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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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ITT discuss one state solution, two state solution, zero state solution, etc. IMO gaddafi was on the right track with the plan for a federal Isratine, the idea for which actually predates the creation of Israel. Here's a sketch of how it might come to pass:
1) Hamas joins PLO
2) International sanctions on Israel
3) Capital flight from Israel, intensified tension between religious/secular Zionists, the settler project begins to crumble and implode
4) Israel forced to negotiate with PLO to end the occupation
5) Settlement building is halted, new elections are held, start of deradicalization campaign targeting fanatic settlers
6) Truth and reconciliation for war crimes
7) The federal state is phased in, refugees return in waves across a sustainable timespan
8) ???
9) Peace in the Middle East :)


Israel as a state has to be completely destroyed, simple as


One state with equal rights for everyone, one person one vote, recognized languages are Arabic, Modern Hebrew, Adyghe, and Armenian. That's all that really matters.


International brigades join Palestine and kick out all the settlers


special military operation to demilitarize and denazify israel



Israel is abolished, settlers (the ones with don't flee the country, of course, which would make a big part of the population) will live under Palestinian authority and go through a thorough denazification process, hardcore zionists get the Stasi treatment, IDF goons are sent to PoW camps were they will work to help rebuild the country they destroyed.

Simple as.


>International brigades join Palestine and kick out all the settlers

Are there any workers brigades 1936 spanish
civil war style fighting for Palestine at the moment? Any names of people all around the world fighting for them?
That would be cool


>>1826647 this


Put all israeli on a big boat to the US since they love them so much. Give them land and shit like they do to cuban defectors. As shrimple as that


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I use to be pro two state solution but the settlers have made that impossible. So i have become pro one state solution. Basically israel is no longer a jewish state, it should be renamed Palestine, there should be a truth and reconciliation committee, israel gives up its nukes, the entire land is given back to palis, palis have the vote and become equal citzens.

Basically pulling a south africa


this is best case scenario. a south africa situation would be deeply imperfect and also way better than the complete genocide thats likely, whether it takes a year or 50 thats whats on the table at the moment


THE GOLAN IS SŪRIYA, not Northern Israel.


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trust the plan.


This map sucks.
Something like 80% of Jewish settlers live in dense urban cities on the west coast. The way these cantons are divided implicitly gives more lands to Israelis and is based on the 1947 borders yet with even more concessions on behalf of Palestinians.

A final solution would be one Palestine, with equal rights for everybody. That's it.
South Africa was not divided based on race into federated republics. That solution could have worked as a compromise 80 years ago, but not now.


On top of being shitty, the two states solution is a political corpse.


No, cause Palestine fighters tend to be islamists, which isn't very popular with the demographic that would go there to fight, unlike Rojava.


>what are the PFLP and DFLP
the real reason is there is no conventional war
there is a slow genocide and occasional acts of resistance


Please explain why a two-state solution should not be pursued?
And what do you want to happen to Israeli citizens in your solution?


>assumes liberal democracy will fix everything in Palestine
No one says this
>lets the Zionists get off without punishment
Why wouldn't, at the very least, senior members of the Israeli government and related institutions not be punished for war crimes in this solution?
What on earth are you on about?


At least half are islamist. Which is easy to tolerate for communists there fighting for their lives.


>And what do you want to happen to Israeli citizens in your solution?
they will have the choice between returning to their ancestral homeland (brooklyn, ny) or relocating to the bottom of the mediterranean


zionists are clearly demonstrating that a two-state solution is not viable. the only solution is one state - palestine


What form would your one state solution take, and what would happen with Israeli citizens?


NTA but they become Palestinians and If they can't stand being under the rule of le brown people, they'll go to America where most of them come from actually.


Practically what does 'become Palestinian' mean?
>they'll go to America where most of them come from actually.
1. 70% were born in Israel.
2. Nevermind there are people living in Israel whose family emigrated over 70 years ago.


