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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1829237[View All]

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In what ways was he middle class


Is there no video of the event?


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you could say she was cold


That's just a gif from the other thread. Is that all there is?


File: 1713578799098.webm (Spoiler Image, 3.25 MB, 480x270, webm from 4ch.webm)

Found a webm of it


had to laugh at the first responder. IDK if the cop was telling him to back off or if he just didn't like what he saw but he gave up on helping pretty quick


File: 1713579113092.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 19.71 MB, 848x480, wzt1z4.mp4)

Found the full video with sound.

>poliiiiice there is a guy lightin himself on fiiiiiyah


Probably told him to back up since they were coming with extinguishers. Also the heat probably got to him since he had to stick his face into the fire to try and smother it. It was a nice attempt but smothering a gas fire by smothering it with a suit jacket probably isn't too effective.


This is your brain on stupidpol. No theory or praxis just mindless opposition.



This is what alienation, atomization, and years of hyperindividualist propaganda does to people.

To add the cherry on top of the shit cake, Aaron Bushnell and this guy are only just the beginning.


yo what kind of camera steps left like that after the woman sits down and blocks the view


Huh? It was handheld obviously.



jfc. hope he was full of opiates tbh.


Not really fair to put Aaron Bushnell with this guy.


idk if it's just the angle but it seems like they let him burn until he leans up about 2/3s of the way through the video?? nasty work
That was my first thought as well. He doesn't seem to cry out at all which makes me think he was.


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Both were American mentally ill anarchist-adjacents who believed PotD and martyrdom achieve anything. I do feel bad for them but looking past their mental issues then they had some very mistaken ideas about leftism.


Aaron was an airman, he did feel guilty about his involvement in the crimes against Palestine. Even his Reddit posts show some coherence in his worldview. I don’t know why you have to take away their agency like that.

I am sick of people using mental illness as a way to dismiss people’s radical actions. Often times mental illness are an impediment to wild actions like this that require planning, dedication and self actualization.

Sane people can do insane things too.


I remember this too… hmm


Obviously, doesn't mean I have to like it. It's depressing assholes like these get so much attention when there's American workers attempting to sabotage weapon shipments to Israel, for example.


Glowpedia says he's not dead yet? What are the chances he survives after this?


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>That was my first thought as well. He doesn't seem to cry out at all which makes me think he was.
Fire like that wouldn't allow you to breath or speak. It would suck air right out of your lungs.


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*the oxygen, but still could probably collapse the lung. If you breathe in, you're just going to suck in super heated air sans-oxygen that'll probably burn your vocal cords off immediately, so no more sound either that way.


A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent


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I was going to say Aaron Bushnell was able to scream but comparing the videos this latest guy was a lot more flammable so ya makes sense.



typical libertarian american who was on the way to class consciousness but couldn't quite piece it together without the proper analysis and decided to kill himself.


He was ancom.


why? because he said so?


and i'm the dang joker


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LaTeX version, when?


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sanest r/stupidpol poster


Self immolating is idpol.


Guy should've blown himself up. That would've done some property damage and hopefully taken some lives.



Fed posting


This real? Paramedics just take snaps of patients now?



lol stupidpol went private.


I hope it gets fucking banned from the internet



>want people to read manifesto
>writing style not engaging enough
>need marketing gimmick
>people read manifesto
>everybody flips out
>get out of hospital after the revolution
>sent to gulag for doing blackface


I can't upload reaction images. Top laff comrade


>want to protest trump going to court
>drive a truck of fertilizer into the court and blow up Donald Trump

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