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 No.488146[Last 50 Posts]


I'd like to have a better way to report cp or spam.
Is there a public martix room for the .org mods?


Hi I got banned from leftychan.org for asking about what happened in the past few days. Please unban me


You'd need to take it up with them. But why would you want to?



We do not control the other site so there's nothing we can do about that.


>gets banned on leftychan.org.
>goes to complain about it on leftypol.org
top keko.


Our mods are banned there too so I don't think they can help.


You literally split with them?
Now it's split between factions? Interesting.


I made a post on the Anarchist general to see if anyone agreed with a section of Jacques ellul's Anarchy and Christianity and for some reason that was deleted? I don't understand why, it couldn't have been idpol? I can't find the mod logs either.



You probably posted it on the wrong site.


Thank you.
You're right, i posted it on the leftychan, and checked leftypol.org and saw that it wasn't there.


>You literally split with them?
Read the stickies, 3+1 mods couped and purged the ones they didn't like, so the rest joined them and revived leftypol.org.


That seems like an oversimplification.


Literally everything is. But the stickies explain in more and more detail the more you care to read. In the end, it doesn't matter much.


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Dumb mods I'm not leftcom, we probably share ISP and you're banning me for that, do your work.


110% doubt but go off


I'm not him, I'm not gonna dox myself to prove that though.


Use ban appeal button


I already did and it seems it actually worked for once.


Mod pasquale is banning people based on pure dumb assumptions (ISP), I know you want to stop spam but almost rangeban entire countries because of a ISP is a very dumb thing to do.


>You're right, i posted it on the leftychan, and checked leftypol.org and saw that it wasn't there.
One time I was making site changes and was refreshing for about 10 minutes wondering why nothing was changing and all the new stuff was broken until I realized I was visiting leftychan.



trolling, repetitive spam


i'm just commenting on what's wrong with your info graph
In your flow chart or mind map (the thing with boxes connected by arrows) you can get stuck in a loop and the only way out is suicide.
The bigger error this has however is that it is making static comparisons, as in does it fulfill all the criteria of a static definition, or does it tick all the boxes.
The movement to build Socialism (or any political movement) however is a dynamic process, and you ask what direction is a society developing into. So for socialism you look at people within a specific set of material conditions working towards a socialist model. That means that even before they have reached their goal of workers controlling the means of production, it still counts as socialism, because they are developing into that direction.


Hi, I'm the one that starts with 118.137 which is currently at the time of writing banned "for advocating anarcho-capitalism" only for complimenting that a girl in a pic is pretty. I'm not an ancap myself. Why can it be?


PS: I'm definitely not repeating my actions posted before, only 1 time is enough.


The staff on duty have reviewed your appeal and considered you innocent. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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The mods truly are merciful!


Oh thanks!


Ban poster of these posts in leftypol


It's ok, we did receive the 14 reports.


Why you would ban someone for simping for some girl? dumb mods.


whys /tech/ still have a broken captcha enabled?


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the girl in that pic looked about 7


Anchoring these threads on leftypol was the correct decision. Good work.




Site down for anyone else?


We are being raided by /pol/ and mods are nowhere to be found, you people should distribute the moderation duties so there can be at least 1 mod present at all times.


We all have a life, anon. This isn't some paid job where people have a set time they are obligated to moderate for, it's volunteer work. Mods mod when they post, and for many this is a Friday night they spend with people IRL.
There will probably be an effort to recruit more staff once we're satisfied the site is stable again and the rules are improved a bit, but there aren't too many people who want to become moderators .Would you?


>I've now been schizo-banned twice only to have it revoked
What bans are you referring to?


you've been /marked/


I'm here to dispute my ban for 1 week on being "anti-vaxx" when I literally did nothing of the sort. My post, which was subsequently deleted by Comet, contained no anti-vaxx material and was on the topic of Ivermectin and how it's being attacked by the CAPITALIST Status Quo.

The responses have been spamming the same "horse anti-parasite" meme and "muh Dore" with blatantly liberalist talking points to boot. All this even though within my post I explicitly state
"Not saying Dore isn't being retarded here, but anyone caught saying "horse dewormer" is being played as much as the antivaxxers and the gullible overdosing who are going to suffer just so the US government can justify more overt integration with silicon valley."

