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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internet about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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296 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Isn't it supposed to be an anarchic free speech site for leftists?
No actually, check rule 15, it's old 4chan rules, just because you can post anything doesn't mean you have a guarantee it won't be taken down, I can say "EVA was dogshit" and get a ban for that and have my post removed like on old cuckchan because janny said "This post violates the stated mission of /leftypol/."
Come to think of it I don't think I remember a single iteration of /leftypol/ that wasn't a "rulecuck" rigid board on the level of /a/ or 8/v/, where certain things and discussions got you kicked off.
Also common misconception, a board by itself is not anarchic, websites are. I.e designated loli/jb boards on 8, or loli being allowed on cuck/b/ or /ic/.


That rule is necessary, we can't possibly define every kind of violation which would diminish the quality of the site


>Why does this site censor criticism of Jews?
It doesn't. Check this book out.
It does censor racist conspiracy theories, mindless nationalism and other reactionary crap, because it's off-topic junk.

>anarchic free speech site

Never was, and for that matter, most imageboards aren't. Even 4chan /b/ wasn't 'free speech', despite the lolbert mythology of it. Mods there even censored each other, and that was part of the fun.


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Kill yourself stormfag


bullshit, fashoid.


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I see this (argument) posted all the time to which I say my ideology is not "Always do the opposite of what the bourgeoisie do no matter what." Not even the Nazi's did that, that's like actually how a child views the world.
Yes the current capitalist meta is absorb everyone into it, regardless of race, religion, or orientation, and to a lesser extent indoctrinate them into thinking capitalism isn't the problem, white supremacy or the west or some bullshit is, but capitalism with black owned and lgbt owned characteristics is somehow based, but I'm not about to oppose literally everyone else on the planet but me just because they do.
Just 99% of them who refuse to renounce capitalism when at gunpoint. We will need to kill 99% of the population eventually most likely but it will both include white people, and likely not maximize all groups of any religious or ethnic group much less certain orientations of whom never got much attention from old regimes like the Nazi's that you probably jerk off to anyway comparatively to jews.
Not that they won't be forced to evolve on some level post revolution, orthodox interpretations and practices will be banned, and not just for jews or Islam, I can't stand modern Christians anymore either, if they talk about the word of God even once just shoot them. I see what you're trying to say but trust me it'll go both ways and not be particularly against any one group as long as they behave themselves.


This is why imageboards are no different from mainstream social media


These days they're worse actually.


>workimg on the weekends as usual


I just had a thread about environmentalism and eugenics that got deleted in /siberia/, so I’m checking to see if I’ve been banned.


Seems the mods are doing a whole lot of deleting recently without banning.


Any idea why they would have censored the topic?


No idea. Just I noticed they deleted like a bunch of posts that I made a few hours ago but I think the IPs I used are still unbanned. They deleted a post I made that could be interpreted as anti-Christian. It wasn't even that strongly anti-Christian, just giving some facts about Christianity. I can't understand their reasoning for anything they do.


/siberia/ isn't for (political) threads too shit for /leftypol/ in any case.
>see if I’ve been banned
Not yet. I predict it will be the case soon.


>Many of us leftists hate Jews, and that has nothing to do with "muh pol", it has to do with noticing reality.
If your version of reality involves attacking random proletarians because you conflate them with members of the bourgy, due to them sharing a single circumstance of birth then you've not noticed, but fallen for a trap.


Watching spongebob and scoobydooby do


matrix mawds can you let me in


Why are we allowing /pol/yps to just openly shit up the main board all afternoon with weak bait?


Because it's fun. Hide threads and filter flags you don't want to see.
Or just use a site which isn't a /pol/ split.



I am this close to giving up on English / global internets. It’s 50% idiots (including those on the left), 50% guys in Meade who couldn’t cut it and got assigned to influence ops instead.


Well, what do you want? Serious conversation? I haven't used it, but eRegime seems to be highly recommended. Link on homepage.


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>nomen est omen
>biology is destiny
rip and tear till what's done is done etc. etc.


>filter flags
Lol, lmao even.


