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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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 No.32746[View All]

Come dispute bans, complain, and other such things related to /leftypol/ here. Please try not to spam this thread or make multiple posts on the same issue, as this makes it harder for us to respond to issues.

145 posts and 15 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Has the node been throttled the last couple of days? Shits taking forever to load and upload


>that's not how imageboards work, that's not even how /pol/ works.
gtfo we are not /pol/, but leftist. There is no left mirror image of fascism, nihilism or misogyny. >>33147
>People don't go looking for obscure imageboards to be educated about politics.
you are legit retarded. Left politics and this site are about education. I've got plenty of it in the years that I've been trapped here.
>normal people
yeah bro, normal people. People that haven't been desensitized to whatever guro you jerk off to. Ask for their consent before you stick it in their faces if you want them to consider your political ideology.


An imageboard is about whatever its owner wants it to be. I personally find the eternal ghost of "normal people" that neurotics constantly bring up to back up their screeching tiresome.


Is the node slow for anyone else?


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>we are not /pol/, but leftist.
We're literally LeftyPOL moron.
>Left politics and this site are about education
No, this is an anonymous forum for discussion, with the primary focus being about casual political discussion, including shitposts, humor and memes. Yes people can learn while they're doing this, but that doesn't mean you need to be a prudish twat, whining about porn on the literal /b/ board of the site.
>I've got plenty of it in the years that I've been trapped here.
I'll dare say that some of it from me, considering that a good number of effortposts on /edu/ and 8ch/leftypol/ that STILL circulate to this day were written by me and other old-fags.
Stop concern trolling, liberal, that has zero relevance to the post you're replying to.
We literally have a board for that called >>>/dead/ newfag.
Liberalism is the mirror of fascism; scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.
>yeah bro, normal people.
<"muh normies!" again
I literally wrote an effortpost as to why shit like furry porn is NOT something to use for public propaganda, that personal sexual proclivities are not topics to bring up during activist meetings, etc. This isn't a coherent political party, it's a small, casual image-posting forum.
>People that haven't been desensitized to whatever guro you jerk off
Take your slippery-slope strawman back to reddit. Nobody is arguing for guro to be allowed unspoilered, it's a commonly accepted and mostly uncontested rule here, and on most imageboards. Fuck off with this bad-faith nonsense. Normal people mostly do not come to imageboards, hell most normal people don't know what 4chan is, let alone this site.
>Ask for their consent before you stick it in their faces
This isn't a hugbox, you're coming to OUR community and you accept what it entails, not the other way around.

TL;DR: Radlibs get out, you get the wall too.


>discussion of left politics is not about education
>effortposts are not about education
>I don't want to attract new users to see the effortposts
>criticizing porn of any kind makes you a prude
luckily others don't agree with you and know when to get shit off the site >>33046 unlike the retards that reflexively defend it.
You've been here for over a decade and are happy for the administration and infrastructure to be used exclusively by obsessives. Congratulations, you've been spooked. There is so much more potential here without sacrificing anything important.


Even Hexbear which is radlib central allows NSFW content despite being primarily a place for leftist politics.


nobody wants to ban NSFW content. It's the constant pushing of the boundaries and niche shit appearing on the /overboard/ that's fucked. This isn't about banning shit, it's about putting shit in a place where people can make a choice about seeing it. /dead/ doesn't appear on the /overboard/, make a /porn/ board that doesn't either.


I don't get the complaint then. Siberia is already the designated off-topic board, which includes NSFW content too.


If you don't want to see the porn then use the SFW overboard, it's right there.


>It's the constant pushing of the boundaries and niche shit appearing on the /overboard/ that's fucked.
Also there's already a SFW overboard…


the discussion up the thread was about anons browsing the site with their parents and in public and getting told
>only retards would browse /leftypol/ in public


That has been internet wisdom since the 90s at the very least.


same, barely able to upload anything and pages take forever to load


>strawman misrepresentations again
Go back
>criticizing porn of any kind
LMAO nice backpedal, problem is people can scroll up in this thread; If you're going to whine about >>33122 and later bring up guro you're rightfully called a prudish, puritan faggot for your slipper-slope fallacy nonsense.

>luckily others don't agree with you

<Exact same narrative and writing style
Ok samefaggot. And no, most people do not, in fact agree with you. It's why /siberia/ exists and is the second most popular board, because it's NSFW and people can casually post most NSFW there.
>know when to get shit off the site
LMAO the mods didn't delete that post idiot, it got and reposted. "normal people" wouldn't know to look at the Overboard anyway, they go to the main board, and use catalog.
>Congratulations, you've been spooked
Congrats, you're revealing yourself to be a pseud, using meme-terminology you don't even understand.
>are happy for the administration and infrastructure to be used exclusively by obsessives
The fuck does this nonsense mean? How delusional are you that you take people posting porn in specific threads and rejecting bad faith attempts at getting it censored as somehow representative of the whole site's content? People talk about a lot of shit. I can post porn in a porn thread for fun and then write up an effort-post on 19th century Imperial Japanese policy or usage of Diesel Generators, or Historical uses of Armored trains, because unlike your snowflake ass, I'm not an entitled bitch that gets annoyed that someone is posting in a thread I don't like even though it doesn't break any rules.
Hide and Ignore and stop being a wanker.
>There is so much more potential here without sacrificing anything important
Oh don't pretend to be supportive of this site - it's an imageboard, not a work of fine-art or a coherent political organization. And what do you mean important? By that metric, 90% of posts ought to be deleted because they're not important; shitposts, jokes, or memes are fairly common parts of banter and conversation, but they're not important. By your logic we should destroy all of that and focus on what…? Dry discourse? That's what /edu/ is for, which is why it's a slower board for intellectual discussion.

