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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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File: 1713957109380.jpg (5.92 MB, 5976x6368, botswana-geology-mines.jpg)


It's often seen as a success story of a nation that built itself from scratch post-colonialism and as an example of IMF loaning "working" and of "moderate pragmatism" beating "ideological purity" (of e.g. Burkina Faso). At least that's the mainstream narrative.
But why did it not get the usual foreign-business/political-meddling/coups/destabilization cocktail its neighboring African nations had to deal with? What's the secret?


British colonial exploitation was relatively mild, and collaboration in the 60s led to the formation of a strong centralized government that incorporated existing tribal councils, allowing a stable bourgeois developmentalist state to rule and use diamond/mineral profits to modernize the country.


continuity of government, and the british built it up to annoy the fuck out of the boers. it fucking worked. there were abotive attempts by whites to bay of pigs botswana that all ended in long and diplomatically contentious prison terms for the perpetrators. it is still a primary industry focussed resource republic, but it always seemed to be an interesting spot to visit.


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File: 1713964111687.png (1.43 MB, 6300x3424, gini.png)



based, thanks for the reminder


I doubt that'd stop anyone, especially when so much diamond is at play
I've read about attacks on it from the boers, it surely worked. but is spite really the reason? it seems strange to me that it was just.. left alone


lmao the Netherlands is the worst. So much for Not Just Bikes slurping Dutch dong.


>90.2 wealth Gini

That's brutal. Is it accounting for tax havens or not, because if it is the latter we are closing to total wealth inequality for the Netherlands.
How can it be this fucked up?


You're still in the top 3, shart
Gini can be calculated more reliably if a government or some sort of financial institution routinely and truthfully provides the statistics required for it. This means you do indeed have some leeway in assuming most periphery countries with low state capacity actually have it worse, especially for the ones that are already red with their sub-par info (so for example, Botswana).
Regardless, a Gini of 90 or more is still very shit in an absolute sense.


We all know burgerville is the heart of darkness and only exists to spread misery and hopelessness around the world, however Europe especially places that are considered "civilized" and "progressive" deserve blame and not just Anglos.


I think it's because home ownership rates are so low in Germany, I'm assuming Netherlands has a similar issue.


50/50 partnership between De Beers and the Botswanan state since the 70s, they're doing just fine.

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