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people who accept and/or desire to submit to an authority do so because the state and authority in general is derived from paternalism. If a family/parents violate a child of the love, trust, safety, acceptance, and protection whether by heavy corporal punishment or even sexual assault, they might seek it elsewhere which is why so many right winged american boomers have their views due to widespread corporal punishment of children, especially before the 80s/90s.

In Alice Miller's book For Your Own Good, which provides a historical perspective on this. She proposes that the abusive childrearing practices rife in Germany during the early and mid-20th century were major factors in why so many Germans supported Hitler and were willing to take him seriously.

>Do you believe the concentration camps of the Nazi period would have been possible had not the use of physical terrorization in the form of beatings with canes, rug beaters, switches, and cat- o'-nine-tails been the rule in raising German children?


It's always the people who have never had children pushing this bullshit.

Sometimes kids are little shits and need to be smacked around to impress upon them not to be so fucking stupid.

Elon Musk was never smacked around as a kid. Look what happened.


>Elon Musk was never smacked around as a kid. Look what happened.
pretty sure he was bullied alot and his father was abusive/manipulative


No that was just him inventing cope to pretend like he had a hard life like every wealthy inheritor does for the "self made" image.
In reality his dad fucking lots of women had zero impact on his life and he had zero problems.


I mean as a guy who got smacked around and screamed at by his dad, I think it just makes you more willing to accept violence as a natural part of life rather than an aberration. The connection or support for Nazism is more likely a side effect of Nazis/Rightists acknowledging or even praising violence while liberals (and leftists emerging from a liberal milieu) lionize a kind of performative impotence. A revolutionary act to liberals is saying “THIS MAKES ME SAD/SCARED/VAGUELY UPSET!” It’s like one practices scream or crying therapy while the other punches holes in walls.

Like I’ve been to a couple therapists and while a few have been helpful, I’ve got to say there’s a kind of primal relief in just breaking shit. Something my buddies and I did is we’d get junk, like some old TV, and go down to this old wash the homeless sometimes camp at. And we’d take bars and iron bars to that shit. Blew stuff up too. We go out to the desert and it can mean bigger explosives and guns.

Among such types I think, on the left, they tend to be tankies. I don’t even see that as a bad thing or an insult. To a liberal I don’t think they could possibly understand all the deaths and executions under Stalin. But when you grow up with at least one source of authority in your life being violent, you can kind of understand—of course you can still critique it as unnecessary but you can see the logic in purging even other socialists ostensibly. I think that could’ve had an effect on Lenin too, which is why he was “scary” to so many respected social democrats. He’s from an autocracy that killer his brother.


all of the abuse and noncery at British public schools in the 19th century. creepy dons who rogered public school boys. they became the ruling class who went to rule empire, and they had to expend all that pent up energy towards native people.


I think youre confusing moderate discipline with outright abuse.

AlsonInnotixe its the people whom dont have kids that are the most resentful of kids.

But ok. Why isnt there any corporal punishment for adults?
And no, adult amorality isnt always due to lack of childhood accountability


Peoppe whom glorify corporal punismemt as the universal solution areoften low empathy individuals whom never had any regret about being an asshole.

Its worth noting alot these people are ironically very vukgar as adults.


<He also recalled a time when Elon made a hurtful comment to a schoolmate about his father's suicide.
<The boy pushed Elon down a staircase at school, injuring him so badly he had to be hospitalised.
<When he heard what had happened, Errol wanted to defend his son.
<"But I realised Elon overstepped the mark with this little boy. I had to drop it," he said.


so basically musk would have been elliot rodger if he hadn't been lucky in getting rich


He would’ve been worse. He would’ve been, Allah forgive me, a Reddit moderator


I'm tired of people and their pop-psychology theories. What made the Nazis wasn't bad parenting but thwarted German imperialist ambition meeting with the latest in "racial science", centuries of anti-Jewish and anti-Slavic sentiment and industrial warfare.
>Among such types I think, on the left, they tend to be tankies.
And this is another example. It wasn't bullshit child psychology, it was seeing the 2000s anti-war movement, Anonymous and Occupy amount to jack shit.
>Peoppe whom glorify corporal punismemt as the universal solution areoften low empathy individuals whom never had any regret about being an asshole.
They're also right-wing as hell - every single one of them.


What the flying FUCK is this level of liberalism? Ignore all the geopolitical and economic factors, the class struggle between 1919 and 1923 it was a reaction to, actually they got diddled as children obviously! Just a complete aestheticization of politics.


