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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.1841747[Last 50 Posts]

So you think you are a worthless NEET? Let's see what uncle Ted has to say:
>The people whose behavior is fairly well under the control of the system are those of the type that might be called “bourgeois.” But there are growing numbers of people who in one way or another are rebels against the system: welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men, etc.

NEETs are rebelling against the system! We are part of the rebellion! Ted is based!!!


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neets are lumpenproles, marx already has a name for your type


Welfare leeches, youth gangs, cultists, satanists, Nazis, radical environmentalists, militia-men walk into a bar



Kill yourself technophobe


Marx said about the lumpenproles, that they are useless and stupid.

Ted said about the lumpenproles, that they are rebels against the system.

Guess which side I'm choosing.


Marx said about the lumpenproles, that they are useless and stupid.

Ted said about the lumpenproles, that they are rebels against the system.

Guess which side I'm choosing.


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Cybersoc ftw


Fuck STEMtards


Transhumanism or death, kill all primmies NOW


t. Klaus Schwab


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better than ITS


/siberia/ - No relation to leftism
Sage and Report.


No this is for >>>/dead/ not Siberia


Don't really care.
Average /dead/ user has probably at least eead Ted's work and related work, OP clearly hasn't.
Don't bump this shit retard.




It isn't, anprims are post-left retard


People in this thread claiming that Kaczinski belongs into /siberia/ or /dead/, are 100% glowies.


He's not even a leftist


Ted predicted it. The upcoming battle will be humans vs trans-humanists aka post-humanists aka anti-humanists.

Humanity vs the machine.


He literally described himself as an anarchist. Stop spreading glowie lies.



Yes, aka cybersocialists vs pedo satanist neonazis of O9A and ITS nordic evropa posting christopagans


He rejected that label later lol


>Yes, aka cybersocialists vs pedo satanist neonazis of O9A and ITS nordic evropa posting christopagans



Kill primitivists. Behead primitivists. Roundhouse kick a barbarian into the concrete. Slam dunk a primitivist baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy primmies. Defecate in a primmie's grave. Launch primitivists into orbit. Stir fry primmies in a chow mein. Toss primmies into active volcanoes. Urinate into a primmie's head. Judo throw primmies into a wood chipper. Twist primitivist heads off. Karate chop primmies in half. Curb stomp pregnant primmie barbarians. Trap primmies in quicksand. Crush primmies under an elephant. Roast primmies on a gridiron. Eat primmies. Dissect primmies. Exterminate primitivists in the colosseum. Stomp primmie skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate primmies into urns. Lobotomize primmies. Mandatory damnatio memoriae for luddism. Drown primmies in liquid shit. Incinderate primmies with blue flame. Kick old primmies off a cliff. Feed primmies to the lions. Slice pagans with a lightsaber.


>116. Because of the constant pressure that the system exerts to modify human behavior, there is a gradual increase in the number of people who cannot or will not adjust to society’s requirements: welfare leeches, youth-gang members, cultists, anti-government rebels, radical environmentalist saboteurs, dropouts and resisters of various kinds.

Ted is based and so are lumpenproles.


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>155. Our society tends to regard as a “sickness” any mode of thought or behavior that is inconvenient for the system, and this is plausible, because when an individual doesn’t fit into the system it causes pain to the individual as well as problems for the system. Thus the manipulation of an individual to adjust him to the system is seen as a “cure” for a “sickness” and therefore as good.


eat solder, technonerd


>people unironically thinking D-FENS is a good guy

oh no baby… baby no…

seriously though people need to watch this movie


eat shit, primmie


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Love how being an "anti-campist ultra" gets you banned and deleted on sight but a fucking Unabomber thread can stay on the main board.


This is a theory thread. Suck it, ultra


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Reading the The Art of Not Being Governed validated Ted in my eyes. States are terrorist organizations and when teamed with industrialization are an abomination against nature and human agency. Time to return to being hillpeople barbarians. Everything past 1492 and the rise of modern states and the world economy was a mistake.


It will be an oddbed fellow grouping of anarchic/socialist bioconservatism vs a global caste of transhuman pedo plutocrats


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Also de Garis called it nearly 20 years ago as well


the bartender says "hello George bush"


honestly the example of the headstone mason is kinda distressing but on the other hand machines could make head stones for at least a century but the business holds anyway
im sure theres always people who want hand made tombstones


