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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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He posted this short video last year, a few months before the War in (so-called) Israel began. How does it hold up? The conflict in Ukraine is still going on, with the United States (very slowly) bleeding money, and could the counterinsurgency against Hamas be the second front that finally brings it all down, in lieu of a war over Taiwan?


Or could it be (depressingly) that the United States is still hanging in there by selling arms to Israel to finance the Ukraine aggression?


USA supports Ukraine just enough for them to hold the line and for the war to continue to bleed Russians from what military equipment and economy they have left. The only winners in Ukraine war are americans who get to literally kill their competition with minimal effort.


> for the war to continue to bleed Russians from what military equipment and economy they have left.

Fake news, the Russian economy has never been better in the 21 century. Please provide a source to your claim of this "bleeding" you talk about.


I watched this video. It's great. I agreed with what he said in the video. I remember watching it the day it came out. I was exercising at the time. Paul Cockshott is correct. It's too bad people don't listen to him because he's old and has a shitty microphone and doesn't edit his videos. They listen to brainless over-edited reaction content (even if it's "leftist" like Hasan Piker). Cockshott's analysis is on point.


The Russian army is 15% larger than pre-war, all losses have been replenished and “Russia is 'more dangerous' now than when it first invaded”,
Say both US Army Gen. Christopher Cavoli and Retired Australian Army Maj. Gen. Mick.


W-was he right guys? Is it finally happening?


File: 1713139131958.png (28.09 KB, 480x489, ClipboardImage.png)

No shit.


Not yet. Give it a fews months.


let him cock


Not until Russia wins in Ukraine and China wins in Taiwan. Israel losing would also help a lot.
Rn Us is still on top, but that's not a given anymore.


The two prophetic pauls: cockshot and beckwith.




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