Literally everything about the drug that I posted is based on accepted mainstream medical sites such as Mayo Clinic OR are based on public media reports and scientific studies.
I literally greentexted the main points of these links and added argumentation and explanations, and get literal glowing responses about "muh contrarianism" when disagreeing with porky's status quo and/or criticizing it is not "contrarianism".


I'm here to dispute my ban for 1 week on being "anti-vaxx" when I literally did nothing of the sort. My post, which was subsequently deleted by Comet, contained no anti-vaxx material and was on the topic of Ivermectin and how it's being attacked by the CAPITALIST Status Quo.

The responses have been spamming the same "horse anti-parasite" meme and "muh Dore" with blatantly liberalist talking points to boot. Not a single source contradicting the drugs use as a human medication, nor a single argument as to why the drug is "bad". The only thing approaching an argument was posting dubious screenshots of Milo Yiannopolis's tweets (which are likely a Grift) and reddit-spaced strawman greentext.
All this even though within my post I explicitly state.
>"Not saying Dore isn't being retarded here, but anyone caught saying "horse dewormer" is being played as much as the antivaxxers and the gullible overdosing who are going to suffer just so the US government can justify more overt integration with silicon valley."
Literally everything about the drug that I posted is based on accepted mainstream medical sites such as Mayo Clinic OR are based on public media reports and scientific studies.
I literally greentexted the main points of these links and added argumentation and explanations, and get literal glowing responses about "muh contrarianism" when disagreeing with porky's status quo and/or criticizing it is not "contrarianism".


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Why is the mod antinous modding erratically? funposting using mod powers and "muh pronouns xDD" should be unacceptable, and those are some weird bans too.
This is childish behavior, and I'm not even the one who was banned.


They seem fine to me.


back to leftcel.net


I support these bans.


there is unironically nothing wrong with getting rid of incels



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schizo, you should be permabanned


The stated ban reason was misleading and we've discussed it in the staff room. The offense was 'COVID denialism outside COVID-19 general', which is stated in the COVID-19 general OP. I'll admit it's not a well-advertised rule but it's been there for months.

The ban has been reduced to 24hrs.


>24 hour reduction
Ok, I can accept that. I'll admit I was not aware of the C-19 general OP rules, since I haven't checked on the thread for over half a year (or even looked it up in catalog, mostly because it's such a toxic place most of the time. Honestly I just got caught up in an argument I wasn't intending to get into. I merely used this alt to post here for an appeal, since the appeal system for bans has an EXTREMELY limited character limit and didn't allow for a decent appeal. I wasn't posting in anything else.

Thanks for the fair review.


Can you please stop ban TOR adresses and do your job? A lot of this website function because people can post in anonymity, so it really sucks when someones post cp because we have to see naked children AND we can't post anymore. Just delete the stuff as you go without preventing us to post.


If you have a tor address then don't block it.


What does "board is locked" mean? Did i get banned? it comes up every time i post on /b/


It needed to be banned temporarily due to an ongoing spam wave


Yes. There is a Tor address and cytube should work with it too.
/b/ moved to /Siberia/


Holy fucking shit all my posts have been deleted see who the mod was replying to here:


Real transparent when you have it plastered on your site mod team. Again, winning two fucking appeals while posting on the same IP is not ban evasion - you can not chalk that up to a mod 'accidentally' unbanning me and then saying I'm ban evading because 'I should have known better.'

And I am only using Tor to dispute the fact that I haven't broken a single rule, and have now been wrongfully rebanned for the third time.

I will screencap this in case my posts are once again cowardly deleted. The mod team is bananas.


You were permabanned for advocating child molestation. You are ban evading with this post.


Include me in the screencap.


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That's actually completely false, I was banned on a 24 hour notice for mysogny which I appealed and won, I was then permabanned for ban evasion which I appealed and won and posted in this thread about, I have now been once again banned for ban evasion.

This is why I'm pissed, don't make up nonsense.