PS there's LITERALLY /sfw/ meant to filter out NSFW content from Siberia, you fucking MORON.


>nobody wants to ban NSFW content
Bitch, this entire shitfest began because someone demanded a picture of Misato's feet get spoilered ITT despite no tits, ass, pussy or otherwise being on display. The other post complained about an image appearing on Overboard, an image that will literally VANISH from overboard within minutes anyway.
>/dead/ doesn't appear on the /overboard/, make a /porn/ board that doesn't either.
Buddy, I'd LOVE to have an NSFW board, but that isn't happening anytime soon, since that's up to the Devs, take it up with them instead of haranguing people and demanding mods spoiler content that isn't breaking rules because you think you can otherwise show someone this site and not look like a spaghetti-dropping wacko.


Why is this still anchored? If you're going to move it to /siberia/ may as well just move it to the Alunya thread


it's fucked
My prognosis: It'll stay fucked


To the fags discussing porn: Please get a hobby or something, it feels like the jobless discussing the concept of NSFW
This is a persistent, known spammer. Try to pay attention if you want to opine on decisions.


>persistent, known spammer
Anon, the Commiecat shitposts have been done for at least half a decade at this point, I remember when the first posts were made on 8ch/leftypol/ and art was posted. I wasn't online when this particular OP was posted and I'm not a mod who can see IPs, so I have no fucking idea who the OP is, spammer or not. It's mostly innocuous Alunya lewds and a silly trolling premise about Alunya being busty, which are fine in /siberia/, hence my question about the anchor and suggestion the posts be moved to the related thread.


Look, let me be honest, pretending ignorance is even more obnoxious than real ignorance.


>still can't fucking upload pics on siberia
I just want to contribute to the dump threads.


>Pretending ignorance
I'm not pretending anything. I don't pay attention to most OPs on /leftypol/ nowdays because I'm not interested, I only care about socialism and the Ukrainian war in regards to that board, I don't follow or want to follow the going-abouts of spammers on there, so when I saw the thread crop up in siberia, I had no context for it, other than it being an old-style Commiecat shitpost.


How many cocks do you think we could fit in your asshole at the same time? It must be at least five.


noticing chvd raiders in siberia a lot
they seem to have a zionist bent


That's still not the heart of the issue. Why have an opinion on every little fucking thing? Clogging up the airways. White noise at best.


>ukrainian general faggot
of fucking course


mods pls stop throttling the tor node it should not take an hour to upload a 40 mb post


>Oh don't pretend to be supportive of this site it's an imageboard, not a work of fine-art or a coherent political organization.
Anon you're replying to me here. NIce effortpost, much passion. Fundamentally, I think that the thoughtful effort threads and many effortposts deserve a much wider audience. Having certain types of porn on the same site as these threads prevents that.
>Put most of the porn in a hidden board like /dead/
>literally live mirror the educational effortthreads on on another site that contains only these threads and minimal porn.
The value in these threads is that they're discussing things from an informed left perspective, like the /cybercom/ thread. Where the fuck else does this happen? I don't see discussions like that anywhere else. Like, if I wanted to marginalize and discredit left thought I'd seed discussion spaces with extreme porn. It's a known tactic.
<TLDR find a way to live mirror the academic level threads and discussions on a SFW site if we don't want to make any changes to the board or muh porn


What is happening with the tor node?


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Ok glowie lol


you retards overuse this meme so much its basically just leftpols "faggot" at this point

ive noticed tor is much slower these weeks


CP on overboard pls delete


Free Tor! Tor users yearn for freedom! Stand with Tor users and their fight for freedom!



Why are blatent pol astroturfers allowed to post on Siberia


Such as? Are you talking about the anti-immigration threads? If so, I agree this time.


That and the Indian/BBC threads.


use the report function instead of vaguebooking pls.


I did and they were still up at the time


Cheese Pizza in Siberia, get rid of that shit



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retarded islamic spam bait on siberia


at the same time some naziflag namefag "Gamergate2024" is posting his retarded screenshots from twitter on the main board


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>>>/siberia/514434 has run its course - the cats were adopted and are fine. It's time to archive the thread Mods.


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Gentle reminder to the Dev-Mods of >>31895
The archives are still fucked.


>>>/anime/23678 ought to be merged into >>>/anime/1907 as they're both hentai threads.


>tor node throttled to 15-30Kb/s
>3MB jpeg takes a minute to load
Is the silence on this from mods a message? Why tf is this happening?


I do not know the exact reason, it's likely due to spam and bad weather on tor on the top of that.
Will restart the node anyway


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>>>/siberia/535396 is about TV-Tropes, it belongs in the existing thread about TV Tropes >>>/hobby/21455
Please move it there.


is siberia supposed to be held to the same standards as the rest of leftypol? if not, then it doesnt make sense to move threads from siberia to other boards as their rules arent the same

Unique IPs: 12

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