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 No.1825868[View All]

51% of young zoomer men 18-29 are single, have zero prospects for home or car ownership, have zero prospects for a stable career, zero prospects for retiring, zero prospects for anything besides abject poverty, and are becoming increasingly violent and politically radicalized towards the right.

Given historical precedent, it appears we're very close to a violent right-wing revolution led by this demographic. What is to be done? How can we turn this around in the left's favor and prevent this upcoming tragedy?

This is not meant to be an incel thread, but rather this is discussing the material conditions of young men in the west who have intentionally been funneled into extremist far-right movements by capital and think-tanks(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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Think of oil barons fighting bankers for control of their finances and the political direction of the country they operate out of


Daily reminder that Finance Capital has caused 0 (0!) wars ever. Yes I know Lenin talked about finance capital as an amalgamation of finance and industrial capital yes I know shut the fuck up he was wrong since there are very clear divergent interests between finance proper and industrial capital. Banks do not want wars. Bankers think wars are retarded and everyone should just be trading with each other in one global market with free flow of capital. Look at how upset bankers are with the War on China shit when all they want to do is access the Chinese market and now all this protectionist bullshit is cropping up.

Meanwhile Industrial Capital caused WW1, WW2, and basically every war America got involved in after WW2. When American military supplies are deployed to help Israel, it is companies like Lockheed Martin that profit, and they pass on that profit to the legislators. It isn't fucking goldman sachs, whose board of directors would be holed up in a panic room trying to forecast worse case scenarios and freaking out about the price of oil and the consequences of a full scale war with Iran.

Finance Capital is the pacifist bourgeoisie. When they lose power to dipshit industrialists and politicians things will start to get extremely dangerous.

Also all fascist regimes in history have been led by national bourgeois industrialists and large landowners.


We already replied to your bullshit nonsense, and it's quite telling that your reply to that where either "no u", "I wasn't talking about that" or "marx was wrong on that one" without addressing anything


>everyone should just be trading with each other in one global market with free flow of capital
and that's what causes wars you stupid uyghur


The word revolution implies change, nothing will change the decay will continue. All of this is a natural result of the decaying social democratic movement, they are actively alienating the workers and poisoning the well for left wing movements in general by asociating themselves with actually leftist parties.


>older men statistically have more money
could have just stopped there
everything else is cope


>Also older men also have lots of car crashes.
No, they're just more likely to die and get injured from a car crash.


>whom like to bike in the road when they have a sidewalk they can use.
You're not supposed to cycle on the side WALK it's for WALKING you retarded driver shit just stop running down cyclists.


Motherfucker doesn't know basic road laws, yet crows about precious cyclists on the runway. Always the same shit.


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>Stattistiscs show they cause as many car crashes as young men do
Which statistics?


I don't think we're going to see an incel uprising, simply because they don't have the revolutionary spirit. Revolutionaries are necessarily extroverted, good at working with others, and strong leaders. Incels, as a group, are about as far from that as you can get: poorly socialized shutins that can barely carry a conversation.

I think, if there were going to be a right-wing revolution in the west, it'd be lead (at least on the ground floor) by postironic troll types like soyteens and Kiwifarms users. They're much better at organizing, and much more willing to put their plans into action.




>I mean most people want to have sex
Porky is exaggerating this relatively minor desire significantly.
That’s the point I’m trying to make.


Why do they go for schools and Walmarts and not corporate HQs or their state capitols?


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Probably because those are the only buildings they're familiar with that isn't just a city backdrop.


It's not a minor desire man. It's one of our fundamental drives.


no it isn't lmao.
t. feminist


Not for me. I may have sexual urges but I don't have a desire to have sex.


I say this as a young man who will die alone without a home or a wife, no one cares.
We're sad, but no one is going to do shit.
Nothing ever happens.
>Incel shit is fundamentally about hating women - they see them as a deprecating asset
No, the entire point is that women see men as a depreciating asset.
And to be fair most are, but it's kind of a shitty thing to do under capitalism and reinforces it.
I went through a involuntary nofap stint for months, I won't lie, I had to cope with just directly investing into hookers. Sex is totally a necessity and fuck anyone who won't at least admit it.
>but masturba–
Is an outlet for them but not the proof that you don't have them.
You know who the only people in history who had no urges were? Monks who never saw women in 1900 or before.


>listen to a fascist podcast with cultured thug (fash who actually reads theory
>mentions he’s formed an org to advocate “third positionist” politics
>podcasters openly dismissed white nationalists as misanthropic losers
>”yeah I’ve actually brought up third position its beliefs in socialist spaces and most were open to it until they found out I was a fascist”
>they said they’re explicitly rejecting racism in their politics in order to get power
>”we want to recruit third position candidates to run for office”
>”yeah I’ve debated commies like Maupin and they don’t even read our theories so they can’t really make counter arguments”
>”People are so done with identity politics, from the left and right, so we’ve got room to grow there.”

It was a reupload, so it could’ve been from a while ago, but it’s pretty fucking wild to hear everything I warned about being repeated by fascists themselves. I think we’re gonna see a reorganization of whatever dregs left from the AltRight into a more intellectually coherent movement. It’s why I encourage the Left getting its shit together.


That's not a survival drive it's a reward structure man


>cultured thug
I've never heard of that man in my life. He probably has an audience, but it seems pretty niche and not an actual threat.

