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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Tell me about the Kim family. What are the defining characteristics of Kim Jong Un, Kim Jong Il and Kim Il Sung? Is there anything noteworthy about them? Any noteworthy contributions to socialism? Any interesting quirks that you know about? Do you prefer one over the other?


Read Patriots Traitors and Empires.


I don't know much about his sons but Kim Il Sung is one of my most respected leftist figures. He was a revolutionary hero who spent 15 years fighting the Japanese imperial army in Manchuria and the Far east. The Japanese had entire death squads just for him. They would regularly declare him dead in an attempt to demoralize the Koreans. By the time he went back to Korea he was already considered a living legend.


socdems at best


I don‘t know much about him but from the little I‘ve heard he sounded awesome.


Ha, good one anon


They had the most interesting answer to the Sino Soviet split, which was just bruh cordial to both sides and offer to mediate with border disputes


They understood that the only way to avoid being invaded and destroyed is to get yourself a sweet nuclear deterrent. Plus they have been triggering ultra-right-wing Japanoids since time immemorial and that's definitely based. And bonus point to KJU for being friends with Dennis Rodman.



I'm going to break and say while I usually hate nationalism with a passion its understandable for Best Korea dnt heir flag a bit. For the longest time they were bullied by the Chinese, then outright annexed by the Japanese who attempted to erase their culture and language. Then afterwards you find your nation split between two autistic super powers. Its not like the German volkish movement that had some autism that they had the right to unite all lands real or imagined they felt the Germans were entitled to. But of liberation of a culture that was supressed.


Literal misinformation and blatant lie




He was a bit of a narcissist. You can see videos of him grinning widely at his own statues that his son build and presented to him. Would anyone in this thread actually like having a statue of themselves in a central square?


Me, yes


of Might and Magic


ffs I quoted it
ah whatever

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