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Let’s analyze this meme:
The Virgin Anarcho-Primitivist
>Frail organic body
<“I hate my own body”
>Dies at age 40
<“I have no survival skills, and don’t understand statistics”
>Can’t get laid
>Confined to 1 shitty planet
<“Hate the only world I’ve ever known, sure I’m an industrial urbanoid that’s never seen a forest, but I hate the only planet that supports life and wish I lived on a sterile rock!”
>Gets diseases and feels pain
<“Mfw I’m a coward”
>Autistic ideas will never happen in reality
<“t. Literal transhumanist”
>Always loses to modern military technology in warfare
<“Muh might makes right, white supremacist logic”
>Pleasure limited by evolution-designed brain
<“Liberal hedonist”
>Consciousness destroyed after death
<Cowardly fear of mortality
>Uses terrorism to spread philosophy
<More cowardice
<Race science
>Requires 99% of humans to die for it to work
<t. Faggot shilling the ideology that has annihilated the biosphere that refuses to leave people alone to go live in the woods or something
The Chad Transhumanist
>Lives for millions of years
<Bourgeois fantasy of immortality, greatest fear is death, anti-revolutionary attitude
>Has interplanetary empire
<Delusional settler fantasy about colonizing a bunch of dead rocks and committing genocide against space-injuns
>Can easily exterminate organic humans
<Incel murder fantasies
>Feels the pleasure of 1 trllion shots of heroin a second
<Needs drugs to feel happy
>Can upload mind transfer faggot shit
<Christian idealism
>Can get laid any time in VR
<Misogynist incel shit
>Doesn’t know what pain and disease are
<Western infantilization
>Physically superhuman with genetic engineering and cybernetic enhancements
<Literal eugenics
>On the inevitable path of the human race
<Liberal teleology

Wow what a faggy meme definitely made by a urbanoid or suburbanoid blob that’s never seen a forest. Remember, FAGGOT, that it’s you industrioid teleoiod fags that are annihilating life. You won’t be cybogs, you’ll be desperate cannibals!


Why did you leave the most important piece of this meme out?
>always loses to modern military technology
Its a dead end ideology.


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I support every "<".


I didn’t, I pointed out it feeds back into Marxist eurocentrism and the belief MLs and liberals and fascists all share that the genocide and annihilation of indigenous peoples was based and red-pilled.
The greatest hero of techfags ought to be Christopher Columbus, after all, he started your faggot genocidal productivist mindset
>Dead end ideology
Anprim isn’t a christfag ideology like Liberalism, Marxism, or Fascism that actively needs to spread into the population

Anprims don’t want to make other people anprims, they want to be left alone and do eco-terrorism until industryfags leave their forest alone


Just posting this pic for no reason.


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Ted was a liberal whose primitivism was no more than an extension of his colonial mind. On the other hand, Democratic Kampuchea was a authentic decolonial movement, led by the most alienated of Cambodian society. It was land back in its most ideologically pure form. Machines and technical experts were kept on strict watch, so they did not shape the conciseness of their wielders.


>Spends like 30 pages of his "manifesto" shittalking and psychoanalyzing the left with word for word rightoid schizo nonsense
Sure thing buddy


Anprims trying to steal valour from natives is pathetic, your ideology is the most white thing ever


You know, he is talking about left-liberalism aka woke ideology.

Even if you disagree with his take on leftism, you can't deny that 70% of the manifesto is good.


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>welfare leeches
<lumpenprole or possibly just proles
>youth gangs
<young lumpenproles
<petty bourgeois business owners (you know they have a gay little webstore or giftshop)
<see cultists
<literally capitalists, petty bourgeois, and the pigs
>radical environmentalists
<activists on the weekend, possibly proles every other day with petty bourgeois leadership
<fascist petty bourgeois

>NEETs are rebelling against the system!

None of the people who Kaczynski was talking about are NEETs you dumbass.


You'd get the same "quality" from a Fox News comments section.


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Also one shouldn't take a dogmatist approach on the manifesto.


>nothing to do with leftism
>0 effort edgyposting
>Still up
Fuq jannies. They're more likely to delete this critique than do job


Regardless it's all schizo rightiod nonsense. Murdoc himself couldn't have written a more passionate anti-leftist wallop

Even getting to the primitivist stuff, it's all fairly incoherent


lumpenprole = welfare leeches = NEET = Hikikomori

Do you really expect people in the past centuries had the exact same terms like today??


>Fuq jannies. They're more likely to delete this critique than do job
That's their job, deleting any marxist critique.


The reason Marx critiqued "lumpenproles" is because chances are their lifestyle won't lead them to organize with proletarians against capitalism, not out of a moral concern for society.


>Regardless it's all schizo rightiod nonsense. Murdoc himself couldn't have written a more passionate anti-leftist wallop
Eh. Its just boilerplate anti- University Campus idpol stuff, crude but wouldn't be so out of place in any of the more hard-core eco activism literature of that era. 90s America was not a place happening for the radical/organized left as everyone knows, it was practically dead and the radical and protest politics of the era reflect that.
And im not even american but You would think this would be a very basic and obvious way of understanding eco politics of thst era, materialist even, but no… people in general always come out with their weird theories or that Ted and etc were rightists and etc…

Over all the chapter is not very inspired or interesting even contextualy with the rest of the work, but a good tell about anyone who hyperfocuses on this irrelevant part of the manifesto. Usually rightists who don't even want to mention that Ted thought the right was a bunch of retards not worth engaging.
In general interesting figure that helps to visualise a specific era and current within burgerland society but not worth trying to retcon into any modern political movement or tendency.

Sage this shit tho.


