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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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I find it ironic that 4chin rightoids invented the midwit meme when evidence shows left wingers have both lower and higher I Q than right wingers. Rightoids like Chris Rufo try to spin this as le "middle class versus lumpenproletariat+academic "low-high coalition"".

But the truth is rightoids if we go by statistics are literally midwits.




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what the fuck is uygha talking about


While it is funny to call people midwits, it was will always remain a cope theory. In french we use "semi-abile" which is better because it's not some blanket category or nonsensical cast and instead just describes a type of overconfident neophyte behavior. "Midwitt" meanwhile is just:
>"No you see all the most intelligent folx and the labourous working man thinks like me! Unlike my ennemy who are the too-normal boring masses oppressing us."
Carl Schmitt for faggot retards.


it has more to do with class. these people went to uni, work in tec, post on reddit, and believe everything on CNN


yeah but 4chin rightoids are literally just guys that dropped out of their engineering program and live with their parents


It's funny that leftypol never made a single popular meme



Believing everything on cnn would still make you better informed than 90% of poltards


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But /pol/ for all their faults is better at shitting on the GOP than CNN


>low-high coalition
lmao righttards always make up new copes for why no one fucking likes them

neat terminology anon, if I was french I'd prolly abuse the fuck out of it


Believing everything on cnn would still make you better informed than 90% of poltards

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