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 No.1831170[View All]

Maoism vs Dengism

Which proved superior?

Why do some leftists credit Deng for the rapid development of China, a principally liberal view of Chinese history.
108 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Tiktok radicalized hundreds of millions of Gen Z worldwide on Gaza, including multiple millions in the West. Where is your crying about Tiktok thread? It must be some SeeSeePee capitalist agenda, innit.


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>Maoism vs Modern Revisionism and Capitalist Rehabilitation and Restoration
>Which proved superior?
The struggle still continues! Also China's capitalist efficiency today can solely be credited to the socialist base established during Mao's time. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism all the way.


Export of capital is not de facto imperialist. When Chavez on Venezuela came to power he needed a way to boost social spending without taking loans from the World Bank and IMF. China cooperated and aided him. Laos today has also received many loans in order to maintain economic stability. Ecuador during Correa and Bolivia under Morales received aid as well from the Chinese. The entire argument about Chinese export of capital is ridiculous when tons of money has been committed to help socdem and socialist governments stabilize. If anyone on this board was smart enough to launch a revolution in their homeland they would need Chinese money during the transition process but since everyone here is retarded they can sit in their suburban amerikkkan homes crying about the chinks and dengoids. Btw Deng himself offered aid to East Germany at the end of the Cold War to keep it alive and that information only got declassified in 2021/2022 but we still have retards on this board calling him a capitalist roader.


Here's a study from someone who actually has a brain who realized that China's economic assistance to both Ecuador and Bolivia skyrocketed when left wing movements came to power in comparison to economic ties under previous governments. China likes being subtle so they will never announce their aid to anyone but will just pretend like it's business as usual.


Maoism is superior at the initial stage of revolution and state building, delivering good educational and health outcomes to the masses. Dengism is better once you have the cultural infrastructure for industrialization. Xiism is best when you are industrialized; I.e, SOEs control the economy and deliver high value-added goods.


nice post


This is also working backwards from your conclusion but at least it is pretending at empiricism (which btw is limited, at best).


Reading the synopsis, they are setting themselves out to debunk the arguments that China is still in the shackles of US imperialism. They call that quasi-Kautskyist. First off, I find this to be inconsistent with the Maoist tradition, which called China "social imperialist" only a few years after Deng took over. China obviously was in a much different position then, with the West obviously imperializing China by export of capital for cheap labor.

But anyway, any serious Leninist analysis of imperialism begins "at home", with the formation and power dynamic of the national political economy, not with the relation to other potentially imperialist competitors. It's starts with the entanglement of monopoly industrial capital and bank capital towards finance capital, the formation of cartels that are relatively independent from the polity and state, and begin to subsume the former. After that, there is a historical subjective element that you need incorporate to avoid economic reductionism. A part of that is the genesis of the Chinese state, China went through a phase of national consolidation and socialist revolution, removing the vestiges of imperialism and bureaucratic capitalism. The institutions of socialism were never dismantled in China. If Deng did represent a capitalist takeover, a clean break like the Warsaw Pact countries would have been visible. Instead, Deng strengthened the socialist state institutions and Party organs, Gorbachev and Yeltsin dismantled them.

Obviously China takes things further than the Soviet NEP, but still, if you read Lenin's contribution to the Communist International, he specifically pointed out that their "state-capitalism" exists under the pretext of a "socialist republic", which he contrasts in terms of essence, although appearing similar in form, with bourgeois forms of state-capitalism, the example he uses is the clearly reactionary German Empire during the phase of its war economy in World War I.

>down to their level

You could have posted this without being unnecessarily stingy. Common theme with Maoists, even moreso than with Trots.


I fear what will happen if these guerillas win the revolution. Without good economic theory all these victories are for nothing.


>I posted le study therefore I'm right
I can do the same:
Arguing the opposite, from a Trotskyist perspective, mind you.



Not just economic theory, theories of socialist statecraft as well. If they don't have that it will just be a never Nepal, where "Prachanda Path" was a failure. Conviently, other Maoists can just immediately write them off as revisionists the moment they take power.

The same would have happened to the Shining Path, no matter how extreme they were before.


>Btw Deng himself offered aid to East Germany at the end of the Cold War to keep it alive and that information only got declassified
Source on this? I've been told the exact opposite.


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>I fear what will happen if these guerillas win the revolution.


Trash vs Garbage



Bumped for attention and because I have nothing to do but lurk here.


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>Bumped for attention and because I have nothing to do but lurk here.
Why not read a book?
Read the news?
If you have read the news read the news of a foreign country you don't know much about.
Boredom is counter-revolutionary.


You gotta be fucking kidding me you don't have anything better to do? I was the guy who kept this alive for the first 90 replies lol. You can't get my attention when I'm off hiking and eating dim sum. Gonna stop reading here. Doesn't look like any discussion took place.
Like other anon said, read an actual book, and imo one by Samir Amin


>He didn't read anything
western Sison fans are all the same >>1831208 like wow look at your cool photo of a guerilla. nice aesthetic bro
Nothing stronger than starting off with "gee I hope the TANKIE FILTH doesn't read this and gives up" man >>1832101 >>1832015


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>Samir Amin
Guy literally rejected class struggle in favor of geopolitics.


<read book? GRUG SMASH!!
beyond parody, Mr. Gasm.
>class struggle
You have no interest in such things. Like Turkey and India, you think that you can develop through cooperation with imperialists.
That is why you get hung up on bullshit when you see dependency theory arguments about how superprofits are distributed to the top 10% of American workers and other labor aristocrats in the imperial core, and you think it's the Infrared!Haz argument that baristas are the labor aristocracy.