Yes, and?


Not saying child abuse is the only reason people become Tankies. Was just offering an explanation for some. It’s silly to think there’s one universal answer to why people do X or Y


>nazis want to submit to authority
This is such liberal brainrot.



>actually they got diddled as children obviously
do you deny that would have an effect?


Not really. Being petit-bourgeois has far more of an effect on your politics than getting hit with a belt or whatever the fuck stupid point you're trying to make.


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That's a pretty garbage post, OP.
But, it's worth mentioning the deep and ingrained link between neo-Nazism and child abuse. There used to be the Esoteric Hitlerism thread on /leftypol/ documenting it, the previous thread archive links and new thread are over at https://nuclearchange.net/praxis/thread/3.html now.

The child abuse problem is so ingrained in Nazi culture that the White Lives Matter telegram had to make a bot to detect known child groomers. There was a recent report from antifascists monitoring online sadist abuse cults, many of them linked to Terrorgram, O9A and other nominally Nazi groups. Obviously there's very disturbing content in the report.
Oh, and there have already been two separate recent cases of German cops being busted in neo-Nazi pedo chats:
>At least one Nazi pedo cop, 20 Spezialeinsatz-kommandos investigated - https://www.dw.com/en/germany-20-police-officers-investigated-over-far-right-chats/a-57832510
>At least five Nazi pedo cops in Polizei Nordrhein-Westfalen - https://www.voiceofeurope.com/nazi-symbolism-and-child-pornography-found-in-german-police-chats/
This, along with the absolute insane amounts of EDL pedo arrests, puts it beyond reasonable doubt that the Nazi child abuse link is systematic and not just because 'they get arrested and searched more', as some people claim. (I know I'm preaching to the choir a bit, but it's worth clarifying that this isn't the baseless accusations we're so used to around le groomer rhetoric)


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Holy shit you're right.


>Among such types I think, on the left, they tend to be tankies
*cough* *smashies* *coughcough*

>To a liberal I don’t think they could possibly understand

I think there's a false conflation of "liberals" and "people who weren't physically abused" in there, but you raise a good point with liberalism. To one who sees a choice to avoid violence, who see it as inherently bad and harmful, then yes radical action is scary.
And some people were raised in an environment where violence was an outlier. Never in a fight at school, never mugged, never harassed by cops, never abused at home, and never having to defend their country from invasion. Violence seems optional, from this perspective. They may sincerely not realize that the status quo is violent, they see it as peace interjected with isolated horrible acts of thievery, sadism and extremism. But that's for the police to handle!


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Oh, if you extend your scope beyond just neo-Nazis and go for bigots and far-righoids in general, well, here's a very incomplete shortlist:


ok but why tho
What is the connection between being right wing and being a child predator?


Because whether they're a libertarian-brand rightoid or a white supremacist-brand rightoid, they're essentially arguing they should be above the law (either because they're white and should be able to make their own laws or because they own a middle class house and should be able to make their own laws) and that's not just going to attract people who want to get away with tax avoidance or beating up minorities, it's going to attract paedophiles as well.

An extremely shocking thing is how frequently cryptobro movements, ruminating about what kind of libertarian society should come out of removing centralised banking, wanting to make the point that "mental maturity" should be enough.


>"mental maturity" should be enough.
So when the brain finishes developing, around 25?


Lmao yeah, if only.


It's a complex question.
It's honestly not useful to use terms like 'the right' in this kind of analysis. For example, a major part of neo-Nazi open child abuse culture comes from Esoteric fringe groups like O9A and related splinters, who consider themselves anti-social Satanists and largely take to Nazism due to its edginess and powerful transgressive symbolism more than any actual ideological belief in NotSoc, and will take to child abuse as a form of transgression or sadism. IIRC O9A literally has scripture saying members should rape kids as part of their self-development.
Meanwhile, many White Nationalists (Nazi or otherwise) claim, and probably believe, child marriage and other grooming is a valid way of preserving the 'White race', and there are a certain strain of individualist liberals who believe children can consent and the state's consent laws are invalid. I believe these ideological rationalizations allow child abuse to be normalized, so a background radiation level of wannabe child abusers no longer see the act as immoral/unethical.
Another theory is that Operation Gladio encouraged blackmailable people into leading anti-Communist group, so that they would be dependable agents.
Another is that people who want to dominate others (and therefore more likely to be a child predator) are far more attracted to individualist rightoid ideologies. Someone who thinks abusing the vulnerable is fine will probably feel less welcome in progressive anti-racist anti-sexist, etc. circles.