Get a job


t. technophile bugman


so true! but plz get a job anon, u'd do so good an b so happy! if u cant do college, join a trade! be a sparky ill show u the ropes. learn how electricity works so u can bomb power-plants on the weekends

\\ \/ //
\\ //


mb no tag :(


So in case some brainlets still don't understand, what Ted is talking about in section 116 and 161:
Technological society sucks ass and it sucks more and more. So what is happening? Certain members of society can't or will no longer play along the rules of the system. So Ted is mentioning people like "welfare leeches, youth-gang members, cultists, anti-government rebels, radical environmentalist saboteurs, dropouts and resisters of various kinds."
In other words, people who are shunning society/the system. Well guess what NEETs and Hikikomoris are? Ted says, these people are rebelling against the system. And yes, they are objectively rebelling against the system. BUT most of them are not doing it counciously. They are rebels without knowing it.


>technology sucks because… it just does, okay?


<t. To braindead for a critical analysis
Was thinking about becoming a sparky myself, getting older and can't be kango'ing and lugging bags of rubble back and forth forever.
Any tips? How viable to train into as an older person?


is this thread nothing but /pol/tards?


>Was thinking about becoming a sparky myself, getting older and can't be kango'ing and lugging bags of rubble back and forth forever.
ur smart anon, sparkies is the way out. my uncle was similar; he was pretty much a professional football hooligan in his day, and when his joints grew too old for evryday fighting and fucking, in his late 20s (kek) he became a journeymen. the pay is good, but the work is difficult, you'll need sum brainz for wireing but u'll also need the brawn to be hauling 10kg wires on the daily.
>Any tips? How viable to train into as an older person?
linkedin and indeed profiles, query "journeyman electrician". the usual qualifications only include high school graduation, or atleast a G.E.D. after 2 years of so, u usually have enough hours to apply for an electrician liscense, and u can start ur own business if ur into managing ur hours and schedule at ur whim. plus, what makes it different from other trades is all the equipment can fit in our van. can't quite say the same for lorry-fixers. cheers an best of luck.

p.s. here's a yt playlist for u or anyone else in thread, its a series of videos that educate on the basics of the job. no need to spend thousnads goin to trade school!!


Oh shit, the glowing consoomer technophiles are coming! Also don't forget to buy the new Apple™ Iphone®. Ted Kaczynski is a stupid schizo! Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are good!


Anarcho-primitivism is an idealistic non-starter of an idea. Trying to stop technological progress is like trying to end violence. It's going to keep happening so long as material conditions allow it. Even if you're not willing to participate in it, plenty of others will be.

Now this is the kind of high-quality discussion I come to Leftypol for!



I do give ol Ted some credit for basically saying rightists/conservatives are retarded and not worth discussing. But it was a massive disappointment to have to read him ramble on and on, page after page, about his psychoanalysis of the so-called "left". There is no materialist analysis of the movement at all, it's just rambling about how he thinks leftists have like inferiority complexes or whatever. It's a real slog to get through


Isn't it interesting, that all posters in this thread who are talking shit about Kaczynski, are in fact glowing TOR-posters?


Nah I think he's shit too.


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Because clearly only capitalists were capable of 'developing technology'.

Spot on.


>you're posting from Tor therefore you're wrong
The last refuge of the brainlet.


uygha can't post a single sentence without memes, lol.


>Marxist eurocentrism
<I just want to be left alone!
You can't call others liberal like this.


wut lol this is not true:
i got bored halfway thru. i think u get the point.


Political labels are meaningless anyway and I don't care about his views on "leftism". And in the manifesto he actually points out, that it isn't about capitalism vs socialism (or left vs right), but nature vs technology. This is why I believe, that Kaczynski can't be located on the political spectrum. He is neither a leftist nor a rightist. There is no reason, that /pol/tards are claiming his work for themselves. They just pick from his ideology what suits them and that's it!


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>technology vs nature
The future is now, old man. The new hip labels are Anti-Civ and Post-Civ. Most primmies and techies now see civilization as the problem for why things aren't going their way.


>They just pick from his ideology what suits them and that's it!
Not like his stuff is anything but stupid ramblings instead of a coherent framework and analysis, lmfao.

Still a political group that is laughably irrelevant, same with libertarians and the sort.


The "communism is when big computer" idiot isn't much better.


>There is no materialist analysis

Whenever marxists are referring to a "materialist analysis", they are referring to their vague metaphysical concept of "dialectical materialism" which is TOTALLY NOT IDEALISM!


But it makes them look smarter though. Appearance and presentation is key


Is funny to see that is always the ultras that begin every sectarian anti anarchist autistic ""debate"" on here.


Man misanthropy sucks so bad. I hate the American culture of "wanting to get away from it all" as if their settler lifestyle doesn't entirely depend on "it all."


His predictions are wrong and cliche

People yhink AI are gonna take over the world.
Its not. Humans are taking over the world with AI.


My boyfriend's wife is an anarchist who hates primitivists. Anarchists are fine.


Theyre not rebels. Theyre actually low class patrons.

Theyre still benefitting from tech although not the same way as the "straightlaced"


>my boyfriends wife

explain yourself


You're being annoying about it but you are correct
Yes exactly.

