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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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can i be so fucking fr rn we need to legalize doctor assisted suicide rather than have a bunch of senile old fucks living off social security who cant fucking do shit. they have no quality of life and only cause family members agony. my grandmother passed in october after a couple weeks of immense hospitalization and treatments. i remember her telling the doctors that she was suicidal and those fuckers didnt bat an eye. how come a 94 year old says theyre suicidal and no one takes it seriously. she had assets and family yet consider those without. if i wanted to kill myself and told someone i would probably be close to fucking doing it yet for my gma what is the point of her being alive. these clowns of government officials care more about keeping vegetables alive via machines feeding into the demand for hospitals rather than caring about their population. i wouldnt say i would help my gma kill herself but boy holy fuck . i would say my qualifications for state assistance with suicide would be underlining terminal conditions, old age (65+) and serious medical conditions equal to comas and such where going in you know the risks are really great if you proceed. Also fuck social security like quite honestly fuck that im paying to keep old ass bitches alive who don't appreciate me nor care while theyre in their multimillion dollar houses mocking at the millennials over a fucking SWEET TREAT!!!


t. Canadian Ministry of Health


fuck off porky


>This is the radical difference that distinguishes the psychology of the peasant, handicraftsman, intellectual, the petty bourgeois in general, from that of the proletarian. The petty bourgeois sees and feels that he is heading for ruin, that life is becoming more difficult, that the struggle for existence is ever more ruthless, and that his position and that of his family are becoming more and more hopeless. It is an indisputable fact, and the petty bourgeois protests against it.
>But how does he protest?
>He protests as the representative of a class that is hopelessly perishing, that despairs of its future, that is depressed and cowardly. There is nothing to be done … if only there were fewer children to suffer our torments and hard toil, our poverty and our humiliation—such is the cry of the petty bourgeois.
<The class-conscious worker is far from holding this point of view. He will not allow his consciousness to be dulled by such cries no matter how sincere and heartfelt they may be. Yes, we workers and the mass of small proprietors lead a life that is filled with unbearable oppression and suffering. Things are harder for our generation than they were for our fathers. But in one respect we are luckier than our fathers. We have begun to learn and are rapidly learning to fight—and to fight not as individuals, as the best of our fathers fought, not for the slogans of bourgeois speechifiers that are alien to us in spirit, but for our slogans, the slogans of our class. We are fighting better than our fathers did. Our children will fight better than we do, and they will be victorious.


Thank you for adding nothing to the discussion.
Based, why should these senile fags be entitled to the fruit of the labour they are unable to produce? Such matters of ensuring their continued existence should be left to matters of charity, not the general state. That money would be better spent among the youth for education, or funding infrastructure, quite possibly anything but this.


>t. Literally Hitler


>anon proposes assisted suicide for people who are already dying slowly and miserably and just want the pain to stop, but are being artificially kept alive because people are spooked about death and care more about feeling bad someone else died than that person's suffering
<wow, look at this fascist who wants to liquidate the non-productive citizens
ok there you go i summarized the entire discourse on the topic


i want to be the first to be euthanised


Mr. K has a point. Old people are just left to die on their own rather than with dignity. This drives up healthcare costs. Example: old people in a retirement home stop eating and drinking, then the Healthcare professionals then just let them die slowly and painfully. That's if there is a DNR order from family. If there isn't, then they send them to the hospital to die slowly and expensively


Sorry to hear about your grandma, anon. What you propose sounds more like hospice care as it already exists. I had a close friend with cancer who refused expensive intervention and just took more and more painkillers until she passed. She was bedridden for a time, but seemed content.

Very poignant, where's it from?


Why are there so many bait threads about euthanasia for the old and the young in the last few days?


One of Lenin's writings.


what's there to discuss, insurance nazi porky? you want to mass murder old people because they limit your profits. you are utter psychopath scum and you need to be put into the gulag.


>insurance nazi porky
Pretty sure you're not old enough to be posting here, kek. These are some meme insults kid, no offense. I'll be the bigger man though and argue in good faith.
>you want to mass murder old people because they limit your profits.
No, that's not what I'm calling for, neither is OP. I'm a proponent that everyone in this world is entitled to the fruits of their labour, and that taxes should not be spent to insure people who are in serious pain and would feel generally better if they were dead not be kept alive by the spook notion of anti-suicide invoked by Catholic thought. I don't believe in profits, but I believe that in a world already full of corruption and inequity, more money should be reallocated to meeting the needs of the generation to come who are already starving and needy. I understand where you're coming from, but your arguments are very shallow Anon.
>you are [based] and you need to be put into the gulag


>you want to mass murder old people because they limit your profits
There's more profit to be made keeping people alive, charging for medical services.


>Pretty sure you're not old enough to be posting here, kek. These are some meme insults kid, no offense.
lol fuck off back to the libnet newglow


Being dead makes you feel anything. Killpeopleism is not cool. Treating old people the reward for a life dedicated to work and labor is good actually.


Am I wrong?
I don't think we're on the same page Anon, I'm no fan of murder. The key term is "assisted suicide", it would be on their own terms. As someone who has lived around those in the retirement industry and lost my parents to dementia, if you're willing to care for these individuals out of the goodness of your heart, good for you, but care-taking positions should be voluntary, and not coercive. Not sure where you're located, but where I'm from, the majority of retirement homes employ primarily immigrants of colour. The pay is low, the hours and work are strenuous, and in the capitalist world, most of the time, this is the only employment these individuals may be able to find. The work is largely compulsory, in addition to it being a burden on tax revenue. As it exists, the industry can barely suffice off its current existence, paying pennies to immigrants who can find no other work, does this not tell you enough money is wasted on this system?


>As it exists, the industry can barely suffice off its current existence, paying pennies to immigrants who can find no other work, does this not tell you enough money is wasted on this system?

This is not a problem of scarcity or "not enough money". Is because is not profitable to treat old people as human beings. In socialism, treating and taking care of people is a necessity, and completely achievable. If the US spended billions of dollars in healthcare instead of weapons and aids to ukraine and palestine and trade barriers, maybe the life of old people would not be a living hell and they would never think of suicide.


>because is not profitable to treat old people as human beings
Except it is, especially in the United States. Retirement communities are some of the most profitable business in the country. I implore you to explore The Villages, in Florida, for instance. The business is expanding across the country, meanwhile the workforce is primarily the same: Immigrants, and the wages don't highly vary. If the wages were higher, sure, more people would want to work these jobs, but I highly doubt that. It's a strenuous line of work that should be forced onto noone.
>maybe the life of old people would not be a living hell and they would never think of suicide
I agree, however in the case of mine and OP's case, some-people receive all the care they need, and are still in pain. These individuals are at the end of their lives, and no degree of delusion with free ice-cream or sanctuary can save them from this dread. Those that are seeking assisted-suicide would only be ones who are terminal or something like that.


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