>What form
impossible to say
>Israeli citizens
there would be no such thing
what will be necessary is a thorough process of dezionization. while I have seen some suggest deporting the lot back to Europe, this cannot be allowed until every single Zionist has been reeducated. functionaries of all Zionist parties, as well as officers of the IDF etc would need to face trial where harsh punishments are to be handed out. history is full of examples what happens if you fail to do so (reconstruction being aborted leading to the KKK, the half-assed denazification of West Germany)


stop replying to the ziorat, they actually get paid for that


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We make Israel in Canada. No one lives there.


Zionism has been a anti-semitic ideology since it's very inception in the 19th century.


If they wanted to enforce opsec to prevent those rabidly psychotic vids making it to social media they would. They want those vids to emerge and the world to hate them. Criticism is antisemitism. What are the implications of a supposedly western civilized country doing that?


>impossible to say
You can't even conceive what your own solution would involve, but are happy to brazenly have Israeli citizens killed or forcibly deported en masse?
Genuinely mad - how can the Left gain any momentum when this is the "plan", and you show such callousness. Just deportation and murder of them all - not even just of leading officials, but all civilians too. Sickening


Israel benefits from antisemitism by portraying itself as the one place jews can be safe, as well as from other antisemitic ideas like that jews are perpetual aliens/parasites in "host" populations.

Zionism in the age of dictators talks about the development of modern zionism and it's not a pretty picture, but it does explain why Israel is the way it is.


yes, thats their goal. the more the rest of the world hates jews the more it legitemizes their colonial project.

israel has staged terror attacks against middle eastern jewish communities before to drive home the perception theyre only safe in israel:


But IDF members should go through a Nuremberg


Maybe if the Zionists wanted clemency so badly they shouldn’t have been raping terrorizing and illegally colonizing the holy land for the past several decades. Giving them the option to stay at all if they convert and go to labor camps is arguably more mercy than they deserve. If you’re in doubt as to this necessity of harshness just have a look at some dead Palestinian children, see Zionists the world over celebrating it, and then come back and tell us why these people deserve to get off unpunished


>have Israeli citizens killed en masse
I said no such thing. your average Israeli probably only needs reeducation
>You can't even conceive what your own solution would involve
would you have been able to come up with a plan for post-war Germany? in detail? something that very much depends on exact material conditions? that would be utopian
what we do know are the things they did wrong. Stalin suggested executing 50,000 or so German officers, but backed down when Churchill started crying about it. we will not repeat that mistake. send everyone responsible to the gallows. send their families too, who we know support them. those who flee must be hunted down. it might be tempting to put them to hard labour for some time, but this carries with it the risk of revolt and escape. send them immediately to the gallows


>the holy land
Sorry, am I on left wing imageboard?
Again, what the fuck are you on about?
Not all Israeli citizens are zionists or support what is happening in Gaza - so why treat them as such?>>1827456
>I said no such thing. your average Israeli probably only needs reeducation
You said there would be no Israeli citizens, and that "the lot" would need to be deported.
I don't expect a detailed plan - but I would expect something more than "deport everyone" based on stupid/racist logic (i.e. "returning to new york"). If we are talking about civilians I do not see how mass forced deportations can be declared so casually.
Not only just in that it strikes me as horrifying, but in that it seems politically unfeasible - that will clearly lead to an escalation globally.


obviously anon meant to call if the holey land



There should either be a two state or a one state solution.


>Not all Israeli citizens are zionists or support what is happening in Gaza
Lol, lmfao even


Why, are you against a tree state solution?


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It's to shut down criticism of Israel in the West, its been working for the last 70 years through Israeli organizations such as the ADL, AIPAC etc. It's only now that people are starting to realize how bullshit it is and starting to call it out.
>Nazism has been a anti-German ideology since its very inception




>Not all Israeli citizens are zionists or support what is happening in Gaza - so why treat them as such?

