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inspired by the WU thread. Pouring over what might as well be a hundred different urban guerilla groups I have come to the conclusion that almost all of them get crushed within 5 years, if they do not disband before that. It seems that no organizational model no matter how secure can survive the wrath of the modern bourgeois state with even cell based movements easily getting busted rightoid lone wolf schizos getting fucked by forensics. Are there exceptions to this rule and has anyone come up with a mpdel that works at least longer than others? Hell, let's say revolution isn't even your goal, but a resistance movement with which people can exert pressure against a supposed fascist coup in the future? Is there hope or should we listen to demoralizer schizos?


these lone wolf skitsos are the best people you could ever meet jackass


Havent met one so maybe, you might be right


the problem with the communist movement being dead in the world isnt a problem with form but content (shitty liberal programs everywhere)


guerrilla movements are as strong as the political support from them in the areas they operate
consequently, an urban guerrilla movement needs mass support for their goals and methods in the neighborhoods they exist in
This has been the case before, but single barrios can be corralled and laid siege to, and this works relatively effectively to reduce resistance.
So what's also needed is connection with a wider movement, so that blockades and surveillance can be broken, or militants moved and along with solidarity movements in other areas, the state's resources stretched thin.

There's no organizational model for this, since the key isn't in who knows what, who decides what and who does what. It's about the strength of the overall movement. But this does give us at least a way to measure the movement. E.g. 1) how widespread? (cities, neighborhoods active in?) 2) how popular? (and, passive or active support?) 3) how interconnected are the different branches, and how mobile are resources?

As far as organizing, I think if you want to be an organizer right now you have to accept that our generation is not the generation that makes it out. We need to be openly and conspicuously advocating our views in order to attract similar people, educate the people around, and exist as an alternative in people's minds. The people that we pull in as the state clamps down will be the only ones who really benefit from clandestine organizational structures, because they won't be already known to the state. It's my belief that they will be the ones to make it out and build communism for us. We don't have the luxury of clandestinity, because we need to locate each other and grow. There's no foolproof way to solve this problem; it's only a problem insofar as we want to save ourselves as individuals. You can't have transparency and opacity too. I think communism just requires that we accept this is our fate, and if we get got we get got, but at least we had fun along the way.



>Has there ever been an organizational model that could withstand the western surveillance state?
Leaving the "west"?


Sorry kiddo but the NSA scoops up all internet traffic, not just that from within America's borders.


Being a communist party tightly associated with a "US-friendly" communist country. You see, bourgeois state is a lobby state, and thus it allows lobby groups - and bourgeoisie doesn't respect borders. Communists exploited this heavily whenever they could, same as capitalists, because repressing friendly country's agents on your territory, especially when there's no proof those agents did anything wrong, is a valid pretext for worsening relations, and when you depend on that other country, you cannot afford to worsen your relations.

It really depends on the geopolitics, but generally speaking you want as a communist not to break any laws and either be tightly associated with "friendly" countries or be distanced from "enemy" countries. For example, right now being Vietnam-friendly gives you protection while being China-friendly doesn't - regardless of the fact that both allow for a widest range of actions


No doubt about that. You can leave the "west" and don't get involved in anything substantial on the internet, like just watching funny kittens videos and checking sport news.


What about Hezbollah's split system? Although in the West the political element would need to be built up before any armed wing could be considered.


Hezbollah only has the power it does because the Lebanese state is so weak and ineffectual (deliberately so as no centralized government could rule without excluding one of the religious and ethnic groups)


Surveillance isn't helping. The US built an extensive surveillance system in Afghanistan and they still lost in fucking 3 days, Islamists do their terrorist attacks regularly in some of the most surveilled countries despite the usually pitiful state of their warriors. Ukraine still can't deal with people leaking coordinates and sabotaging shit despite their ultraviolent approach, complete western support, and modern infrastructure. Neither could westerners deal with BLM on their own soil.


>Has there ever been an organizational model that could withstand the western surveillance state?

The Communist Party of China


You mean the Chinese communist party?


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