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 No.505265[View All]

furry general

This board lacks a proper furry general, thus the reasonable existence for this one. and because /trash/ sucks

Anything included in this list can be here:
porn/porn dumping, murrsuiting, fiction/fanfiction, taboo fetishes should be tagged with a proper warning)
142 posts and 91 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1712281068284.gif (Spoiler Image, 662.46 KB, 1000x750, two wolves whygena artist.gif)

inside me there are two wolves


cop or drop


drop TBH, but I admire her spirit I guess


I knew this joke was coming.


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Good ol' /adhg/ OC


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This is a doomed timeline. I know this because there are no fluffy women to be found. The correct timeline would have them. All we can do is wait for the end.


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>>525558 ambatubus


Bro why



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I don't care if it's done for the lulz or for horny. That's an assholish thing to do to that dog.


check your IRL mailbox, I've sent you a particular pipe shaped object that definitely does NOT explode remotely


>christcuck cant finish reading a 20 word post


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Dunking on tards is my péché mignon.


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He agrees with you faggotron. You can only possibly have gotten what you did out of his post by either cueing a nonexistent sentence into existence, or by literally only reading half of it.


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Monstergirl =/= Furry


>Activate Windows


monsterfags are just furries in denial.


Monstergirl fandom is broader than just anthro characters while being mostly fantasy-specific though. Not all monsters count as furries and not all furries count as monsters.


as a furry i find the sperging out over people not having the same fetishes as you frankly pathetic and incredibly channer brained

i never see scat fetishists complaining that fart sniffers are vanilla faggots or whatever


Using this while posting on a 'chan' is automatically ground for dismissal. Go back.


found the sperg


Ok fag.


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Thoughts on the Protogens? I get they kind of became the new babby's first fursona species at this point like foxes were before, but also cannot knock off how cool the premise of alien cyborg raptor cosmonauts is.


Nothing wrong with being popular, yes they're cute and cool. And nowhere near as rapey as sergals which is a plus


It's an imageboard, actually.


File: 1714418761428.jpg (50.67 KB, 619x630, GGiyx6WWIAA4RRS.jpg)

furry juche






The fuck was this drama?



Scratussy 🥵


is that the ice age squirrel? why's he an alien and also a girl


Those are Scratazons from the fifth movie. They appear pretty briefly, but whoever did their designs knew what they were doing.


Anyone have that one with Rouge the bat with a zune? I think in sportswear but I could be wrong.


I mean there was a girl variant too in the 3rd movie.


I've got the prep, the lube, the dildos, the porn, planning on gooning for 48 hours straight to this thread. The trick is not to be afraid to explore.


u got a thing for zunes or something??


Synths are the true patrician choice, since there aren't retarded design constrictions on those


Never had a zune specifically, but find them being a focus in art facinating. Dedicated music players were a big part of my developmental years, and probably a taste of political thought as I proceed to go to virusful youtube downloader sites on my Dad's laptop with zero regard for copyright. Seeing artists thinking about them these days, particualarly as a household item rather than an audiophile thing, makes me curious if they'll get more popular like how flipphones have had a bit of an uptick lately.
Also just seeing tech built to last that long even as recent as when the zune came out is interesting, like there's people still using those things after over a decade of use. There's probably graceful degradation involved and I wanna see how that works.


Tigress > Zheng


woah thats really cool and deep, even though i was half memeing. i appreciate it anon keep it up


>What could be better than a cat-wife? THREE cat-wives!


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>furry reaction faces


File: 1716170049021-1.mp4 (1.08 MB, 1280x720, that's cringe.mp4)

Youtube is getting REAAALLLY Lax

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