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 No.443280[View All]

>you arrive home
>there's a manila lrt 1 series 1200 lrv train on your bed
>they're looking at you in the eyes and smiling

what do you do 😳
108 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>>460931 aw shit, someone as autistic as me!!!!! :3
I think that hydrogen fuel cells could potentially help bring eVTOLs to market sooner than expected, due to the fact that they allow for a much higher energy storage density, meaning much larger ranges. But it's also more complex to design and manufacture, as well as more dangerous. Also not much more efficient than combustion engines, so not as exciting, even though it's silent and futuristic and emission-free.


Sorry I missed your post, I was offline for a bit, needed the rest.
>hydrogen fuel cells could potentially help bring eVTOLs to market sooner than expected, due to the fact that they allow for a much higher energy storage density
True, and it's also pretty good in terms of emission reduction
>more complex to design and manufacture, as well as more dangerous.
Technology has leaped ahead, so I think safe manufacture is going to be far easier soon compared to the past as technology develops and improves through practise. It's not really that much more dangerous than a high-octane fuel engine, especially if you properly section off the cell-storage unit kinda like in Lamborghini's which pop off the engine block in case of fire or crash so as to prevent the engine from blowing up and taking the entire car with it.
>not much more efficient than combustion engines
You can word it differently, it is as efficient as a combustion engine for far less of a fuel cost and without emission issues, not to mention the quiet motor which is actually pretty important in airtravel.


>lamborghini's fuel cell tech and safety measures

That's neat, I didn't know they were investing in this. But I'm still a bit skeptical that hydrogen fuel cell tech can be made as safe as other alternatives.

>You can word it differently, it is as efficient as a combustion engine for far less[…]

I didn't think of it that way. When you put it like this, it does look much better than combustion engines.


>hydrogen fuel cell tech can be made as safe as other alternatives.
It took a while for gas tanks to be made safer too, it takes usage and research for safety progress to be made after all.
>When you put it like this, it does look much better than combustion engines.
Exactly my friend.


>horny train porn thread
<anons still manage to debate actual materialism and perspective transport
Only on leftypol


>>466650 very cool
>>464466 very cool



Glad you think so.


I Am Become Train, Ender of Worlds




Looks nice as a thumbnail, but the blurriness at full size is a pain


File: 1702230133082.png (9.64 MB, 3818x3000, ClipboardImage.png)

I thought this one looked fun


Anyone got photos of old locomotives in deserts like pic rel?


>Walter Sache is making aeroshit again


File: 1703607962900.jpg (142.67 KB, 1280x720, Mothra Train.jpg)

Sauce on pic rel?


I dunno why but for the longest time I thought that pic was a weird pigeon costume, and only later realized it's some kid sticking Perry the Platypus out of his neckhole.


>You arrive home on christmas night
>Your 2T10EM gf is under the tree





File: 1707153204209.png (4.7 MB, 2160x3600, ClipboardImage.png)

>Oksana and Liza.
>Both were born on June 27, 1990. Both are bisexual. They work together on the Kuibyshev railway.
>Oksana belongs to the 2TE10M series (1978 project). She is quite thin, has an easy-going nature, calm and kind.
>Liza belongs to the series 2TE10U (1989), has no significant differences from her twin. Unlike Oksana, she is a little plump and has a larger penis and breast size. Liza is more persistent and horny.
>They don't mind a third partner, so you can join them if you're not afraid tall ladies ^^


>Thread Theme
How has nobody posted Crazy Train?


File version


Cripper? Ow, man…


I did not know there's an anthro train fetish specifically.


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This is like Gijinka, it's so far divorced from the actual train that I can't really associate it with one.


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Would you anons?


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File: 1709517231792.png (5.03 MB, 1242x1900, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone have pics rel in finished format? It's called Prize Bomber.
I want it just because of the faggoty watermark calling out Kemono.su.


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>someone made R34 of the Oceangate submersible
Fucking KEK


>RentheDragon is fetishizing being fucked by Russian futas again
As usual


File: 1710375488151.png (10.26 MB, 4096x4096, ClipboardImage.png)

A neat trainmorph head design


are these guys or gals? i need to know if it's gay to be attracted


I dunno, I think the submarine one is a guy but could also be a futa



postieplus catalogues delivered right to my door
also the girl from spykids in the leather suit thing


I think you meant this for >>462227


File: 1711890238186.png (1.37 MB, 1920x1080, Garden Dragon.png)

We need more dragon shaped machines. Even if it ain't practical we'd make up for it in morale.

sauce: https://cohost.org/kobold-factory/post/5266000-walking-garden


This is actually an interesting design as opposed to others I've seen.


>>518451 is this frutiger aero


File: 1712070362672.png (622.24 KB, 735x731, ClipboardImage.png)



gonna tell my kids it is


Gonna be honest, until this post I'd never even heard of Frutiger, sounded made up.


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File: 1712543740480.png (970.48 KB, 2590x1422, ClipboardImage.png)

Pic rel needs an edit/continuation with a Soviet ATGM or a Lancet 'penetrates her armor'


>Primitve Nazi futa jet


A week later and I heard someone make a meme reference to Frutiger and aeromorphs on youtube lol.


For any pony-fags here >>>/hobby/37939


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