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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Political discourse has dropped off a cliff. No one could blame people for this. The political problems of today are massive in scale, existential in importance, and often deeply personal.
However, this is keeping anything from being done. This will continue. People will drive their party to take action, which will cause a backlash effect, halting progress in any direction.
Some people believe that the only way forward is the complete breakdown of the social order. These people are waiting for the violence to start. But we have to believe in a better way, or else we will eventually wind right back up where we are. No political system lasts forever, and even if your particular political utopia takes place, it can eventually devolve into what we have now.

What we need to avoid this is better tools - better tools for making decisions, better tools for informing the public, and better tools to direct our area of focus.
One of the things that I believe holding us back on this point is the present-day structure of political disagreements. That is to say - little or no structure at all.

When there are disagreements on a political point, the most productive way, currently, to resolve these disagreements (or at least air them out) is political debate. Ask yourself - is even the most well-run and polite political debate the best way to present an argument for the general public to make an assessment of who is correct for themselves?
First of all, it's nearly impossible to address every argument and piece of evidence provided. Arguments spread out like an infinitely deep tree structure - every argument can have one or more counter-argument, which can all be supported by one or more pieces of evidence, which can all have issues, and all those issues can have counter-points, and all those counter-points can have counter-points, ad infinitum… Even if you could present this in the theoretically perfect debate, and no one could follow it - and even if you could, you would have to look up all the citations for yourself. Even after all that research, there is little way for you to contribute to the argument other than start a whole new debate from scratch, which likely would not be perfect!

I propose that a Wiki-like structure is a more ideal way to structure an argument on any topic.
The initial topic of argument can be laid out with points and supporting arguments from each side. One or more counter-arguments can be linked at the end of each argument. One or more pieces of supporting evidence can be linked to arguments and counter-arguments, with potential issues with the evidence such as methodology issues laid out in a nested structure, with each side able to respond.
There are obvious issues getting different sides of an issue to collaborate on something like this together, but first let me talk about the advantages. First of all, all sides will be able to identify potentially weak areas which they should focus their research efforts and arguments. Both sides will be able to educate the public on their points and allow them to decide for themselves. And most of all, both sides will hopefully stop wasting time spinning their wheels in the same direction and repeating their strongest points over and over again until they run out of time.

Now let me say that I do not necessarily identify as left or right leaning, but I spend most of my time on /pol/. I will be getting thoughts from both your board and /pol/. I thought, since /pol/ has more activity than this board, it would be more fair to give you guys a chance to respond first to minimize the risk of brigading.
I also have friends of friends in Wikipedia leadership positions. And I can say that, as a person who often disagrees with them, I am impressed by Wikipedia's ability to remain impartial on many points. On other points, I am less impressed. However, I have faith in the idea that, if we lay the correct structure, productive argument will take place.

I am here to get your thoughts on this idea, particularly:
>Would you be willing to collaborate on a system of argument like this, even with your worst enemies?
>What would you want to see in terms of the rules of this site to protect and enrich its users and content?
>Say your political enemies make up most of the leadership and moderation team. Would you still be comfortable? How could rules best prepare us for this situation?
>How would you want to handle cases where arguments could be construed as hate speech in some countries?

It's not exhaustive, but I have a few suggestions for rules which could possibly help some of these issues:
>Arguments are not to be removed unless if they are trollish, duplicated, or incomprehensible. Instead, arguments can be marked as weak/unsubstantiated, or their writing can be improved or merged with other articles. Similarly, content of arguments is not to be removed unless it matches one of the categories above or it's immaterial to the argument in question.
>Discussion pages are to be limited to the value of edits. Arguments about the topic, related topics, or any political disagreement are strictly prohibited and should be confined to proper pages. Similarly, other official communication channels should refrain from any political discussion.

I would also want to see arguments which could be construed as hate speech preserved, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this, given I come from the "politically incorrect" board. I believe that if an argument is made solely out of bias, it should be easy to disprove, and it should be kept up to allow for counter-argument. I am even okay with a disclaimer on these articles.

Currently, WikiDebate exists, but its biggest problem is that it is not evidence-driven. Which I believe political debates should be.

Well, sorry for the essay /leftypol/. Let me know what you think.


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Political debate can't really be 'evidence driven' because people have different values and moral systems. For example… even though drug legalisation is provably good for reducing drug use and harms from drug use conservatives will never agree with it because they just want drug users to die in the streets (or preferably somewhere they don't have to them).