Are you just assuming this is true? It's not really borne out.


>Not all Israeli citizens are zionists or support what is happening in Gaza - so why treat them as such?

Vast majority of Israeli Jews are though. Practically all of them. Non Zionist Jews number maybe a few hundred.

t. israeli


>1 of the 100 posts here
As it should be.



He said is one of the hundred non-zionist Israelis.


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>whole discussion based on identity/personal ideology/race/religion
whatever happened to class? as small as it might be and as much as third-worldist morons deny it, there still exists an israeli proletariat and a palestinian bourgeoisie


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>what about the 10 good Israelis.
You already tried this one with Yaweh.


Yes. The only way Israel will fall is by inside opposition.


“It would be excellent idea to call in respectable, accredited anti-Semites as liquidators of property. To the people they would vouch for the fact that we do not want to bring about the impoverishment of the countries we leave. The anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.”

- Theodor Herzl, father of modern Zionism (who also penned a letter to Cecil Rhodes near the end of his life)


>Not all Israeli citizens are zionists or support what is happening in Gaza


Zionist pedos on suicide watch



>there still exists an israeli proletariat and a palestinian bourgeoisie
Lol. They're all colonialists meaning they're a part of the bourgeoisie
>B-But what about the poor there
Marx and Lenin clearly had shit to say about the lumpenproleteriat. Israel is a state of concentrated bourgeois evil


So are you really Israeli? Are you living there now?


>Real talk, is the main objective of Israel and its western imperialist allies to increase antisemitism around the world as much as possible?
In a sense


They will only see Palestinians as human beings when they're forced to by the barrel of a gun.


the proletariat of white Rhodesia and boars 😂


>Abolish apartheid
>Impose secular government with reparations
>80% of the population (white jews) goes back to their land of origin
>Remaining population gets re-absorbed into the ethnically levant culture like it used to be


shit thread title OP. Palestine needs to be returned to it's rightful owners and the knesset and iof put in front of an international war crimes tribunal.


There should be obligatory national flags in this imageboard like in /pol/.


I’d be inclined to agree except that the idea of Palestine as a sovereign civilization-state is in and of itself liberal idealism. Legally, the mandate of Palestine belongs to Syria from which it was stolen by the British, so ultimately Damascus would have the final say on the nature of death that the Zionists receive


>arabs are foreign to other Arabs cuz uh…free Palestine!
The liberalism seems to be coming from your end


I agree all of the mashriq except egypt should be under damascus rule


I mean that is the position of mainstream socialist parties not just in Syria but all over the Feetile Crescent and the Arabian peninsula


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Vgh. What could've been


>muh brown people DESERVE this land !!!
Something that's always confused me, what right do the so called native Palestinians have to this land except dubs? Humans have fought over lands since their creation. I argue for the immediate removal of Zionists and Israelis, but only on the grounds that they're shit human beings that trash the Palestinians and treat their so-called citizens like shit, and shoulnd´t be the ones in charge.Its the matter of they're being mistreated and abused that should be more principally concerned, not some ancestral claim, which is by the way, retarded on both sides.


You say that like 1948 was 1000 years ago, it wasn't, there are Nakba survivors and their immediate children living right now and being bombed and displaced in both Gaza and the West Bank


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rights to land are a spook which is why everybody in palestine and israel should hold the land in common according to a socialist economic plan


Zionists being genocidal as usual doesn’t make it suddenly okay to Balkanize the Misdle East with an artificial “Palestinian” nation


balkanizing imperialist countries including israel is always okay though actually


The only people who actually want an “independent Palestine” are western radlib college students with too much time on their hands. Ultimately an independent Levant separate from Syria would be easy prey for American cultural and economic imperialism, making yet another Zionist outpost but with some token hijabs here and there


if you ask me israel should just be partitioned between its neighbors so that everyone benefits from their destruction.


not that this will ever happen because when israel collapses they will probably initiate the samson option and launch nukes at themselves and their neighbors as a scorched earth policy. but i think we should push for israel's collapse either way with no regard for the nuclear consequences considering that israel is worth more to us dead than alive and the arab states are going to become irrelevant once oil stops being the main energy source for the world economy.