I understood these things years ago, because I am very inquisitive whenever I am presented with truly new ideas. Few people on this website can manage that, despite trying to be as lulzy and holds-up-spork-random as possible. I do actually have to go eat dumplings now. Take care. Read the 2018 article "The New Imperialist Structure" if you want to see one of Amin's final takes on this world. Or just leave good writing it lying on the ground and go eat poop like a dog


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>read book?
I have a lot to read already on my plate and a lot to reread. The reason I do not blindly regurgitate the names of authors for others to read the works on is because I consider myself a student that is still learning. It would be wrong to suggest a book or theory out of the blue. Amin will surely come up on the long list of books eventually but cursory knowledge of his theory and his writings clearly show a deprioritization of class struggle.
But I will get to it nonetheless. His writings on Eurocentrism did pique my interest.

>you think that you can develop through cooperation with imperialists.

??? Cooperation entails a sense of collective comradery. There is none under imperialism only subjugation. You think I stand at the polar opposite of this argument. You are wrong. We both see imperialism as the primary problem, but where we differ is who we see as the revolutionary class. You see the national bourgeoise as the spearhead for development. I see the proletariat as the revolutionary class and peasantry allied together in which the national bourgeoise should be subservient to. That is where (as far as I see) our primary differences lie (as well as basic Leninist definitions of imperialism and understanding of modern revisionism).


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I was going to do a joke, but the journo/ecologist who was stoned not a burger but an euro.



>China will never support people who call them mean names but with supposably similar beliefs but will support outright anti-communist groups

Why is Chinese state and their leadership so insecure ?


Stop projecting.


Man, I swear your whole goal is just to write uninteresting drivel. I don't even understand how you expect this to be a conversation. Samir Amin wrote so many fucking articles, many of which are abridged versions of chapters in his books. His writing is designed to get to the core of the ideas he is expressing, although it is extensively sourced and will fill up your reading list with other historians instantaneously. "Reading lists" are a fake idea. I have every book in the world on my reading list, but there is a priority system which shift constantly. There is no % doneness to my reading list. I recommend you read these books rather than trying to get people like me to give you dumbed-down blurbs or our book reports so that you can extrapolate from them to whatever bullshit you'd rather criticize than the actual argument.
See the Jacobin article about multipolarity which was reposted recently on the Twitter. (Last one which was a quote tweet or post and not a retweet (3 likes! truly you picked the best time to get into twitter: when it's chock-full of [ M Y P U S S Y I N B I O ] , child rapists, and child rape itself), so it shows up on Google News rss) Rather than engage with the historical and economic material cited by anti-imperialists and also nationalists of semi-peripheral and peripheral countries (because they are facts), it makes a series of unanalytical historical parallels between the multipolarity of WWI (which I must stop and remind you was squabbling between the very European colonialist countries which make up a bulk of the EU-Japan-ROK-Taiwan-Aukus imperial system today, with the exception of Russia which has been denied even the position of Turkey as a sub-imperialist liason, and as a result of the covid and Ukraine crisis and sanctions has pivoted to Asia) and the multipolarity which will return as a result of the crumbling of the imperialists' ability to rejuvenate the colonial system, handicapping the development of the third world to ensure it serves as a cheap source of natural resources and labor. The premise they brushed past was that unipolarity somehow made the world more peaceful. It's really childish how these people are unable to conceptualize of any nation acting differently than imperialist countries. Unipolarity signified not just by these military uninhibited, merciless interventions and covert actions on peripheral countries, but by the imperialists' preeminence in international institutions that is felt so painfully in Gaza today, with the US's supreme position in financial matters and international financial organizations which manage lending, critical for keeping neocolonies debt-trapped & selling things on the dollar for a pittance.
One example of emerging multipolarity is the ability of Sahel countries to put down IS style terrorists with Russian weaponry. I guess that kind of thing makes you shake in your boots.
For most of the world, the idea that there is some "emerging threat" of other countries no longer being forced to let the US break international law at will is completely asinine. That's why it's published in Jacobin, one of the most infamous laughingstocks of western leftism. I would be happy to list of some of their greatest hits, but I know you're busy rereading The Very Hungry Caterpillar with other ancoms or whatever it is you think you are.


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Damn bitch calm the fuck down.
>you should read Amin's work
<ok, when i get too it after reading other books
Ok. I'll just read him later then when I have more time.


Damn, you can't even read one post correctly.


I really don't care about your wall of text. I saw [ M Y P U S S Y I N B I O ] and just tuned out.


I will respond to replies by the way in the weekend. I have to focus on other things right now.


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We're never gonna see socialism in our lifetimes, are we?


beatiful, this made my day much better, thanks anon


anarkiddies owned


I hope you kill yourself


Are Maoists outside of China actually successful?



They won their PPW in Nepal, only to immediately give up with just getting rid of the monarchy. So the Maoist declaration that MLM is the key to prevent modern revisionism seems silly.


Those guys are more fractured than Trotskyists


It’s more fractured than /leftypol/ lol


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Agent Kochinski thread
Agent Kochinski thread


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You're the one saying that some Communist revolutionaries talking shit means that they deserve no support, while other groups which are outright anti-communist are able to get support from the chinese how else should one take this other than the fact that they are insecure?


>while other groups which are outright anti-communist are able to get support from the chinese



Again, you are ignoring that the CPC does indeed support a communist party in the Philippines, just not the one you like.
>groups which are outright anti-communist
Such as?


>can't understand post
>remove it and ban the poster
>problem solved
Didn't even notice until later lmao


They haven't sourced anything else in this thread or responded to their baseless claims being contradicted yet so why would they start now lmao

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