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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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>Be me, Spanish speaking South American
>Opens youtube news video regarding the zionists and Iran/Palestine
>Almost every comment is a batshit crazy evangelical cocksucking the jews

Does this happen in your country too?


>cocksucking the jews

Go back


the internet is like 75% bots now man


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Burger here, suprisingly no. I think people are so tired of the hebrews that even jidf botting can't make a dent.




LatAm is infested with insane neopentecostal evangelicals who literally worship jews as demi-gods, I'm not even joking

That's what they literally do tho, just go to any spanish news channel talking about the situation


Why do you have autism? We don't hate the jews, we are not nazis. We hate Israel and zionists. Meds


He also insulted evangelicals, why no pearl clutching for that?


When did I say I hate the jews in general you fucking schizoid?

I said latam evangelicals worship and cocksuck jews in general as divine beings and that's a fact

And I hate zionazis too, and sadly most jews are zionists


>cocksucking the jews
>who literally worship jews as demi-gods, I'm not even joking

Already reported


It's literally the truth


Ok, you MIGHT not be a nazi, i will give you this chance, and i am sorry for calling you a autistic.


Brian Meir (I think) and others have written about this. Evangelical Christians spread their Prosperity Gospel type Christianity, post 2010 I think, as part of a State Department assisted campaign. The State Dept assisted because the religion is inherently pro American. It's a factor in how Bolsonaro got elected.
<Monroe Doctrine: Soft Power Holy edition.


the problem is youtube comments, not spanish


In the future, say Israelis not Jews. It makes it easier for everyone.

Everyone hates them.


because there's an obvious historical context to screeching about der juden while there has never been a holocaust against neon genesis evangelicals


So you are saying there were signs op might holocaust the jews?


I've never seen insane evangelicals worshipping jews as gods in english comments, usually english comments who support zionist are simply outright racists, supremacists

But the thing is evangelicals here in SA literally worship every single jew as demi gods, and when I say literally I mean it


>In the future, say Israelis not Jews
ask me how i know you're not south american
these motherfuckers actually treat JEWS (not just israelis) like they were sent from god to rule over them


me sorprende el atraso en la conciencia que tiene la clase obrera de estos paises. es muy grave


>le proles are stupid
go outside dude


i didnt say they were stupid. im a prole myself. the receding consciousness is a fact my man
the left here sucks balls and hasnt been properly agitating its program so now the desperate working class is turning fascistic


>so now the desperate working class is turning fascistic
sounds to me this 'working class' is petit bourgeois then lol, its always the middle class who instead of supporting communism when things are dire do the complete opposite and become enemies of the proletariat


>the left here sucks balls and hasnt been properly agitating its program
i agree because 99% of leftoid political organizations have shitty liberal programs that have nothing to do with communism and the proletariat except maybe the name and or logo lol


>sounds to me this 'working class' is petit bourgeois
why are you making such absurd assumptions?


>cocksucking the jews
I feel personally attacked.

>LatAm is infested with insane neopentecostal evangelicals who literally worship jews as demi-gods, I'm not even joking
I walked past a small Spanish-speaking strip-mall church with an immigrant congregation near my old place when they were having evening services and there was a big Star of David up on the altar. No, this was not a synagogue. I was, like, is this a cult? What is going on here


There have been many genocide against christians lmao


and this is why countries like china are suspicious of western missionaries, but no… evil CPP


>m-m-m-muh non-"western" bourgeois country
Shut up already.


He's 100% right tho?!

I'm Brazilian and the evangelicals here also literally worship every single jew, zionist or not, as gods lmfao

They would swallow their shit and call it jehovah's blessing if asked to

I don't know why the fuck this particular Christian sect is so popular in latin america (even more than in the US) but is what it is


Lmfao here in Brazil is the same garbage

Bolsoshit and his family are one of these evangelicals and everytime he broadcasted something there was a menorah


imperialismo evangelico.
todas essas seitas evanjegues (universal, IURD, neopentecostalismo) e um projeto imperialista norte-americano, todas essas igrejas são inspiradas na teologia da prosperidade.
esses evangelicos são traidores da patria e vendidos pros EUA, isso e o fato, os americanos ativamente usam grupos evangelicos como massa de canhão.
ate a igreja catolica que e igualmente reacionaria consegue ser mais assertiva e indepedente.


Se fosse pra ser pró-ianque iam espalhar o mormonismo que é uma religião totalmente americanófila

Agora essas seitas evangélicas judaizantes com certeza têm dedo da AIPAC/JIDF


I mean to be sure the mainstream, English-speaking Evangelical Christians do stuff like this too but the Star of David up there was unusual.

Pat Robertson is dead now but he was a big Israel supporter in televangelist circles. I think the South Lebanon Army which was a Christian proxy force that allied with Israel during the Lebanon war in the 80s transmitted their propaganda from a station owned by his Christian broadcasting company.


Exactly. I was just reading last night about the Boxer Rebellion and how Catholicism was just used as another tool of Imperialism. I don't even speak Spanish but this
>imperialismo evangelico.


The communist party of the Philippines has nothing to do with what you're talking about


starting to feel like false flagging, anon. philosemitism is plenty common in many countries, and it does contribute to popularity of zionism. nothing about that is inherently antijewish



did china cause milei?

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