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/leftypol_archive/ - leftypol archive

Our own National Museum
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File: 1641449393861-0.mp4 (2.47 MB, 640x352, 1637010286019.mp4)

File: 1641449393861-2.webm (2.83 MB, 828x460, 1629292895516-2.webm)

File: 1641449393861-4.webm (384.42 KB, 960x720, Jeremiah Wright.webm)

 No.561028[View All]

Post yer vids 'ere, webms, mp4s are welcome.

First thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/9920

Second thread >>>/leftypol_archive/481354

Third thread >>>/leftypol_archive/492596

WebMConverter by WebMBro: https://github.com/WebMBro/WebMConverter "WebM for retards."
553 posts and 470 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1654289430411.mp4 (15.08 MB, 406x720, 165431095.mp4)


what's the source on the fourth webm? story?


File: 1654351994897.mp4 (14.5 MB, 1280x720, mWGZ8VW79bY.mp4)



File: 1654501346859.mp4 (11.35 MB, 384x288, Polski kapitalizm.mp4)


File: 1654529663114.mp4 (151.82 KB, 452x480, XWHO3658.MP4)


Anyone has the Civilize the mind make savage the body Mao webm?


What an interesting hobby




File: 1654622401467.mp4 (3.33 MB, 1718x720, Flag Flag Conspiracy.mp4)




Subtitled Version


This is a really good edit





File: 1654922763884.webm (5.77 MB, 852x480, china basketball.webm)







File: 1655379803122.webm (2.83 MB, 640x480, homofascism.webm)


>even the Communist Party actively working to contain the movement
Western """leftist""" tailists seem sus tbh fam


Are you referring to the TikTok guy or the PCF? Because the PCF absolutely cucked out.


Yeah, I don't understand how a fucking communist party would actively try to stop a general strike, jesus christ.


What's worst about it is the government's opinion was that if PCF sided with them and went on the offensive then they would have outright won. DeGaulle even fled the country.
Apparently it was Moscow whispering in their ear and cucking out again but I don't know enough about it to say if that's the case.


File: 1655392566691.webm (1.67 MB, 1280x548, Torture in Cuba.webm)

added subs



File: 1655396288939.mp4 (3.8 MB, 480x360, videoplayback.mp4)




File: 1655398116106.jpg (66.49 KB, 640x480, 1429323513416.jpg)

I thought this was just a /siberia/ meme, what the fuck


What the fuck


I've also seen women breastfeeding tiger cubs.


humble brag.


Is this even legal?



Its literally over.


>(white woman breastfeeding a cat)


I thought they fucked dogs, now they breastfeed cats?


where's the judge steve harvey nuremberg trials edit


Where's this from?


Seven psychopaths. Not a very good movie tbh


File: 1655501799038.png (552.62 KB, 799x821, ClipboardImage.png)

Bourgeois electorialism: not even once.


File: 1655502992068.mp4 (38.32 MB, 400x266, August_Willich.mp4)


File: 1655676438434.mp4 (14.84 MB, 1280x720, WHAT ABOUT THE MEMES.mp4)





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