>drug legalisation is provably good for reducing drug use

Yeah, nah


>People will drive their party to take action, which will cause a backlash effect, halting progress in any direction.
What are you talking about
>All the rest
What a load of liberal bullshit. Politics isnt about "how to most effectively operate society". It is conflict of interests between people currently operating in the same system with somewhat shared goals or at least some sort of one or bi-directional dependence on the others.
Politics isnt about discourse. It isnt about arguments. It is people fighting to get a bigger slice of the pie by fucking over others. Everything that has a clear best way to do that is in all our interests is done, such as punishing pedophiles and wanton murderers.

Understanding politics is very easy once you understand the following two things
1. Politicians and the media aren't incompetent, they lie intentionally
2. People who own corporations privately materially lose out on anything that directly benefits the working class at large because since they own all the stuff they are the only ones who are able to pay for such things.


thanks for proving the other anon right that mountains of evidence just don't matter to some people.


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kys soberfag


I hate disgusting drug users >:( *takes aspirin when head hurts* fucking addicts just wanting to feel pleasure for nothing


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>takes aspirin when head hurts
mfw my MD had prescribed Cannabis for my MS, and later Epilepsy, Arthritis and Osteoperosis toname a few, a decade and a half before it was legal for recreational use…kys



>anon has MS, epilepsy, arthritis and osteoporsosis

my heart goes out to you. I have arthritis alone and that's plenty painful. I couldn't imagine having all those other conditions simultaneously. I hope you have a job that at least somewhat suits your medical conditions.


Noble approach Anon, although I'm sure this could be condensed into a much shorter paragraph, kek. Still, applause.
>Would you be willing to collaborate on a system of argument like this, even with your worst enemies
Sure, but the anonymity of the internet, and the fact of the matter that very few users outside of these threads can actually perform praxis and do shit irl makes it pretty much impossible to engage, makes it pretty futile to start such a conversation. Still, such a forum would be gnarly.
>What would you be willing to see in terms of the rules of the site to protect and enrich its users and content?
Ban exploitative child media, outside of that I'd say all is fair game. Even the average poltard that comes in here, fails to read posts, and spews hot garbage is an intriguing study in it of itself. It's very interesting to see these creatures in the our neighborhood.
>Say your political enemies make up most of the leadership and moderation team. Would you still be comfortable? How could rules best prepare us for this situation?
Yeah probably, if they're receptive to change and are open-source I don't give a shit about their politics. I typically find however the further right they get the more retarded they become in transparency and open source. Even the most devoted tankies here wouldn't be that gay, more proof the horseshoe theory's bullshit.
>How would you want to handle cases where arguments could be construed as hate speech in some countries?
Do nothing, quite possibly. If they're annoying, some kind of vote-kick, kek.
Also, why wouldn't we want to create a world where it is all that liberal bullshit? Are you opposed to it?


Do you have a counter-argument? Curious to hear this take. As far as I know, the science is largely behind drug legalization. Drug legalization would be especially beneficial here in the States. Thousands of blacks and browns are locked up on petty drug charges, it's a tool for abuse.


>I hope you have a job that at least somewhat suits your medical conditions.
Not a chance, I get 995/month CAD on disability, should be 1200-1350, but my mother rents me a room, so I don't qualify…


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>here in the States
Meanwhile bulgarians getting 8 years in prison over 1 joint…


>be anon
<this but in Bulgaria!
Amerikkkans are also getting 8+ years for le one joint.


OP here, thanks for the discussion so far.
Political debate should be evidence driven, as far as it can be. From there people should make their own decisions based on their values.
Depending on your values and personal opinions on the inner lives of other people, the value you place in social studies and people's self assessment of quality of life can answer a lot of questions we couldn't before.
But I don't think purely moral arguments, if such a thing exists, would be disallowed - just marked as unsubstantiated.


>I'm sure this could be condensed into a much shorter paragraph
I have severe autism.


Political discourse dropped off a cliff thanks to secularism, Enlightenment rationalism, and the death of God. Prior to capitalism, embodied traditions and scriptural debates were at the center of social and political life. If you wanted to legitimize free love you did it with reference to scripture. Sure, these debates were intense and did turn violent but scripture was the glue that made conversation and debate possible. People already had an agreed upon consensus that we should discuss the Bible or look to God's intent, follow Christ's teachings, be righteous etc. If something like "transgenderism" had been a debate back then, people would have flipped through their Bibles, hammer out theological opinions and debate them, or appeal to Christ to justify their competing moral perspectives. What I'm saying is there was a shared moral language through which people could and did make moral and political claims and that grounded politics.