I agree, that sucks. The Israeli government sucks. But my issue is the spook idea of landownership. Israelis have also been killed and displaced by Hamas groups. Sure, maybe no Palestinians are moving into their bombed-out homes, but Israelis are being kidnapped and shelled and have to relocate. The logic goes:
<I am a victim to violence, I therefore am entitled this land.
Does this legitimize Israeli claims to settlement? No, noone would argue this, so why do we argue vice-versa for the Palestinians?


with the way the arab world is responding to the israeli genocide (barely at all), i wouldn't be surprised if there won't be any palestinians left in a few years to be consulted for their opinions about it.


western radlibs shill the idiotic two states solution what the fuck are you talking about?


It's a mixed bag in Burgerreich, I've seen both accounts, the Anon is not crazy.
He is crazy for this take although, kek. Why should the sanduyghurs of yet another British-sponsored shitehole speak for the Palestinians? I think they've had enough of that mate.


>civilisational state
hullo dugin


>Something that's always confused me, what right do the so called native Palestinians have to this land except dubs?
They lived there, they were born there, they were only recently kicked off and thrown into ghettos and poverty by european invaders.
Whats next? You going to argue rape and slavery are okay because humans did it in the past? That if someone breaks into your house and steals your tv they get to keep it because they rightfully stole it?

The people who were forced off their land are largely still alive.


This thread has extremely sus responses lmao


lol an “independent” Palestinian state is just that. An external Palestinian puppet government to serve as the face while the internal Zionist state takes orders from NATO. In an ideal world I’d also like an independent Palestine but we don’t live in an ideal world, far from it. On its own Palestine will just be another incarnation of Israel, united with its Syrian brothers it would be protected
Odd claim to make that Assad is a British asset, especially considering Syria is one of the few countries in the world where Anglo-based Ted Shield central banking HASN’T taken root


>On its own Palestine will just be another incarnation of Israel
this is the part where you show proof btw


I came back to this place after three months and it feels like half + 1 of the replies are even to the right of your lesser evilism red coated liberals.


>final solution
good wording champ..


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ottoman socialism and millet system !


Yep, not suspicious at all


The two state 'solution' is just endless israeli apartheid dominated bantustans. The one state solution in which israeli apartheid is dismantled like in south africa and replaced by a secular plurinational republic is preferable for ameliorating the terrible sufferings and injustices piled on the palestinian people and smashing zionist fascism, but for the time being appears extremely unlikely and would at best produce south african results of a free palestine being reintegrated into world capital. Only the no state solution of the world communist revolution offers an actual solution to the palestine question.


>>They lived there, they were born there, they were only recently kicked off
Yes this is very unfortunate, but why should the international community respond to the form of violence over the Israelis? I could say the same for Israelis, who some among them are also victims of violence. The Israeli government should be resisted because it sucks and it treats its citizens like shit, and it should be abolished and replaced with a system that regards both the Israelis and Palestinians correctly, but it shouldn't be abolished just b/c some people lived there originally. Even the Palestinians had to kick out some other people before they lived there, why not reinstate them to the region?
>Whats next? You going to argue rape and slavery are okay because humans did it in the past? That if someone breaks into your house and steals your tv they get to keep it because they rightfully stole it?
Wut lol, how did you come to this conclusion? I don't support either Palestinian or Israeli violence. There's a difference between something being morally wrong as opposed to something that needs international actors who should have nothing to do with this region in the first place.


Israel learned from Apartheids collapse, its why they have hundreds of organizations doing PR for them, lobbying groups such as AIPAC buying up politicians, threatening those who don't tow the line, damage control groups like the ADL and many many more.


>Final Solution


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