So in some of these examples, the child predation comes from a power fulfilment motivation, while in others, they come from justification of existing sexual attraction. But anything left of Stirner probably doesn't find child abuse justifiable (so anyone with paraphilic attraction would be far less likely to act on it) and those seeking individual power probably don't like collectivist ideas.

Obviously this is just spitballing. But I will say I reject the reasoning given by the child abuse researcher interviewed in a Vice article asking the question, that extremists are simply arrested and searched more, exposing the existing high prevalence of child abuse in general society, therefore suggesting there is no connection. Anarchist and socialist arrests, and environmentalist arrests, are very prevalent, and no such pattern appears to have emerged. There seems to be a major skew towards WNs and conlibs.


>they're essentially arguing they should be above the law (either because they're white and should be able to make their own laws
I don't know if it's so much "because they're white", but I definitely see ChristNats saying "because Canon law says marriage at 14 is fine, and God is above the government". And I also see WNs saying that a law is Jewish or anti-White or whatever so I think you're on the right track


It's also one of the right's go to accusations as well which, also spit balling here, might be one of those "we just accused them of what we ourselves were doing" things Goebbels pioneered.

Because it's somehow interesting how they often fabricate conspiracies that seem to point at paedophillia being prevalent amongst organisations as if they're almost trying to throw people off their trail when they make up something like Pizzagate but in invite fbi.gov servers they're suggesting the phrase "wow, you're so mature for your age" uttered to a cornered child is due diligence and a sensible alternative to age of consent laws


Yeah, definitely worth thinking about. I wouldn't know if it were psychological projection or scheming redirection, but it's hard not to notice just how constantly they point their fingers at ghosts on da left while their own institutions are filled with perpetrators.


>>1834411 *
vidrel Qser


brain developmemt is mainly pop psychology to promote helicopter parenting.

White supremacy is based on Germanic sentimets. And such institutions are based on subduing women and youth.
Our modern treatment of youmg people as oversized infants is based on Germanic chauvinism.


See I’ve worked with some “smash the fash” types, and unironically they’re really pleasant people. One of them was a gay guy who jumped some skinhead at a punk show. But I’d say the mentality or approach to violence is different from tankies.

Of course this is all based on “feelings” rather than science but it seems to me that those who go full “smash the fash” kind of treat the violence as an almost joyful thing. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a form of taking power back from one’s oppressors and asserting a radical freedom. “You can’t control me, can’t ground me, can’t make me do anything.”

By comparison, the Tankies approach violence with a kind of deep seated rage. As someone who experienced violence from a parent, I can understand that rage. It’s not necessarily open or something you wear on your face—but it’s there, just beneath the surface. I once took one of those psyche tests on anger and, admittedly, the results were extremely above average for repressed rage—but you talk to my coworkers and it’s all “Wow you’re so zen!” When that anger, that violent anger, manifests it’s rare but dangerous. Last time I think it happened I saw some Karen calling a drug store employee a bitch and (the employee was black) doing some fake “mammy” type accent to mock her. I got between them and just wanted to say “stop being a bitch” but next thing I know I saw red and started screaming in her face about how they don’t pay employees enough to put up with her shit. I actually had to be escorted out of the store because it probably looked like I was going to attack the lady.

It’s not a liberating violence. It’s the kind of violence where you’re desperate to just destroy, subjugate, and terrify your opponents.


>Of course this is all based on “feelings” rather than science but it seems to me that those who go full “smash the fash” kind of treat the violence as an almost joyful thing. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a form of taking power back from one’s oppressors and asserting a radical freedom. “You can’t control me, can’t ground me, can’t make me do anything.”

I mean, that comes off to me as a particularly insurrectionary-anarchist thing - you read stuff like Armed Joy, and it's very much on that wavelength, so I'm sure it attracts people who are going to punch fascists with all the gleeful sadism of a cartoon character


>Of course this is all based on “feelings” rather than science but it seems to me that those who go full “smash the fash” kind of treat the violence as an almost joyful thing. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a form of taking power back from one’s oppressors and asserting a radical freedom. “You can’t control me, can’t ground me, can’t make me do anything.”