Anyway Ted's Manifesto is interesting, I personally very much enjoy technology I think it's really cool the kind of information is available at the touch of a button. I think film is one of the greatest things to ever be invented, I'm glad infant mortality isn't like 50% anymore. So I'm not swayed. But anyone is perfectly welcome to live the Ted lifestyle right now. Like, go low tech, by all means. But endorsers of the manifesto don't seem to want that, they seem to be primarily interested in large plots of isolated property. They seem to hate "industrial civilization" in the sense of hating big cities with too many blacks.


I was told its called 'relationship anarchy' and its for the greater good of anti-imperialism.
I haven't read too much anarchist theory, but if it helps advance the struggle then its probably a good thing.


I think you gave them too much credit. that would require them to actually think beyond "Does this make me look cool to other people if I say this shit?"


Ted Kaczynski was a misanthrope idiot and a terrorist. The perfect kind of scum that the system loves to promote as a symbol of "resistance".


Terrorism is one thing but he didn't even kill people who deserved it. At least he aimed a bit higher than elementary schoolers like the dreck nowadays though.


To me, giving as much credit as possible is Marxism 101. Capital wouldn't have been so devastating if it didn't take the capitalists entirely at their word.


>Political labels are meaningless anyway and I don't care about his views on "leftism". And in the manifesto he actually points out, that it isn't about capitalism vs socialism (or left vs right), but nature vs technology. This is why I believe, that Kaczynski can't be located on the political spectrum. He is neither a leftist nor a rightist.
>The future is now, old man. The new hip labels are Anti-Civ and Post-Civ.
Kid. You're quite literally a decade and a half to late.
You're seeing a resurgence of leftist ideas and organized left is more appealing to young people than 90s-00s era anarchism.
Stop living in the past.
Stop clinging to the actions and aesthetics those of us alive then did and used as an ideology to identify as for entertainment online.


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>leftcom clowning on anarchists


>jfc how many times do you want to have the same lowIQ convo about Ted K with people who have NOTHING TO DO with him( leftists) ??
Some of them do it because Ted K is a way to "pill" people


>As society and the problems that face it become more and more complex and as machines become more and more intelligent, people will let machines make more and more of their decisions for them, simply because machine-made decisions will bring better results than man-made ones. Eventually a stage may be reached at which the decisions necessary to keep the system running will be so complex that human beings will be incapable of making them intelligently. At that stage the machines will be in effective control. People won’t be able to just turn the machines off, because they will be so dependent on them that turning them off would amount to suicide.

Read section 172 and 173.



i read this thread while taking a long and strenuous shit. this board sucks


i read this thread while taking a long and strenuous shit. this board sucks


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This amounts to 'because he said so'. And even if it does happen, it will be good. We are fucking weak and cannot expect to live longer and better without the aid of technology. Of course if you turn off your grandma's pacemaker she's going to die.

Also why hasn't anyone showed this part? Why is this thread still not on >>>/dead/ while other Ted posts about him got buried there?


>Why is this thread still not on >>>/dead/
Why /dead/ even existe?


>We are fucking weak and cannot expect to live longer and better without the aid of technology.

We are weak, because technology has made us weak.


getting mad at scifi shit is so stupid man and people try to give him more credit because of his high i.q. lol


>getting mad at shit no one said
just because many mls bring up dialectical materialism like a get out of jail card doesnt mean scientific marxist analysis isnt a thing, idiots


>scientific marxist analysis isnt a thing

Your definition of "scientific" is 200 years old


Dear technophiles: What is the point of becoming 1000 years old, when your life is empty and boring?


We are weak because vermin like you don't want us to live longer and drag us back.
If we want to be immortal we need to kill everyone who's against immortality - religious, conservative reactionaries who cling onto promises of an 'afterlife' instead of contributing to what life is in the present. We are weak because we are forced to be born and forced to die in a place where your will to live means nothing. Where the gradual extension of the lifespan by the development of humanity through its tools (which primitivists often attempt to differentiate from technology). We are weak right now because technology is not being used in our favor, it is not for us to control as neither are the means of production. It is being used to opiate people instead of liberate them. Any liberatory suggestion is met by skepticism by the forces of reaction. There are no demands to be made, no arguments to be made, I just want you to fucking die. It is the appropriate response in parralel with the communiques of ITS as following works as Desert and Blessed is the Flame. There is nothing to argue since we are diametrically opposed. The only way to solve the conflict of interest is that we need to destroy you. Which is inevitable, since retaliation against technology with less-sufficient means will always be crushed. Those who attempt to use technology to destroy it will always be outnumbered. Send a thousand bombs to institutes if you want, eventually you will meet other people who are retaliating against you. It won't just be cops. Although you tend to see yourselves as the ultimate contrarians to govt agencies, you're literal tools being used to destabilize places they don't wish to see develop. Why is ITS situated in Mexico? Why does their spokesman have his info in public despite the organization admitting to killing random hitchhikers? They joke about never having been caught despite news about their members being arrested and crying in court being readily avaible to read.

Make it fun then, bitch.



im gonna trust the retards who praise vibe-based incoherent ramblings on their understanding of what proper analysis entails

massive projection


Begin studying real macroeconomic studies of the 21 century, or modern science and method, then we talk. Stop depriving the word "scientific" of its meaning.


