.


Except that evangelitards are absolute antisemites. They think all Jews should go to Israel for Jesus to come back where 2/3 of them will die, and a third will become Christians.
Jews are just a means to an end.


Why would gulf states do anything? I don't think any missiles or drones entered their airspace.
It was probably the US bases in these countries that did anything. Gulf states like to ignore conflicts.

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