Agreed. Teenagers scare the living shit out of me. They couldnt care less as long someone will bled. So darken your clothes, and strike a violent pose, maybe then they will leave you alone, but not me


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Well they do kind of have a point about this form of abuse being way more common than most people realize, but also yeah it makes sense it skews strongly towards more right wing, conservative, and reactionary people. These are ideologies that demand a high degree of control and conformity, and see the most success when they have a captive audience, and can target impressionable people. Children are both of those things.

I made a post on here a while back about how the whole "groomer" panic is largely projection. The LGBT "agenda" is basically to teach kids that who they are is up to them to decide, not something to be forced on them. Meanwhile the conservative attitude is that we should carefully control what children are exposed to, lest they get any ideas about deviating from the norm. Reality is pretty much the opposite of what they say it is. I'd go so far as to argue that child abuse is actually instrumental in reproducing these ideologies and the social dynamics they're based on. They are, taken in a vacuum, deeply offputting and unappealing to most people. Coercively socializing people into believing these things (grooming) is pretty much the most effective way you can get people to maintain a lot of naturally repellent systems, like religious oppression, racism, sexism, etc.

From a broader perspective, the abuse and control of children reflects the belief system and its political aims. These people see future generations as an extension of older generations (themselves), as their property, as a sort of debt-slave who can never pay off the cost of bringing them to life. These backwards-oriented political philosophies essentially demand that all future generations pay permanent homage to the past and what was "necessary" by carrying on their traditions. They feel entitled to enforce conformity of the youth by any means necessary, and see the youth as expendable as a means to glorifying the older generations and protecting their legacy. Since they habitually look backwards to the past and not forwards to the future, they are very willing to sacrifice the future health and safety of younger generations in order to fulfill the desire, rage, etc of themselves. That's also a sort of revenge for their own experiences at the hands of their own elders, looking still further backwards while continuing the cycle forwards into the future.


>White supremacy is based on Germanic sentimets. And such institutions are based on subduing women and youth.
>Our modern treatment of youmg people as oversized infants is based on Germanic chauvinism.
western european marriage pattern means historically germanic and northern euro people got married in their mid 20s. Its in southern europe ex: Romans that they got married from 15-20


why the difference? got any reading material on it?



I mean in terms of infantilisation.
Like how the starting age for adulthood is often five to ten years higher than natural in Germanic nations.


sounds hebephobic considering most of tht kind of violenece is often adults.


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>Well they do kind of have a point about this form of abuse being way more common than most people realize,
Yes and I don't dispute that, I just dispute the researcher's implication that it's the main reason we're seeing so many Nazis with child porn, that it's a selection bias and not something to read deeper into. That would imply some equivalent trend among socialist activists being arrested and discovered with CSAM, which afaik just isn't the case.
Here is the article I'm talking about: https://www.vice.com/en/article/3akvbw/why-do-neo-nazis-keep-getting-arrested-for-child-porn
Quotes in pics1-2.

It's hard to say that when openly pro-abuse groups like O9A have clear influence in neo-Nazism (the Atomwaffen sucessor group directly complains about them in the opening lines of their founding statement: https://americanfuturist.net/the-founding-of-the-nsrf/ ) and have former members saying things like pic3 (from that same article, immediately before). It just comes off as ignorant to chalk it down to a selection bias.


>le extremism meme
Oh I thought this person just said more of them were found with CSAM because more get arrested, this is actual brainworms.


Yep. Again, they have a point with that 'double jeopardy', e.g. the German police Nazi chats were found because one of the members was being searched for having CSAM, and many cases of CSAM discovery are when searching the phones of arrested Nazis. They're not wrong that it's a factor. But that doesn't explain the rest of the picture, and the rest of the picture is very important and apparent.


dude, i didnt read however you are wrong, you are just wrong as fuck hosest. I get where you mind is right now, but give it a fw more years or a decade. Its never wrong to disicple your children no matter what the state or society says.I do not have kids may self but i'm an uncle of many, i see fail parenting every day in the houses pf my sisters, it breaks my heart because i cann't dictate the rules.

Kid are so annoing sometimes, really they deserve a fucking smack, just sending one of them to their room causes even more melt downs and stampping of feet on the floor, that sort of behaviour was never a thing when i was kid holy shnit we get totally ass beaten if we acted like that. The is lack of displine is effect our towns and cites, then when these over grown kids are arrested by police it only gets worse…


>dude, i didnt read
/leftypol/ in 202X


with the amount of shit posts coming through this board, I can't blame someone for skimming and immediately realising someone is so damn wrong they don't need to read further.
But I usually just say it to troll posts to fuck with them :^)


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