I have the posts in question and permabans for child molestation advocation. I can post them if you give me explicit permission to do so. Yes you originally recieved 1 day for a few posts with the reason "misogyny".


Then why the fuck were my subsequent bans for 'ban evasion' when I did no such thing, don't retroactively change your judgment because you have a vendetta. And I never once encouraged rape of any kind that is an outright lie.


why are pedos so cringe?


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Here's my proof that is was for ban evasion and the cowardly nonsense excuse that I shouldn't have posted after having my ban lifted.


>why the fuck were my subsequent bans for 'ban evasion'
Because you were ban evading, you are permanently banned so your posts will be delete on site. Otherwise you are not banned


How can I be ban invading when posting on the same IP which is what the original post this mod replied to was about:


All subsequent 'ban evasions' have been to DISPUTE THIS on the thread literalyl dedicated to disputing bans. Also I was banned after an appeal twice not once using the same ip (because i kept winning my appeals by another mod)


>How can I be ban invading when posting on the same IP
You personally as a user are banned. What do you think ban evasion entails?

>because i kept winning my appeals by another

You didn't "win" anything. The mod that unbanned you was not aware of the original permaban you received, and upon learning of this agreed with the decision to keep the ban in place.


Then why did it happen twice this is the actual order of events:

> was banned on a 24 hour notice for mysogny which I appealed and won
> I was then permabanned for ban evasion which I appealed and won and posted in this thread about
>I have now been once again banned for ban evasion.

How can I be permabanned for winning an appeal and thenr etroactively punished for it TWICE with evidence in the thread about it. That's insane. And then you make up some crap that the ban is for something else.


>You personally as a user are banned. What do you think ban evasion entails?
What the fuck does that even mean, if I can continue posting after banning WITH THE SAME PREVIOUSLY BANNED IP obviously I'm going to think the ban was lifted because how the FUCK ELSE am I being allowed to post.



The order of events was
>banned for 1 day with reason "misogyny"
>older thread reviewed
>banned permanently for ban evasion
>identities connected and confirmed same user, previously instated permaban carried over to new IPs.
>mistakenly unbanned temporarily


>>banned permanently for ban evasion
Typo change this to
>permanently banned for advocating child molestation


The order of events was
>banned for 1 day with reason "misogyny"
< Appealed and won and continued posting
>older thread reviewed
>banned permanently for ban evasion
< After winning a previous appeal
>identities connected and confirmed same user, previously instated permaban carried over to new IPs.
< You mean because I posted in this thread saying I was the same user, real detective work poirot
>mistakenly unbanned temporarily

From my order of events:

> Banned for misogyny

> Appealed
> Next morning can post and continue to do so
> Banned for evasion
> Appealed and unbanned
> Banned again and told the prior ban was 'accidental' but not the first appeal won.


It's clear you have no indication of lifting this, but you are completely incorrect and this shows a lack of any transparency by the mod in question


Yes as I explained your order of events was wrong, you did not see the permanent ban for advocating child molestation. Which is the reason you are permanently banned.




I am clear on what happened. Unless you have anything else to add to the verdict I would ask you to leave leftypol.


It's clear youre a dishonest liar and I will screencap and post this at a later date.


Oh please do.


>identities connected and confirmed same user
are you keeping fucking files on users? wtf?


Hi, nice site. Hope you don't mind if I stay here.


Yes, nonces get their special notes on the mod team's Death Note.



Why was my thread removed?


It was merged into the Covid thread not removed, that's all I know.


They do it to everyone. Site glows like the sun


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Here's another where they claim attaching cookies is actually good because of dialectics I shit you not.


Can >>>/anime/2912 have "Dragon Ball Super" added to the OP so it comes up in Catalog search? Thanks



it's illegal to put cookies on users' computers without notifying them and/or giving them a way to opt out


It's not really 'illegal', but this was just an idea, which was never carried out.




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> It's not illegal
Actually it is. A general rule is any cookies used to track users require a public facing privacy policy (will hold up for EU and US laws). That one of the mods wanted to institute this as a way to trick users 'easy to evade but only if you're aware' the intention of subterfuge is clear.