Its religious amd Luddites whom romanticise immortality


Immortality would be unending hell but we already know that, we're Lacanians


Peak normie take, if immortality sucks so much obviously people should be able to kill themselves


based on what?




Not a normie take at all lol. It's quite controversial.


By the standards of youtube comments


Im referring to materialist analysis as in: any description or notion of actual movements, people and events, rather than a bunch of nonsensical psychoanalysis of "the leftist" or the average college activist or whatever he was going on about


the anprims are retarded but the technophiles, in this thred, are giving me cult vibes


Seems pretty moderate to me


as usual


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>technophiles, in this thred, are giving me cult vibes
Are you sure its not the other way around?


I can post sections of nickland, and it would be around the same cult shit.
the anprims are retarded and not better, but that doesn't mean I cant find the same shit with the technophiles


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Nick Land fans didin't go stabbing random hikers and sending bombs to universities and in public places.
To even put them as 'fans' would imply they are all the same, when most people are aware that he underwent a significant change in character after drug abuse going from being a Marxist scifi-ish writer to just another fascist reactionary. Whatever his following is after he began drug abuse is neither leftist nor interested in technology for the same reasons he is now in preaching extermination. Unlike the entirety of primitivist thought which has never shifted or changed its goals in excessive misanthrophy.


Nick Land, even in his younger 90s tech optimism days, was openly misanthropic and wrote on the eventual nihilistic extinction of the human race by technocapital. He was preaching extermination since forever dude.>>1843936


That is to say for all the current of 'accelerationist' neonazis, have nothing to do with the technophilia once seen in the works of the CCRU and everything to do with occultism, esotericism and the 'natural order'.

Land does not serve as the face of technology either. Just as Zerzan does not represent all of primitivism.
The question of the duality predates any authors, but it cannot be separated from the division of reactionaries versus progressives.

Comparing a guy who has rot his brain with drugs and whatever writings he may have produced after that with organizations of ecofascist pedophilies (which they themselves admit to proudly) seems a bit unfair. In fact they managed to do so much awful shit that Ted himself had to condemn them in an essay:
Nonetheless this is exactly the kind of people he inspired. This is all he amounts to. And it does not contribute to any sort of relevant constructive critique of civilization or ecological catastrophe, it proposes nothing grandiose and only has one outcome. The outcome is no different from dying to an ecological disaster, it would be for humanity to go extinct naturally after a long time of living in the woods. Those who want to live longer or better are simply told that its not viable and worthless trying.


god you people are retarded. stop derailing the thread to talk abt le ebil primitivists or whatever, you're not getting immortality and the only technology that will develop is more chatgpt frontends. go away


His early writings on technocapital when paired with Fisher's writings acted as a warning rather than praise. After drug abuse however he began to take joy in it. Mark Fisher didin't write capitalist realism as a glorification of it, neither did Nick Land write about technocapital as a glorification in his early works. To claim otherwise is to argue that he was never a Marxist at all.


it wasn't *just* a warning, he was a nihilist. again he was a misanthrope and this predates drug abuse. Mark Fisher is also an entirely separate person with wildly different thoughts on the subject.


>the only technology that will develop is more chatgpt
Under capitalism.
>you're not getting immortality
Not the way things are headed now. The first people who may become immortal right now under capitalism would be the porkies themselves of course.
The problem is that even with the porkies gone, you will still be opposed to it.

Yet he didin't hold the same views he does now. What of his nihilism of the past did you gather exactly? Or the hatred of men who also happened to construct the nightmare he was describing as the concept of technocapital?
The grim reality of his writings called for his views before, which later turned way sinister than just a feeling of dread and hopelessness in society. For one they shifted towards psychopathic tendancies after he got brainwashed by Moldbug. Why exactly would have the rest of the CCRU even bothered to associate with him when they held rather optimist views in comparison? Are you implying he never underwent a change? That he was exactly as bad before as he is right now? If so then I guess you've never even bothered to read his works. Maybe you just rely on what others have told you about him.


>Are you implying he never underwent a change? That he was exactly as bad before as he is right now? If so then I guess you've never even bothered to read his works. Maybe you just rely on what others have told you about him.

I've read him extensively, I was a landian in my youth. You're shadowboxing here. He went through a change, but he was never *not* a nihilist, and the CCRU wasn't some ideologically inclined progressive thinktank, it was a research unit dedicated to cybernetics and culture. That's why they associated, to study together. Them being "optimists" (they weren't, not even Fisher really) doesn't mean anything.

>For one they shifted towards psychopathic tendancies after he got brainwashed by Moldbug.

None of Land's writings, before or after is psychopathic, he's just an apathetic nihilist.



>The problem is that even with the porkies gone, you will still be opposed to it.

I don't really give a shit whether immortality is invented or not. I heavily, heavily doubt it ever will be but if it did, sure whatever. You thinking about it this much is just nakedly being afraid of death though.

To which I need to say: there's nothing wrong with *dying.* People do it all the time.