Try it out on tankiefag. It makes the board so much better.


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We are pretty much the only ones bringing any dynamism and fun to this place.


Its some kind of retarded jannie policy to allow /pol/ shilling. I hardly find it funny that they are shitting up the board.


If you don't like a splash of spice, this cafe ain't a good idea.


>There is a time for everything,
> and a season for every activity under the heavens:
> a time to be born and a time to die,
> a time to plant and a time to uproot,
> a time to kill and a time to heal,
> a time to tear down and a time to build,
> a time to weep and a time to laugh,
> a time to mourn and a time to dance,
> a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
> a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
> a time to search and a time to give up,
> a time to keep and a time to throw away,
> a time to tear and a time to mend,
> a time to be silent and a time to speak,
> a time to love and a time to hate,
> a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3 NIV


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and there's a time for the SoulCalubur VI tournament!

Alunya (/leftypol/) vs. Christ Chan (/christian/) starts in ~3 hours, join the cytube linkin the thread for banter.


Why is this so low res. Save some proper clips man.


so is this the errrr… welcome thread then?


I dunno, if you can't handle some proper fucking autism you're probably in the wrong place.




100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 edgyness rating




This isn't optimal about either.


The who
The what


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https://tov-anton.livejournal.com/15642.html (russian)

Red Khmers' brochure "democratic Cambodia moves forward"

Immediately after the seizure of political power, the working class assumed technical power. A new generation of workers and working women is being born, consisting of young people, fighters of the Revolutionary Army, people from the peasant poor and the middle classes. They are endowed with a deep love for the people, the Motherland and the Revolution, and a high spirit of collectivism. They are armed with a revolutionary position of independence, sovereignty and independence, tempered over five years of the people's national liberation war. At the current stage of the revolution, they put their collectivism, their perseverance, their enthusiasm and their creative spirit in the service of national defense and creation.

While the communes of agricultural production are mobilizing all their efforts to solve the water problem, to modernize and develop agriculture, workers' collective trade unions are concentrating their efforts on repairing damaged factories, restoring factories completely destroyed by the war and increasing industrial production. This production is put at the service of modernizing agriculture, improving the living conditions of the workers and peasants, and strengthening national independence and sovereignty.

Under the neocolonial regime, before liberation, factories were equipped with imported equipment, and spare parts and raw materials depended on foreigners. The machines were rarely operated by citizens. Now a new generation of workers in Democratic Kampuchea has fully taken over the operation of all factories, which from now on supplied spare parts, as well as raw materials produced in the country. At the same time, under the slogan "Do everything possible to quickly increase the quantity and quality of products while spending less", workers' unions have built new factories, restored and improved existing equipment and introduced new production methods that increase productivity while reducing cost.


While some take 'multi-polarity' to imply the coexistence of large powers and therefore identify the late 19th century as 'multipolar,' multi-polarity refers to a new particularization and regionalization of global hegemony.

Drawing from Alexandre Kojève's notion of the 'universal and homogeneous state,' multi-polarity is in the Hegelian sense the rise of 'determinate universalism,' as opposed to the 'abstract universalism' characteristic of American super-imperialism. Newly emergent regional poles give globalization a concrete and civilizational character, thus corresponding to the rise of states that are simultaneously universal and particular, global, and regional.

Multi-polarity represents the sublation of the global American system into regional forms, that render it superfluous.


Did the default theme change or is it the NSA fucking with me?


Just don't worry about it it's fine


April Fool’s to switch to Leftychan’s theme. I’m still surprised it hasn’t been reverted yet.


Switching the site to a theme which has more legible color contrast as a joke, guess I'll have to keep paying the ban tax and changing it


Happy Birthday Vladimir Iljitš


Techno feudalism is increasingly becoming a bigger threat than fascism.


it's the same picture


>techno feudalism


Welcome everyone to all of the new peeps!


Bringing up the issue on feudalism is more an interesting point though because most of the people who use the term are already critical of capitalism.
The differentiation between a rentier and a profit-driven surplus extraction economy is actually pretty important.

Unique IPs: 30

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