Here's another screenshot from leftychan pointing out these mods are creating dossiers of all the users no different than your power tripping boss or landlord does. It's basically a bourgeois dictatorship run by power-tripping duplicitous psychos.

and tor is downand tor is downand tor is downand tor is downand tor is downand tor is downand tor is downand tor is downand tor is downand tor is down


What was post >>>/anime/9614 If anyone does not mind me asking? I just wanted to know the gist of what was deleted from the board's threads.


It's not a crime, it's a civil offense. And it also doesn't apply in all circumstances, these are not marketing cookies. But once again it never even happened anyway. Sometimes we joke about stuff that we don't actually do, shocking I know.


>Actually it is.
It's not, you stupid fuck. Post the relevant law or shut the fuck up with your wrecker FUD.
And you're bitching about a hypothetical. Where's this cookie you're bitching about? Show it or shut the fuck up.

Pure wrecker shit, go wreck the coupers site. Go vote about banning transhumanists or whatever you guys do over there.


> simping for stalker mods.


A duplicate post that had been reported as such.


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>A general rule
As someone who formally studied international cyber law, I feel obligated to say HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Might as well say there's a general rule that words begin with a vowel.

but that line aside:
- GDPR explicitly notes you don't need to get consent for 'strictly necessary cookies', which such a hypothetical cookie would be as it's storing the state of a ban to prevent site abuse, just like a login cookie but far less information and nothing personal nor identifying.
- leftychan.org servers store a cookie on your browser without consent or explanation every time you post, and have since at least December, so even if your legal claim was true, it would still be hypocritical.
- You're discussing law on a site hosting literally thousands of copyright-protected images, and hosting socialist symbols explicitly illegal to depict to some regular users. You're being an idiot.


Lmao good take down. Salty dramafags gonna dramafag.




So you can only call people and Anglo if you are pro China now I see.. that China thread is full of people calling me an Anglo but if I say it back ironically that’s a ban, you mods truly disgust me


It's actual spam if you repeat the same post five times+
that's it


It wasn’t the same post though, it is however always the same thing said to me. Be consistent, ban the poster on that thread who calls me Anglo like 5 times


Yes, it was. I really couldn't give less of a fuck. Stop spamming.


So you are going to ban the other poster for calling me an Anglo over and over then


a) it's not spam
b) I don't think that is one other poster




There is one other poster who called me an Anglo more than 5 times would you like me to go back and count the posts and link them? It’s probably you


I just hit the brakes when I see spam, I don't care what you get up to.


Obviously not because there was spam before that and you haven’t banned them because they are still posting


No, spam is easy to see, there is no spam.


Spam in your view is repeatedly posting the word Anglo even ironically yes?


Inside two minutes, for sure. Ironically or not I could not care less.


Ok having looked through a ton of threads and boards I've realized that a shitton of threads that were relatively active are just fucking gone. WTH happened?! The Joker thread was on Pag 5 or 6 so it didn't get bumped off the board. Numerous threads are also missing posts. My enormous Lysenko effort post is fucking gone from the Permaculture thread I only located it after scraping through the archives of Bunkerchan.


Did you know there's a search function on the site? Not the catalog, a proper search function.
Not sure what happened to the threads you mention. If they were on bunkerchan then they probably dropped off the board at this point….


Ys I know there is a search function
A) it has bugs
B) I used it as well
>dropped off
No, Joker as a thread was on Page 5 o 6 right before the recent leftychan/leftypol split, and it just disappeared into thin air. The Permaculture thread is still up, but it's just missing random posts for no reason.


With those posts you reported with the missing line breaks that messed up the formatting, that appears to have been caused by posting issues back in December last year, as the posts look the same on leftychan.
Since literally hundreds of posts are like this, it will take a long time to fix.


Am I correct in assuming these threads are only on /edu/, /hobby/ and /tech/? A bump ordering issue may have placed popular posts at the end of the catalog where they were pruned when a new thread was made.
I will try and recover them today.


And /anime/ I've been spending the past day and a half recovering what content I can, but I'm not a mod, so, if you can help, that would be appreciated.

Unique IPs: 46

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