Along came bourgeois Enlightenment liberals who came up with two genius ideas: 1. We should use science and reason to design the structure of society 2. Morality and ethics is entirely personal and subjective. Its up to the individual as long as he doesn't interfere with the public. Since God and Christ have been thrown out, there's no shared moral language to act as a glue anymore. Everybody is living in their own self-generated bubble of what they think is right and wrong and there is no agreed upon yardstick to measure any of these moral claims. This is obviously by design. Capitalism requires amorality. You can't exploit people and destroy the environment if people believe the river is sacred or that man was created in God's image.

We are doomed to argue because we are making moral claims in a world that is structurally immoral and we're so alienated from each other we no longer share anything in common to hold us together besides exploitation. A trans nerdy table top gamer and a /pol/tard are never going to interact and there aren't shared ideas they can both appeal to. There isn't a church to force them to confront each other every Sunday and no common moral tradition to hold them together. They might as well be aliens. Even the workplace has become more and more segregated and atomized. People don't even need to see each other anymore. This is why political debate is worthless and doomed to fail because there is no basis for agreement. We're doomed to disagree. The system is setup to prevent consensus. Simply tinkering with the way political discourse is conducted won't change that fact.


What counterargument do you even need? If you ban something, consumption of that something falls. It was true during prohibition years as well. There's an argument to be had about whether or not ban results in more or less addicts and deaths, but the argument presented by >>1832360 is wrong

>science is largely behind drug legalization

Bourgeois science was behind every atrocity Westoids have committed upon the world and themselves. And it was largely regarded as a believable justification, too! Drug legalization debate is the same kind of bourgeois science being on the wrong side of history, AGAIN


>science is largely behind drug legalization
Yeah, the porky science of preventing any social or political advances by quickly making 40% thc products available to the working classes.
>t. toker


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>If you ban something, consumption of that something falls
source? the legal consumption of that thing falls for sure, but the illegal consumption also obviously rises
>Bourgeois science
thought-terminating nonsense
Sweden for example has been running a social experiment for the last 40 years aimed at eradicating drug use by targeting demand. this on the theory that getting rid of demand (as if such a thing exists in isolation) also gets rid of supply. the man behind this policy was named Nils Bejerot, and his "social contagion" theory has since been thoroughly tested and debunked on a societal scale. a direct result of the experiment is that Sweden has the highest drug mortality rate in the EU. we're at the point where "evidence based policy" is viewed as wanting to drugmurder all the children
wanting to ban drugs is christcuckery that goes against human species-being


Reducing harmful misuse of drug use by legalization. Drug usage is hard to scale in illegality from the censoring of such bad news of failure on the legislative part and how much gets unaccounted for in secret. Self-help and supportive facilities actually help with drug use usually being subsided.


I suppose OP can take solace in the fact that, while /leftypol/ offered little useful constructive engagement with the project, it did devolve into the kind of go-nowhere argument he feels his tool might resolve.


>lets make cocaine more valuable than gold per gram what could go wrong


I don't claim my idea can fix all of the problems with society, and I do agree there are huge benefits to a shared moral framework, however I still think my idea is worthwhile.
While it can't solve lack of social cohesion in everyday life and doesn't try to, it at least (theoretically) changes the context of our political discussions from adversarial to collaborative. I take issue with the idea that it is merely "tinkering" with the political discourse - I really believe this has the potential to change it by altering its context.
How are we supposed to solve anything if we can't talk to eachother? Say there is a possibility this type of system could lead us back to a shared moral framework by revealing your ideas as the most substantiated. You would rather everything fall apart first before that could happen? What's to stop it from happening again? What's the harm in trying?


It does give me some feedback through lack of feedback, it tells me the idea of working with your political enemies is not so insulting to people in this context that they won't get distracted by another argument.


>Political discourse has dropped off a cliff
did it though ? yeah we have more spectacle, because we consume more media, but realistically bourgeois democracy was always shit, liberalism offering a dead end and this realization and disenchantment of people for it is the real reason people perceive a decline in the political sphere


>Political discourse has dropped off a cliff. No one could blame people for this.
Where? Among which people? Around which subjects?



Two can play at this game:

Labeling scientific findings you do not like as “bourgeois” or “porky” is reactionary.

Wanting to ban drugs and undialectical.

Opposing decriminalization efforts is bourgeois decadence.

Being a stuck-up puritan is revisionism.

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