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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I started reading his "History and class consciousness", and it looks very convincing so far. Why is he apparently foundational to "western marxism", which was an utter failure? Is there something reactionary and opportunist in his work?


star wars


He was a humanist. Marx & Engels were anti-humanists.


Lukács went from:
Hegel -> Marx

Reality went from:
Marx -> Engels


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The standpoint of Professor Lukács regarding Marxism needs
to be examined. It seems that Lukács asserts that one can only speak of the
dialectic for the history of man but not for nature. He may be right and he
may be wrong. If his assertion presupposes a dualism between nature and
man he is wrong, because he falls into a view of nature proper to religion
and Greco-Christian philosophy and also into idealism, which in reality
does not manage to unite men and nature and relate them together other
than verbally. But if human history should be conceived also as the history
of nature (also through the history of science), how can the dialectic be separated from nature? Perhaps Lukács, in reaction against the baroque theories of the “Popular Study,” has fallen into the opposite error, into a form of idealism.


Thx Reddit


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>George Lucas



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>"western marxism", which was an utter failure
stop visiting pol


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Have you read The Destruction of Reason? It's a highly-readable (okay maybe not highly, but please don't be put off by the length, it flies by) work of critical philosophy and a seminal contribution to the study of German history.
It will directly answer some of these questions about "Western Marxism" although I'm sure many will remain.
Adorno, for his part, accused Lukács of being "conscious of his own impotence" in writing it because he did so in prison LMAO. Really catty review.
Check out this primer by John Bellamy Foster, I think you will immediately connect it with what you see on Telegram/fbi.gov/Twitter/Youtube/Twitch and myriad other channels frequented by Westen leftists: https://monthlyreview.org/2023/02/01/the-new-irrationalism/


>>"western marxism", which was an utter failure
>stop visiting pol
This really sums up why you all got so committed to these theorists. This is the furthest level of derangement which a "Trump is a fascist" liberal can reach, actually looking up Frankfurt School pseuds because wignats spread globohomo conspiracy theories about it.
No wonder you're so hostile when I reiterate George Jackson and Georg Lukács criticisms of fascism. I've seen people literally just Google™️ (I can tell it's Bing/Google/DDG hah!) what Oxford academics who study Hannah Arendt's Heideggerian theories of totalitarianism say it is.


what the fuck are you even talking about


Are you just stupid or something? Put down the weed and pick up your coffee and vaporizer, if you please.


lol yeah


You already live in a fascist country. Your attempts to add stakes to Drumpf potentially disintegrating your Constitutional Rights and the Separation of Powers expose the underlying assumptions of pampered liberalism. You never read more Marx and Engels than you had to. I read as much theory as I can get my hands on. I read more of your Frankfurt School theorists than you have.



Buddy cultural “Marxism” has as much to do with actual Marxism as national socialism does to socialism


But have you attained the 18th level of enlightenment


You know nothing Jon Blow


What does it mean to be anti-humanist?


Choke people


it means you're against humanism

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