The alt-right was a time and place thing. A lot of people got swept up in it because, at the time, it seemed like the only alternative to the liberal status quo. Since then, the presence of Illiberal leftism in America has grown significantly, siphoning away most of the audience that was only there for the anti-establishment element. And beyond that, popular opinion on social issues, particularly homosexuality, have shifted such that pure reaction has become a much harder sell.


Third Position is just social democracy with authoritarian characteristics. The closest American political group with similar economic views are Progressive Democrats. Without racism they are just edgy Democrats.


>social democracy with authoritarian characteristics
Sounds like most political parties…


>Daily reminder that Finance Capital has caused 0 (0!) wars ever.
Retard. What caused WWI or the trillion colonial wars during and after the scramble for africa? Was it western industrialists who had nowhere to buy resources? Or was it finance that needed a wider area to apply their capital?


The answer is both btw, industrial capital can buy resources elsewhere but that would mean smaller margins and that's just not gonna fly


What exactly do you achieve by separating parts of capitalism like this and then attributing "evils" to them too?


God tier bait, but the name gives it away.
I tip my fedora to you good sir.


Related, keep in mind when we are talking about sex we aren't really talking about sex. It's code. Do you even know code-switching? Probably not.


Yet porky MAKES it far more important than it is.


I love the
>it's not real whites
take. It's beautiful.


The right-wing causes those problems OP


Well I mean obviously actual orthodox Nazism can't rise again but that doesn't mean some fucked up hybrid can't where they genocide people for being 'groomers' or some shit.


Well obviously reactionism is self destructive but that doesn't stop a shit load of people dying in the mean time.


future reaction will be based on christian identity not white identity that way it can have cross race appeal. The future right wing revolution is handmaids tale not 4th reich


this sounds like BS. as an upper middle income male in my early 30s I don't get any tinder matches from women under 24/25 and hardly any under 30. I get more matches from women in their late 30s than their late 20s.


>It would also not be very durable political project
I have bad news about the durability of the thousand-year reich


the future will be richi Sunak techno-brahmanism. the far right was so obsessed about the jews that they didn't see the brahmins taking over.


>The abrahamix right in the west have been subverted by feminist ideas for a while now. It's a very effeminate right-wing movement.
not really. Maybe thats true of other western nations, but definitely not the US at least out side of the usual places like NYC/Cali/Portland

Christianity in America is just a nietzschean power cult for aggrieved male egos atm.

The whole argument of why Christianity won over paganism in the classical world is because Christianity appealed to the slaves and other oppressed members of society (what Nietzsche derisively called 'slave morality') while Roman paganism glorified conquest, strength, heroism, etc. The irony is that Christian Nationalism has turned christians in the west into basically the very same figures that christianity originally was against, while the people actually embodying "christian" values are secular leftists.

White christian small business owners are the new pagan aristocrats, while Wiccans, Atheists, New Agers, non theistic Satanists, and Agnostics are ironically far closer to being "Christian" while modern day Christians are just doing ancient bronze age patriarchy combined with petit bourgeois rage.



probably, at least in the US IT sector this is already the case as Indians have a super high level of racial pride and ethnic nepotism, even down to caste and sub-ethnicity i.e. Tamil/Telugu only hiring their own kind, Punjabi sikhs only hiring their own, etc., even specifically from their own state/town/city and the spouses of current employees.

Hindus in the US will probably become the new jews since they don't assimilate, you can see east asians and hispanics after a generation or two start giving their kids anglo-american names like John/Emily etc. and are either secular or christian while Indians keep their hinduism, culture, and give their kids sanskritic names and continue to to identify as Indian.


I really don't think so. It's important to remember that the "tradcaths" and other Christ larp you see on the internet doesn't reflect on the people who actually go to church. It looks more like a club where people go to socialize and stuff, devoid of any actual belief. While on average these "Christians" are more right-leaning, it's more due to how popular this activity is among different groups. Christians are just as capable of following "the left" and even actual communists, especially the Catholics.


Yes and this was true since globalism as shown by pinochet


>it's more of a Carthage vs Rome situation
<mfw orcs vs humans meme, but the haradrim are the wokes
"wokes are the Carthaginians of the 21st century" was not a take I had in the cards


>I can see it but it won't last long.
No, second generation indian americans will turn rightoid.

First generation migrants are liberal technocratic woke nehruvian socialist, while their children will be trust fund babies who's dad thats a VP at Oracle payed for tutoring so they could get into Harvard and then work on wall street and become libertarian or conservative douchebags like Vivek Ramaswamy, Saagar Entjeti, Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, etc.


im pretty sure dworkin isn't even a rightoid, she's a second wave anti trans feminist. the only thing shes 'right wing' on is trans shit. the rest of your figures are literal whos.

Real fascism won't come from these weirdos, you're right about that. It will come from random fatass evangelical maga-boomers. i.e. 3%ers not retarded young channer/fbi.gov autists who dropped out of their engineering program/community college


Op hasn’t explained why this shit will result in revolution and not merely a conservative government being voted in. One example of this is South Korea


it's amazing how many people dogpiled you using their (relatively rare) neurodivergence as an example of how most people supposedly are. Most people wanna fuck and have kids. It wouldn't keep happening otherwise. Sure porky encourages it but it's one of the few things they don't completely have control over.


>cope is when you bring up other things that also contribute to the point you're making
what? If you think those other things don't also matter, on top of the money, you're delusional.


Fuck yes, have kids no. Most of human history kids were just the inadvertent side effect of fucking which is why as soon as birth control was invented people immediately started having fewer children.


You fundamentally don't get it.

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