>but he was never *not* a nihilist
I would not imply otherwise, but you must understand yourself that nihilism has its variants and is not monolithic.
>Them being "optimists"
Only wrote as rather, not implying any sort of commitment to it. It was a comparison.
>before or after is psychopathic
Are you kidding? He's out of his mind right now. He talks about human extinction even on zoom lectures like its another monday and finds it fun.


>Are you kidding? He's out of his mind right now. He talks about human extinction even on zoom lectures like its another monday and finds it fun.

He's literally always done this, it was his entire thing and this predates moldbug by a loooooooot. Did you only ever read Land through Fisher or something?


>nakedly being afraid of death though.
There is nothing to be ashamed of in it. Since at least it is something to strive to combat rather than an acceptance of in an act of defeatism. The latter is a reactionary view which is inherently hostile towards the idea of betterment. It is nihilist by character.
>there's nothing wrong with *dying.* People do it all the time.
Yes, Ted is dead and he deserved it. Reactionary wrecking fucker. His fanboys should follow him.


>He's literally always done this,
In scifi writings? In pseudo fiction / philosophy? Because that doesn't matter. Neither did the flying dicks or dicks everywhere.


And inb4 'duh luddism is reactionary'. Ted does not deserve that label. Neither do his followers. The original luddites opposed the instruments that were being used to exploit them, they did not reject the instruments themselves, but how they were being used against them. Technophiles are fully capable of self-criticizing and destroying the harmful aspects of technology with its exploitative uses, however that is inherently connecting with seizing the means of production. Which primitivists give no shits about as they see society itself as unsalvageable. This is why the next frontier was anti-civ and post-civ in continuation.


>Whatever his following is after he began drug abuse is neither leftist nor interested in technology for the same reasons he is now in preaching extermination. Unlike the entirety of primitivist thought which has never shifted or changed its goals in excessive misanthrophy.
They are still technophile groups. They may not be the original fans, but that doesn't change what they are
this still applies lol
<but that doesn't mean I cant find the same shit with the technophiles.
>Nick Land fans didin't go stabbing random hikers and sending bombs to universities and in public places.
true, but the schizo actions of those people doesn't fundamentally change what the "current" landians or landian influenced people believe in.
And you can even argue they arent engaging in the stabbing and bombing, because theres no point for them to do so Since, their beliefs are the whole technocapital WILL eventually exterminate humanity and replace it with whats arguably a techno dystopia/feudalist or whatever(from a certain pov).
Which in some ways its worse, since thats just we know this fucked up future will happen no matter what, and we will activetly support it aka dont do anything against it, and etc.
>Unlike the entirety of primitivist thought which has never shifted or changed its goals in excessive misanthrophy.
I doubt that. I dont know if I can believe the entirity of primitivist thought was like that


>They are still technophile groups.
You have technophile fascists, liberals, communists and anarchists and decide to group them as being the same. Still ignoring that Land is not even the face of technology lmao. Why didn't you respond to this >>1843953
>their beliefs are the whole technocapital WILL eventually exterminate humanity and replace it with whats arguably a techno dystopia/feudalist or whatever
Again. The current Land is rooting for it. The early Land's message was mostly read from a Machiavellian perspective. It was a warning. Albeit his main influence was not in politics before Moldbug, but rather music and art. As Ray Brassier pointed out - "Nick Land has gone from arguing 'Politics is dead', 20 years ago, to this completely old-fashioned, standard reactionary stuff".
>I doubt that.
You can't have primitivism without population culling. It's become banal to point it out. If Bookchin was alive he'd kill himself so he wouldin't have to read about their fantasies of recreating the Cannibal Holocaust movie. Even in the best case scenario of Kampuchean Neo-Fascistry they will be forcing people to die younger and destroying any potential for developing longevity.


In his prescriptive claims and his formulative works on theory lol. What are you even talking about? Again I ask: did you get your Land through Fisher?


It is no different from Fisher's writings of a looming disaster and capital as an abstract parasite which leads to a depressive atmosphere. The two are intertwined in their analysis. I didn't 'get my Land' from either since I'm not even a fan of him, but you seem to enjoy using him as a punching bag to smear technophiles when in reality technophiles have long since moved onto other authors.


I don't give a shit about technophiles, I'm arguing from a landian perspective that you're an idiot who never understood land. Stop butchering my boy!


>who never understood land
It's all feels. The same with Deleuze. You have people who claim to 'truly' understand and encompass his views and then you have others who synthesize their own with them. Land's biggest influence was not on technology or politics, it was on music and art you fucking pseud.


>You have technophile fascists, liberals, communists and anarchists and decide to group them as being the same. Still ignoring that Land is not even the face of technology lmao. Why didn't you respond to this
because your comment was the first I was typing a response too.
> Just as Zerzan does not represent all of primitivism
And also looking at this, this makes our entire argument mute since, this guy is saying its unfair to generalize all technophiles and primitivists with certain people.
You can't have primitivism without population culling. It's become banal to point it out. If Bookchin was alive he'd kill himself so he wouldin't have to read about their fantasies of recreating the Cannibal Holocaust movie. Even in the best case scenario of Kampuchean Neo-Fascistry they will be forcing people to die younger and destroying any potential for developing longevity.


>and primitivists with certain people.
The point was that primitivism has no face, it is a movement. When you criticize it you don't hyperfixate on Zerzan you focus on all of it. When you criticize technology you don't hyperfixate on Land you focus on all of it. So no, it does not make the argument mute. It just shows that you went from responding to technophiles by taking punches at Land to entirely shifting the discussion to be about Land himself.


>I'm arguing from a landian perspective
lol threads like this affirm my hatred towards philosophers every single fucking time


fair, I see my logical fallacies


but the thing is the reason why I responded the way I did was because you posted one group its. And then used that as an example of "are you sure its not the other way around".(if you are that person who posted that) So I posted a counter example which was landianism. And then you went and defended the landians, and then said the modern ones arent like the previous technophile ones.
So it looked like from my perspective that you were using this one group to demonize the entire primitivist movement, so I responded in kind
you later clarified with this(if you are this person)
"You can't have primitivism without population culling. It's become banal to point it out. If Bookchin was alive he'd kill himself so he wouldin't have to read about their fantasies of recreating the Cannibal Holocaust movie. Even in the best case scenario of Kampuchean Neo-Fascistry they will be forcing people to die younger and destroying any potential for developing longevity."
which is a fair argument that I need to think about.
But before that it looked like you were doing the whole using one group or etc to damn an entire movement of seperate factions beliefs or etc So i responded back accordingly.


>one group its
>that you were using this one group to demonize the entire primitivist movement,
ITS is not quite a 'group' it is a label like ISIS, ALF, ELF, Antifa and so on…
ITS encompasses the violence carried out in the name of primitivism under the name of ITS or Wild Reaction. Read Atlassa or the summary
ITS is examplary of the kind of actions that primitivists are taking and would need to take to actualize their vision.
> it looked like you were doing the whole using one group or etc to damn an entire movement of seperate factions beliefs
ITS are seperate factions. Did you read the screenshots? >>1843926
O9A are seperate factions (nexions) too, but it doesn't change the fact that they're all created around Neo-Nazi pedo satanism. ITS are all violent primitivists and there can be no pacifist primitivists either.



You can also read the Green Anarchy magazine from the UK and see that this kind of behaviour is not limited to ITS. Anprims long before ITS existed had similar feelings as was examplified in the the magazine where they openly praised cults like Aum Shinrikyo for carrying out attacks against civilization. They were condemned by nearly all other anarchists at the time.


>ITS is not quite a 'group' it is a label like ISIS, ALF, ELF, Antifa and so on…
Yeah but following the isis example, large muslims do not follow the label isis. And reject it.
And also I read the screenshots. And while it looks like a group of seperate beliefs. Its still a "network" of people that have some connecting beliefs. A identification and its meanings which can be accepted or rejected. And well looking at one of the images
Q how big is ITS?
<BIgger than a single group, SMALLER THAN A ARMY
This doesn't exactly seem like a big or popular group. Nor are there any other details mentioning how big this actually is. So I cant really tell if this is actually a popular large group among anprims


I will read this.

>You can also read the Green Anarchy magazine from the UK and see that this kind of behaviour is not limited to ITS. Anprims long before ITS existed had similar feelings as was examplified in the the magazine where they openly praised cults like Aum Shinrikyo for carrying out attacks against civilization. They were condemned by nearly all other anarchists at the time.


I will also read this. And see if you are right


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You can't turn back the clock. Even if we went through a fucking nuclear winter society would not "go back" to what it was before the industrial revolution happened.

This is bullshit for spoiled middle-class manchildren.


>nationalist anarchist


i can if i wipe out of all humanity glown


you know anarcho fascism is a thing right


>following the isis example, large muslims do not follow the label isis. And reject it
Most muslims are not mujahideen / jihadists either. However it is necessary for primitivism to use violence and combat tech in order to exist. If you want more examples then look at Warzone Distro:


I will, thanks for the links


I don't like anarchists but I'm not going to pretend anarcho-fascism is something worth even thinking about.


>I don't like anarchism*



They literally just use the word anarchy for the military chic. There were nazis not too long ago who used the Antifaschistische Aktion logo called Autonome Nationalisten.


fuck off retard, not every book is worth reading (arguably most arent)


bored college students love their useless philosophizing


you wound me


Friendly reminder, that technophiles had dismantled 2.5 million years of primitive-communism. Reactionaries are leading history since 4000 years.

We already had communism and we lost everything!


😘 read marx thx xoxo


youre a fucking retard. we have capitalism so technology is led by capitalists instead of the proletariat.


There are worse hobbies.

What if capitalist hegemon starts anti-terrorist operation in your shitty forest? Are you going to fight them with sticks or where do you draw the line on technology?


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What was up with Ted? He was a pretty smart guy and he correctly pointed out problems we face in modern industrial society but he never connects it to anything else, the conclusion he seems to come to is just "technology bad," it doesn't seem to occur to him that a lot of modern technology is designed that way for a reason, people get addicted to their phones because they're specifically designed to make as much profits as possible, but he never critiques capitalism, just technology in general.


It's not about capitalism vs socialism. Lenin was a big fan of taylorism and he actively used it, to oppress the working class. He used technology, but in the name of socialism off course!


Ted was a reactionary brainlet stemlord and you are a retard if you think anything he wrote is worth reading.


Ted's |Q is 167. U sure he was a brainlet?


autism score is a 1 dimensional metric of intelligence, Ted had high IQ, and very high intelligence, in some areas, but in others, much less. It's not a surprise


Just because you get good grades doesn't mean you're smart.


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>but he never critiques capitalism, just technology in general.

Yes, because he correctly identified technology as the driving force of history. Technology > mode of production


You can say exactly the same thing about Marx! Btw I have great respect for Marx AND Kaczynski! They are both great minds and there is no fundamental contradiction between their theories.


>Yes, because he correctly identified technology as the driving force of history. Technology > mode of production
Pretty shallow statement, the mode of production is technology, and technology is in general developed to advance the profitability of the mode of production, it's a dialectic. how can technology be ">" the very mode of production that developed and produced it..?


>You can say exactly the same thing about Marx! Btw I have great respect for Marx AND Kaczynski! They are both great minds and there is no fundamental contradiction between their theories.
youre really going to put ted on the level of marx? im sorry but give me a break. yeah, there is a fundamental contradiction.


The system is guided by technical necessity. This is why Lenin endorsed the state machine, secret services, tailorism etc. As soon brainimplants will be invented, communists will be forced to use it, to be able to compete with capitalism. Even if capitalism will be overcome, technology will guide the system into total immersion. This is when the era of posthumanity begins.


>communists will be forced to use it, to be able to compete with capitalism. Even if capitalism will be overcome, technology will guide the system into total immersion. This is when the era of posthumanity begins.
compete with capitalism? anon, this sounds like liberalism, im not sorry to say that I will NEVER get the brain transplants. i think youre watching too much elon musk scifi sister


>Kaczynski's original goal was to become self-sufficient so he could live autonomously. He used an old bicycle to get to town, and a volunteer at the local library said he visited frequently to read classic works in their original languages.

<That summer there were too many people around my cabin so I decided I needed some peace. I went back to the plateau and when I got there I found they had put a road right through the middle of it … You just can't imagine how upset I was. It was from that point on I decided that, rather than trying to acquire further wilderness skills, I would work on getting back at the system. Revenge.


How technology is utilized socially is absolutely guided by ideology.
The "system" is guided by the accumulation of surplus value. Lenin's endorsement of a state machine was less an endorsement and more of the historical inheritance of what already existed in the Russia Empire.
>as soon as brain implants etc
Do these serve to reduce the intensity of work by increasing productivity? What is the social utility provided? You greatly overestimate what drives technological application in capitalism. Just because some silicon valley mavericks and Muskrat fantasize a cyperpunk dystopia, doesn't mean they will get it. Why is a brain chip needed when social control today is entirely autonomous already?


>I will NEVER get the brain transplants

You will, it is necessary to overcome capitalism. It is a material necessity. Imagine you can fight against reaction without modern technology! It's like refusing a rifle in the 20th century!


>Lenin's endorsement of a state machine was less an endorsement and more of the historical inheritance of what already existed in the Russia Empire.

Uhm have you ever read state and revolution??


anon with all due respect (not much is due) you have no idea what you are talking about


You have no clue of historical materialism. You have never read Lenin, this is why you don't understand, what I'm desperately trying to tell you.


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primitivism and marxism are opposed. you can't have both things. you can have one depending on how apocalyptic this century turns out:
>good ending: capitalism is destroyed, world communism established. space communism by 2080
>bittersweet ending: capitalist civilization collapses into a corporate dystopia without national states, but you survive and get to live as a hunter-gatherer outside their domain
>blackpill ending: global cataclysm. the world is so destroyed by capitalism that you can't even live as a caveman. you die from starvation, contaminated water or radiation.




>anarchism isn't deranged Malthusianism guys!


>Purely as a matter of strategy, racial and cultural blending must be promoted.

/pol/tards on suicide watch.



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I like nature and technology.
I like immortality only if God gives me superpowers.


god I wish


>I like immortality only if God gives me superpowers.
Never will happen. This is why religion opiates. It promises immortality in heaven while it neglects life on earth.

How is this dogshit thread still up and getting bumped while every other TedK thread got sent to >>>/dead/ ?


marx makes the point that capital produces both the proletariat and lumpen (reserve army of labour)
You cannot escape a global system


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How come these get sent to >>>/dead/ while this one stays up to shit up the main board for weeks? What's the difference mods? This entire thread is "technology bad", what the fuck does it have to do with leftism? It's not even a critique of anything precisely, its not a critique of how technology is being used against people right now, it just puts an ultimatum and then goes "yeah but subjectively life would be better this way". The only people cheering it on are literal LARPs who have been playing Rust on their computers and watching memes about primitive life. It is purely reactionary. The majority of people posting Ted memes are the same motherfuckers with black sun profile pics on their socials commenting about "muh tradition, muh heritage, evropa" and its futile to pretend otherwise.


Moved to >>>/dead/5219.

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